Results for:
Species: Desulfovibrio acrylicus



Compound Details

Synonymous names
Methyl sulfhydrate
Thiomethyl alcohol
Mercaptan methylique
RCRA waste number U153
FEMA No. 2716
Methyl thioalcohol
UN 1064
Methaanthiol [Dutch]
Methanthiol [German]
Methvtiolo [Italian]
Methylmercaptaan [Dutch]
Metilmercaptano [Italian]
Metilmercaptano [Spanish]
SCH 54292
Methyl mercaptan (natural)
Mercaptan methylique [French]
HSDB 813
EINECS 200-822-1
RCRA waste no. U153
BRN 1696840
methane thiol
methyl sulfides
methyl thiol
a methyl thioether
sulfonium methylide
Methanethiol, purum
Methanethiol, 98.0%
EC 200-822-1
Methanethiol, >=98.0%
4-01-00-01273 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Methyl mercaptan [UN1064] [Poison gas]


IUPAC namemethanethiol
PubChem ID878
H-bond Acceptor1
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationsulfur compounds thiols

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
5.95 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for methyl mercaptan is estimated as 0.0031 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) derived from its vapor pressure, 1,510 mm Hg(1), and water solubility, 15,400 mg/L(2). This Henry's Law constant indicates that methyl mercaptan is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(3). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 0.8 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 2.8 days(SRC). Methyl mercaptan's Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces is expected to occur(SRC). Methyl mercaptan is expected to volatilize rapidly from dry soil surfaces based upon its vapor pressure and because it is a gas a temperatures above 6 deg C(SRC). However, gaseous methyl mercaptan gas has been found to strongly adsorb to moist and dry soil surfaces suggesting that adsorption might be an environmental sink for methyl mercaptan(4). Therefore, the importance of volatilization from soil surfaces may be attenuated by adsorption(SRC).
Literature: (1) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis (1989) (2) Hine J, Mookerjee PK; J Org Chem 40: 292-8 (1975) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (4) Smith KA et al; Soil Sci 116: 313-9 (1973)
Soil Adsorption
Using a structure estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(1), the Koc of methyl mercaptan can be estimated to be 13(SRC). According to a classification scheme(2), this estimated Koc value suggests that methyl mercaptan is expected to have very high mobility in soil. Gaseous methyl mercaptan has been observed to partition to soils(3). For example, when gaseous methyl mercaptan was passed over six air-dried and moist (50% field capacity) soils, 2.4-32.1 mg/g and 2.2-21.4 mg/g of methyl mercaptan rapidly adsorbed to the dry and moist soils, respectively(3). Neither the capacity or rate of sorption was correlated to soil pH, organic matter content, or clay content; sterile controls ruled out the involvement of microorganisms(3); it was suggested that adsorption to soil surfaces might be an environmental sink for gaseous methyl mercaptan(3).
Literature: (1) US EPA; Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite. Ver. 4.1. Jan, 2011. Available from, as of July 19, 2012: (2) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (3) Smith KA et al; Soil Sci 116: 313-9 (1973)
Vapor Pressure
1,510 mm Hg at 25 deg CDaubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusNANAChippendale et al. 2014
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADolch et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADolch et al. 2012
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaecalisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaNeisseria MeningitidisNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANACarroll et al. 2005
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PyogenesNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANANA
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNARees et al. 2017
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumonionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumonionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescens0Medicago spp. plant rhizospheresHernández-León et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaNAMülner et al. 2021
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansATCC MYA-2876, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataATCC 90030, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisATCC 750, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus AmyloliquefaciensLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus LicheniformisLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus PumilusLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Istria (Croatia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Baranya (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Somogy (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Abruzzo (Italy) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Kalubara (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Srem (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
ProkaryotaBacillus Amyloliquefaciensn/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisn/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Polymyxan/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaAlpha Proteobacterian/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaGamma Proteobacterian/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaDesulfovibrio Acrylicusn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaParasporobacterium Paucivoransn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Lactisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaBrevibacterium Linensn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Brevisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Hilgardiin/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaPorphyromonas Gingivalisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Nucleatumn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaTreponema Denticolan/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Freundiin/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/aNABunge et al. 2008
ProkaryotaShigella Flexnerin/aNABunge et al. 2008
ProkaryotaSalmonella Enterican/aNABunge et al. 2008
EukaryotaCandida Tropicalisn/aNABunge et al. 2008
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aItalian geographical areas (Piedmont, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Border region area between Emilia Romagna and Marche)Gioacchini et al. 2008
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidananaSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaPseudomonas TolaasiinanaLo Cantore et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidanarhizosphere of bean plants, southern ItalyGiorgio et al. 2015
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumnanaSpraker et al. 2014
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNARees et al. 2016a
EukaryotaSchizophyllum Communen/aNAStotzky and Schenck 1976
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeclinicPreti et al. 2009
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Perolensnasterile fish muscle (Sebastes melanops)Miller et al. 1973
ProkaryotaAchromobacter Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.NANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisNANAToral et al. 2021
MicrobacteriumBallot et al. 2023
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusBHIGC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBIMR-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLBIMR-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaecalisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colihuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaNeisseria Meningitidishuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaPseudomonas selectiveSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBlood agarSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureushuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pneumoniaehuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PyogenesTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeTryptic soya supp. factors X&VTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureustryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeTryptic soyaTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeLBSPME / GCxGC-TOFMSno
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNutrient AgarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB media, DYGS mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaNA media, TSA mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaTSA mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Atrophaeusnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Amyloliquefaciensnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Licheniformisnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Pumilusnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber MagnatumGC-MS-Ono
ProkaryotaBacillus AmyloliquefaciensTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaAlpha Proteobacterian/an/ano
ProkaryotaGamma Proteobacterian/an/ano
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaDesulfovibrio Acrylicusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaParasporobacterium Paucivoransn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Lactisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBrevibacterium Linensn/an/ano
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Brevisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Hilgardiin/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPorphyromonas Gingivalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Nucleatumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaTreponema Denticolan/an/ano
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Freundiin/an/ano
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/an/ano
ProkaryotaShigella Flexnerin/an/ano
ProkaryotaSalmonella Enterican/an/ano
EukaryotaCandida Tropicalisn/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaAB medium + 1% citrate or 0,02% citrate or 1% glucose +1% casaminoacid GC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas TolaasiiKBSPME-GCno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaKing's B AgarSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumCasamino Acid Peptone Glucose agarSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeLB GCxGC-TOF-MSno
EukaryotaSchizophyllum Communen/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PerolensTrypticase soil agar (BBL)GC/MSno
ProkaryotaAchromobacter Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.tryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus Vulpistryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
Microbacteriumtryptone soy (TS medium; Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany)GC-QQQ-MSno



Compound Details

Synonymous names
dimethyl sulfide
Methyl sulfide
Methane, thiobis-
dimethyl sulphide
Methyl thioether
Dimethyl thioether
Methyl sulphide
Methyl monosulfide
Dimethyl monosulfide
Sulfure de methyle
Dimethyl sulfide (natural)
FEMA No. 2746
Methylthiomethyl radical
Methane, 1,1'-thiobis-
Dimethylsulfid [Czech]
Sulfure de methyle [French]
HSDB 356
EINECS 200-846-2
BRN 1696847
Dimethyl sulfane
Sulfide, methyl-
Dimethyl sulfide, 98%
reduced dimethyl sulfoxide
(Methylsulfanyl)methane #
Dimethyl sulfide [UN1164] [Flammable liquid]
Dimethyl sulfoxide(Reduced)
EC 200-846-2
Dimethyl sulfide, >=99%
4-01-00-01275 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Dimethyl sulfide, >=99%, FCC
Dimethyl sulfide, analytical standard
Dimethyl sulfide, >=95.0% (GC)
UN 1164
Dimethyl sulfide, anhydrous, >=99.0%
Dimethyl sulfide, puriss., >=99.0% (GC)
Dimethyl sulfide, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG
Dimethyl sulfide [UN1164] [Flammable liquid]
Dimethyl sulfide, redistilled, >=99%, FCC, FG


IUPAC namemethylsulfanylmethane
PubChem ID1068
H-bond Acceptor1
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationsulfides thioethers sulfur compounds

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
37.3 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for dimethyl sulfide has been measured as 1.61X10-3 atm-cu m/mole(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that dimethyl sulfide is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(2). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 3 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 3 days(SRC). Dimethyl sulfides's Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces may occur(SRC). The potential for volatilization of dimethyl sulfide from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 502 mm Hg(3).
Literature: (1) Gaffney, JS et al; Env Sci Tech 21: 519-23 (1987) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals: Data Compilation. Vol 4. Design Inst Phys Prop Data, Amer Inst Chem Eng, NY, NY: Hemisphere Pub Corp (1989)
Soil Adsorption
The Koc of dimethyl sulfide is estimated as 6.3(SRC), using a water solubility of 22,000 mg/L(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that dimethyl sulfide is expected to have very high mobility in soil.
Literature: (1) Suzuki T; J Comp-Aided Molec Des 5: 149-66 (1991) (2) US EPA; Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite. Ver. 4.0. Jan, 2009. Available from as of Oct 1, 2009. (3) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983)
Literature: #Air-dried, unsterilized moist, and sterilized moist soils exposed to air initially containing 500 ppm dimethyl sulfide adsorbed an avg of 32, 308, and 10 ug dimethyl sulfide/g soil, respectively, in 15 days(1). Time required for complete sorption of dimethyl sulfide by moist soil from air initially containing 100 ppm dimethyl sulfide: soil 1 (Weller) - 1st exposure 150 min, 2nd exposure 100 min, 3rd exposure 95 min; soil 2 (Harps) - 1st exposure 45 min, 2nd exposure 24 min, 3rd exposure 19 min(1). These data suggest that moist soils have a greater tendency to adsorb dimethyl sulfide than dry soils, and that microbial activity in moist soils may be responsible for greater adsorption(1). When natural gas containing 0.5 pounds of dimethyl sulfide per million cubic feet of gas was passed through a bed of pulverized, dry, montmorillonite clay, dimethyl sulfide exhibited a fast breakthrough (2 hours) and a fast build-up rate in effluent gas (85% of influent concn 4 hours after breakthrough), suggesting that dimethyl sulfide does not adsorb to dry soils(2).
Literature: (1) Bremner JM, Banwart WL; Soil Biol Biochem 8: 79-83 (1976) (2) Williams RP; Oper Sect Proc - Am Gas Assoc pp. T29-T37 (1976)
Vapor Pressure
502 mm Hg at 25 deg CDaubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusNANAChippendale et al. 2014
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaNeisseria MeningitidisNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAHewett et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANABean et al. 2016
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNANARees et al. 2016a
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANABean et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADavis et al. 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADixon et al. 2022
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisNANAMcNerney et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeNALawal et al. 2018
EukaryotaAspergillus Versicolorwild strainsSchleibinger et al. 2005
EukaryotaChaetomium Globosumwild strainsSchleibinger et al. 2005
EukaryotaEurotium Amstelodamiwild strainsSchleibinger et al. 2005
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaVibrio ParahaemolyticusChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumonionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumonionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescens0Medicago spp. plant rhizospheresHernández-León et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNational Collections of Industrial Food and Marine Bacteria, American Type Culture CollectionSlade et al. 2022
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Istria (Croatia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Baranya (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Somogy (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Abruzzo (Italy) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Kalubara (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Srem (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaSerendipita IndicaInstitute of Phytopathology, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen, Germany; origin: isolates from sudangrass roots growing in soil-based trap systemsVenneman et al. 2020
EukaryotaSerendipita WilliamsiiInstitute of Phytopathology, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen, Germany; origin: isolates from sudangrass roots growing in soil-based trap systemsVenneman et al. 2020
ProkaryotaAlpha Proteobacterian/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaGamma Proteobacterian/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaDesulfovibrio Acrylicusn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaParasporobacterium Paucivoransn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/aNAStotzky and Schenck 1976
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoransn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aItalian geographical areas ( Umbria, Piedmont, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Border region area between Emilia Romagna and Marche, Tuscany, Molise)Gioacchini et al. 2008
EukaryotaTuber Simonean/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Rufumn/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Uncinatumn/aFrance, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, Austria, Romania, and HungarySplivallo et al. 2012
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensisn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNACheng et al. 2016
EukaryotaFusarium Sp.NABrock et al. 2011
EukaryotaPenicillium Sp.NALarsen 1998
ProkaryotaPseudonocardia ThermophilanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora RectivirgulanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.nabreathing zone of a waste collection workerWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosastimulates growth of Aspergillus fumigatusnaBriard et al. 2016
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthicanamaize rhizosphere, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Sp.narhizosphere of Marram grass in sandy dune soils, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaPedobacter Sp.narhizosphere of Marram grass in sandy dune soils, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumnanaSpraker et al. 2014
EukaryotaPenicillium Communenain dry-cured meat products, cheeseSunesson et al. 1995
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.the results led us to propose a possible new direct long-distance mechanism of action for WT antagonistic F. oxysporum that is mediated by vocsNAMinerdi et al. 2009
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidananaSchöller et al. 1997
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Excavatumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Brumalen/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaclinicPreti et al. 2009
ProkaryotaEnterobacter AgglomeransNARobacker and Lauzon 2002
ProkaryotaClostridium Difficilenastool specimens, from patients infected with clostridium difficileKuppusami et al. 2015
ProkaryotaClostridium DifficilenanaKuppusami et al. 2015
EukaryotaTuber MesentericumNoneNoneMarch et al. 2006
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisNANAToral et al. 2021
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusBHIGC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colihuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaNeisseria Meningitidishuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosahuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureushuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pneumoniaehuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB-LennoxSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaehuman bloodSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosalysogeny brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeTryptic soya supp. factors X&VTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeTryptic soyaTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisLG + glycerolTD/GC-MS and SIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeLevine EMB agar (LEA) (Fluka Analytical, UK)GC-MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus Versicoloringrain (woodchip)SIM/GCMS / Tenaxno
EukaryotaChaetomium Globosumingrain (woodchip)SIM/GCMS / Tenaxno
EukaryotaEurotium Amstelodamiingrain (woodchip)SIM/GCMS / Tenaxno
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaVibrio ParahaemolyticusSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNutrient AgarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB media, DYGS media, ANGLE mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTS agar/blood agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber MagnatumGC-MS-Ono
EukaryotaSerendipita IndicaPD agarPTR-TOF-MSno
EukaryotaSerendipita WilliamsiiPD agarPTR-TOF-MSno
ProkaryotaAlpha Proteobacterian/an/ano
ProkaryotaGamma Proteobacterian/an/ano
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaDesulfovibrio Acrylicusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaParasporobacterium Paucivoransn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoranssand supplemented with artificial root exudatesHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Simonean/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Rufumn/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Uncinatumn/aSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensissand supplemented with artificial root exudatesHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensKings B + rif,+kann; PDA GC-Q-TOF-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudonocardia ThermophilaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora RectivirgulaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.Nutrient agar CM3 + 50mg/l actidioneGC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosaminimal medium/ Brian mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthicasand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Sp.sand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaPedobacter Sp.sand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumCasamino Acid Peptone Glucose agarSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaPenicillium CommuneMEAGC/MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB mediumSPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaAB medium + 1% citrate or 0,02% citrate or 1% glucose +1% casaminoacid GC-FID,GC/MSno
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Excavatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Brumalen/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Agglomeransno
ProkaryotaClostridium Difficilebrain heart infusion agar with 7% horse bloodPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber MesentericumNonePressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Segetistryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno