Results for:
Species: Burkholderia cepacia



Compound Details

Synonymous names
Indole (natural)
Caswell No. 498B
Indol [German]
FEMA No. 2593
CCRIS 4421
HSDB 599
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 025000
NSC 1964
EINECS 204-420-7
Indole 100 microg/mL in Acetonitrile
Indole, 7
Indole (8CI)
Indole (white flake)
Indole, 98%
1H-Indole (9CI)
Indole, >=99%
Indole, analytical standard
Indole, >=99%, FG
Indole, 3-Benzopyrrole, 1-benzazole
Indole, puriss., >=98.5% (GC)


IUPAC name1H-indole
PubChem ID798
H-bond Acceptor0
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationaromatic compounds heterocyclic compounds nitrogen compounds

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
254 °CPhysProp
253 deg C @ 762 mm Hg; 128-133 deg C @ 28 mm HgBudavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 851
The Henry's Law constant for indole is estimated as 5.3X10-7 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) from its experimental values for vapor pressure, 0.0122 mm Hg(1), and water solubility, 3560 mg/l(2). This value indicates that indole will be essentially nonvolatile from water surfaces(3,SRC). Indole's Henry's Law constant(1,2,SRC) indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces should not occur(SRC).
Literature: (1) Yaws CL; Handbook of Vapor Pressure. Volume 3. C8 to C28 Compounds. HOuston,TX: Gulf Publ Co (1994) (2) Yalkowsky SH, Dannenfelser RM; Aquasol Database of Aqueous Solubility. Ver 5. College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona - Tucson, AZ. PC Ver (1992) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990)
Soil Adsorption
A Koc of 187 was measured for indole on a synthetic soil consisting of 88-90% sand, 10% clay and 0-2% humic acid(1). The Koc of indole is estimated as approximately 350(SRC), using a measured log Kow of 2.14(2) and a regression-derived equation(3,SRC). According to a recommended classification scheme(4), these Koc values suggest that indole has moderate mobility in soil(SRC).
Literature: (1) Rebhun M et al; Water Res 26: 79-84 (1992) (2) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. ACS Prof Ref Book. Amer Chem Soc, Washington, DC. p. 6 (1995) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 4-9 (1990) (4) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983)
Vapor Pressure
0.0122 mm Hg at 25 deg CYaws CL; Handbook of Vapor Pressure. Volume 3. C8 to C28 Compounds. Gulf Publishing Co.: Houston, TX (1994)
MS-MS Spectrum 225355
MS-MS Spectrum 225356
MS-MS Spectrum 183055
MS-MS Spectrum 225360
MS-MS Spectrum 182706
MS-MS Spectrum 225361
MS-MS Spectrum 225351
MS-MS Spectrum 183056
MS-MS Spectrum 225354
MS-MS Spectrum 182708
MS-MS Spectrum 225353
MS-MS Spectrum 182707
MS-MS Spectrum 1047 - Quattro_QQQ 10V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 4590 - EI-B (MX-1303) Positive
MS-MS Spectrum 1049 - Quattro_QQQ 40V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 225352
MS-MS Spectrum 225359
MS-MS Spectrum 225358
MS-MS Spectrum 225362
MS-MS Spectrum 1048 - Quattro_QQQ 25V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 4592 - EI-B (HITACHI M-68) Positive
MS-MS Spectrum 225357
MS-MS Spectrum 4593 - LC-ESI-QTOF (UPLC Q-Tof Premier, Waters) Positive
MS-MS Spectrum 4591 - EI-B (Unknown) Positive
MS-MS Spectrum 183054

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADolch et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADolch et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAKunze et al. 2013
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAZhu et al. 2010
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAZhu et al. 2010
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAFitzgerald et al. 2021
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAHewett et al. 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADevaraj et al. 2018
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANABoots et al. 2014
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANALawal et al. 2018a
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADixon et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiChina Center of Industrial culture Collection, China General Microbiological Culture Collection CenterChen et al. 2017
ProkaryotaShigella FlexneriChina Center of Industrial culture Collection, China General Microbiological Culture Collection CenterChen et al. 2017
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansNAKarami et al. 2017
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNAKarami et al. 2017
EukaryotaHypoxylon InvadensNADickschat et al. 2018
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaVibrio ParahaemolyticusChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaHyphomonas Sp.swine wastewaterCho et al. 2019
ProkaryotaSphingomonas Sp.swine wastewaterCho et al. 2019
ProkaryotaProteus Vulgarisrhizosphere of lahophyte plant, Glasswort (Salicornia herbacea L.)Yu et al. 2013
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiSwedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (SMI), Stockholm, SwedenSousa et al. 2023
ProkaryotaLoktanella Sp.It is able to regulate biofilm formation. It also induces the formation of myxospores in Stigmatella aurantiaca.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.It is able to regulate biofilm formation. It also induces the formation of myxospores in Stigmatella aurantiaca.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Sp.It is able to regulate biofilm formation. It also induces the formation of myxospores in Stigmatella aurantiaca.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiIt is able to regulate biofilm formation. It also induces the formation of myxospores in Stigmatella aurantiaca.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiRegulation of expression of multi-drug exporter genes and inhibition of biofilm formation of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.NARyan and Dow 2008
ProkaryotaShigella Flexnerin/aNABunge et al. 2008
ProkaryotaSerratia Odoriferan/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Andropogonisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Anthinan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Caledonican/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Caribensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Fungorumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Gladiolin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Glathein/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Glumaen/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Graminisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Latan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Pyrrocinian/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaCellulomonas Udan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaChromobacterium Violaceumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Chlororaphisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Rhizophilan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaen/aNATait et al. 2014
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureusn/aNATait et al. 2014
ProkaryotaAzospirillum Brasilensepromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana Shihculture collection DSMZ 1843Amavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaBacillus Pumiluspromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana ShihNAAmavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colipromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana ShihNAAmavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeclinicPreti et al. 2009
EukaryotaPuccinia PunctiformisNAConnick and French 1991
EukaryotaAspergillus ClavatusNASeifert and King 1982
ProkaryotaChryseobacterium Sp.nanaTyc et al. 2015
EukaryotaPleurotus CystidiosusnanaUsami et al. 2014
EukaryotaMetschnikowia LopburiensisNANALjunggren et al. 2019
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaNANALjunggren et al. 2019
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNANALee et al. 2023
Enterobacter CloacaeTallon et al. 2023
Klebsiella OxytocaTallon et al. 2023
Enterobacter AgglomeransTallon et al. 2023
Staphylococcus AureusWang et al. 2023
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBIMR-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLBIMR-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBMCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSBSESI-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTSBSESI-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colihuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBHISPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSATD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiMueller–HintonTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiASMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTrypticase Soy Broth (TSB)HS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaShigella FlexneriTrypticase Soy Broth (TSB)HS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansMueller Hinton broth (MB), tryptic soy broth (TSB)SPME, DVB/CAR/PDMS, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiMueller Hinton broth (MB), tryptic soy broth (TSB)SPME, DVB/CAR/PDMS, GC-MSno
EukaryotaHypoxylon InvadensYMG mediumCSLA-GCMSno
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaVibrio ParahaemolyticusSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaHyphomonas Sp.Luria-Bertani (LB)SPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSphingomonas Sp.Luria-Bertani (LB)SPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaProteus VulgarisLB agarSPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLB media, rocket lysate, spinach lysateHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaLoktanella Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/an/ano
ProkaryotaShigella Flexnerin/an/ano
ProkaryotaSerratia OdoriferaNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia AndropogonisMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia AnthinaMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CaledonicaMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CaribensisMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia FungorumMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GladioliMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GlatheiMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GlumaeMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GraminisMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia LataLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PyrrociniaMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaCellulomonas UdaMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaChromobacterium ViolaceumMR-VP and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaEscherichia Coli LB, MS and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB, MR-VP and MS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas ChlororaphisLB and MS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaLB and MS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia ProteamaculansMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas RhizophilaMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeBHI Broth/ TS Broth/Glucose EF base brothGC-MS /Polar and non-polar GC Columnno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHI Broth/ TS Broth/Glucose EF base brothGC-MS /Polar and non-polar GC Columnno
ProkaryotaAzospirillum BrasilenseTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaBacillus PumilusTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTS brothGC-MS Super Qno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaPuccinia Punctiformisno
EukaryotaAspergillus Clavatusno
ProkaryotaChryseobacterium Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
EukaryotaPleurotus CystidiosusnaGC/MS, GC-O, AEDAno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia Lopburiensisliquid YPD mediumGC-MSno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia Pulcherrimaliquid YPD mediumGC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptone soy broth (TSB)HPLCno
Enterobacter Cloacaetryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaSPME/GC/MSno
Klebsiella Oxytocatryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaSPME/GC/MSno
Enterobacter Agglomeranstryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaTenax/GC/MSno
Staphylococcus Aureusraw Shiyang chickenHS-GC-IMS/HS-SPME-GC-MSno

Compound Details

Synonymous names
carbolic acid
Phenic acid
Phenylic acid
Phenylic alcohol
Phenyl hydrate
Phenyl hydroxide
Phenyl alcohol
Phenol alcohol
Acide carbolique
Phenol, liquefied
Liquid phenol
Phenol, pure
Benzene, hydroxy-
Rcra waste number U188
Liquefied phenol
Liquified Phenol
Carbolicum acidum
Fenolo [Italian]
Phenole [German]
Campho-Phenique Gel
UN 2312 (molten)
Phenol [JAN]
UN 1671 (solid)
Carbolsaure [German]
Caswell No. 649
Campho-Phenique Liquid
Phenol, molten
Baker's P & S liquid & Ointment
Fenol [Dutch, Polish]
NSC 36808
Phenol, liquified
Baker's P and S Liquid and Ointment
Monohydroxy benzene
Acide carbolique [French]
Campho-Phenique Cold Sore Gel
FEMA No. 3223
HSDB 113
acide phenique
Phenic alcohol
Synthetic phenol
Phenol, dimer
RCRA waste no. U188
EINECS 203-632-7
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 064001
Phenol [USP:JAN]
EC 203-632-7
Phenol, Glass Distilled Under Argon
Phenol, solid [UN1671] [Poison]
Phenol (USP:JAN)
Phenol, molten [UN2312] [Poison]
Phenol, >=99.0%
hydroxy benzene
Phenol 100 microg/mL in Methanol
Phenol, liquid
Phenol, solid
Baker's p and s
Phenol, sulfurated
PHENOL (2,3,4,5,6-D5)
Phenol liquid
Phenol molten
Fungus Fighte
Phenol synthetic
Pandy's reagent
Cepastat lozenges
Fortinia ID
Phenol, labeled with carbon-14
Acidum Carbolicum
Phenol (liquid)
2-phenyl alcohol
Sore ThroatCherry
Phenol, synthetic
Phenol, ultrapure
ABC Sore Throat
HEB Sore Throat
Phenol ACS grade
RugbyCherry Flavor
Sore ThroatMenthol
Sore Throat Spray
Meijer Sore Throat
Sore Throat Cherry
Sore Throat Relief
Liquefied phenol BP
Paoscle (TN)
Topcare Sore Throat
Carbolic acid liquid
Phenol (TN)
TopCareCherry Flavor
Phenol, ACS reagent
PUBLIX Sore Throat
Carbolic acid, liquid
CepastatExtra Strength
Walgreens Sore Throat
Sore ThroatReadyInCase
Vortex Moisturizer Oral
Liquefied phenol (TN)
DRx Choice Sore Throat
Wild Horse 777 Oral
Sore Throat ReliefCherry
Castellani Paint 1.5%
Phenol (JP17/USP)
Phenol, detached crystals
Pain RelievingPetro Carbo
Phenol, >=99%
Sore Throat ReliefMenthol
Good Neighbor Sore Throat
Liquefied phenol (JP17)
PHENOL, 80% in ethanol
Phenol, LR, >=99%
HEB Sore ThroatCherry Flavor
Phenol (CGA 73330)
Phenol, for molecular biology
Phenol for disinfection (TN)
ABC Sore ThroatMenthol Flavor
HEB Sore ThroatMenthol Flavor
Phenol, natural, 97%, FG
Chloraseptic Sore Throat Cherry
Chloraseptic Sore Throat Citrus
Cuticura pain relieving ointment
Sore Throat ReliefCherry Flavor
Phenol, AR, >=99.5%
Phenol for disinfection (JP17)
Topcare Sore ThroatMenthol Flavor
Phenol 10 microg/mL in Methanol
PUBLIX Sore ThroatMenthol Flavor
Walgreens Sore ThroatCherry Flavor
phenol 0.6% anesthetic oral rinse
DRx Choice Sore ThroatMenthol Flavor
Phenol 5000 microg/mL in Methanol
Eos Medicated Pain Relieving Lip Balm
Good Neighbor Sore ThroatCherry Flavor
NA 2821
Phenol, BioXtra, >=99.5% (GC)
Phenol, SAJ first grade, >=98.0%
UN 1671
UN 2312
UN 2821
USEPA/OPP Pesticide Code: 064001
Phenol, JIS special grade, >=99.0%
Phenol 1000 microg/mL in Dichloromethane
Phenol, PESTANAL(R), analytical standard
Liquified Phenol (contains 7-10 % water)
Phenol, unstabilized, ReagentPlus(R), >=99%
Phenol, p.a., ACS reagent, 99.5-100.5%
PUBLIX Sore Throat Fast Relief Oral Anesthetic
CVS Health Sore Throat Fast Relief Oral Anesthetic
Phenol, for molecular biology, ~90% (T), liquid
Phenol, unstabilized, purified by redistillation, >=99%
Phenol, BioUltra, for molecular biology, >=99.5% (GC)
Phenol, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard
Liquified Phenol, meets USP testing specifications, >=89.0%
Phenol, BioUltra, for molecular biology, TE-saturated, ~73% (T)
phenol;phenol [jan];phenol, pure;phenol phenol [jan] phenol, pure
Phenol, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, reag. Ph. Eur., 99.0-100.5%
Phenol, contains hypophosphorous as stabilizer, loose crystals, ACS reagent, >=99.0%
Phenol, puriss., meets analytical specification of Ph. Eur., BP, USP, 99.5-100.5% (GC)
Phenol, puriss., meets analytical specification of Ph. Eur., BP, USP, >=99.5% (GC), crystalline (detached)


IUPAC namephenol
PubChem ID996
H-bond Acceptor1
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationaromatic compounds phenols benzenoids

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
181.75 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for phenol is 3.33X10-7 atm-cu m/mol at 25 deg C(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that phenol is expected to be essentially nonvolatile from water surfaces(2). Phenols's Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces in not expected to occur(SRC). Phenol is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 0.35 mm Hg(3).
Literature: (1) Gaffney JS et al; Environ Sci Technol 21: 519-23 (1987))(2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Bingham E et al, eds; Patty's Toxicology. 5th ed. NY, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 4: 383 (2001)
Soil Adsorption
Phenol is reported to have low adsorptivity to clay soils and silt loam(1) and no adsorption to aquifer material(3) and montmorillonite and kaolinite clays(8). The Koc for phenol to a Batcombe silt loam soil (pH 6.7, organic carbon 2.51%) was 30(6). It was 16 for a Brookstone clay loam (pH 5.7, organic matter 5.1%) and varied with pH and iron content of the soil(7). The Freundlich K and (1/N) for phenol in Captina (pH 5.7, 1.1 % organic matter) and Palouse silt loam (pH 5.7, 3.6% organic matter) soils were 0.58 (1.15) and 0.81 (1.00)(2); the Koc values for these soils are 91 and 39(SRC). Based on the reported Koc values, phenol would be expected to generally exhibit very high mobility in soil, based on a classification scheme(4). In a study of the adsorption of phenol onto siltstone associated with a Wyoming coal deposit suitable for in situ gasification, the pH of the solution was the major controlling factor with adsorption occurring at pH's below the pKa of phenol and no adsorption occurring at pH's above the pKa(5). The log of the Freundlich K value was approximately -4(5). Therefore, phenol may be transported by groundwater near in situ coal gasification sites due to the elevated pH's at these sites after gasification(5). The pKa of phenol is 9.99(9), indicating that it will be partially dissociated at the upper end of environmental pH range and its mobility may be pH dependent(SRC). In general, anions generally do not adsorb to organic carbon and clay as strongly as their neutral counterparts(10).
Literature: (1) Artiola-Fortuny J, Fuller WH; Soil Sci 133: 18-26 (1982) (2) Scott HD et al; J Environ Qual 12: 91-5 (1983) (3) Ehrlich GG et al; Groundwater 20: 703-10 (1982) (4) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (5) Laquer FC, Manahan SE; Chemosphere 16: 1431-45 (1987) (6) Briggs GG; J Agric Food Chem 29: 1050-9 (1981) (7) Boyd SA et al; Appl Environ Microbiol 46: 50-4 (1983) (8) Luh MD, Baker RA; pp. 534-42 in Proc 25th Ind Waste Conf Purdue Univ (1970) (9) Lide DR, ed; CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 81st Ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC, p. 5-89 (2000) (10) Doucette WJ; pp. 141-188 in Handbook of Property Estimation Methods for Chemicals. Boethling RS, Mackay D, eds. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publ (2000)
Vapor Pressure
0.35 mm Hg @ 25 deg CJones AH; J Chem Eng Data 5: 196-200 (1960)

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADixon et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
EukaryotaChaetomium IndicumNAMoisan et al. 2021
EukaryotaTrichoderma VirideNAMoisan et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Protegensinhibite the growth of Heterobasidion abietinum 10 and several fungi of different species (Basidiomycete, Ascomycete, Oomycota, Zygomycota)NAPrigigallo et al. 2021
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilispromote biomass production of Arabidopsis thalianarhizosphere of Haloxylon ammodendronHe et al. 2023
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaen/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Freundiin/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaCytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides Groupn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaBacillus SimplexReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaBacillus WeihenstephanensisReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaMicrobacterium OxydansReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaStreptomyces LateritiusReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaCytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroidesn/aNADickschat et al. 2005_3
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aAgricultural Centre of Castilla and León Community (Monasterio de la Santa Espina, Valladolid, Spain) and Navaleno (Soria, Spain).Diaz et al. 2003
ProkaryotaChromobacterium Violaceumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPandoraea Norimbergensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Gladiolin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Tropican/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus BuchneriNANASquara et al. 2022
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus ParacaseiNANASquara et al. 2022
EukaryotaZygosaccharomyces RouxiiNANAPei et al. 2022
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaCryptococcus WieringaeNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaHanseniaspora UvarumNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia KudriavzeviiNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia FermentansNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia KluyveriNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia MembranifaciensNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces ParadoxusNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaTorulaspora DelbrueckiiNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia AnomalaNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaLactobacillus PlantarumNANAZhang et al. 2022
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces AnomalusNANAShi et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNANALee et al. 2023
Bacillus ThuringiensisKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Bacillus ToyonensisKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Bacillus AcidiproducensKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Bacillus CereusKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Bacillus SafensisKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Citrobacter FreundiiTallon et al. 2023
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaChaetomium Indicum1/5th PDA mediumGC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma Viride1/5th PDA mediumGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas ProtegensLB agar/PD agarGC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilis1/2 MS mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaen/an/ano
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Freundiin/an/ano
ProkaryotaCytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides Groupn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus Simplexn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus Weihenstephanensisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaMicrobacterium Oxydansn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Maltophilian/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Lateritiusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensn/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaChromobacterium ViolaceumLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPandoraea NorimbergensisLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GladioliMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia TropicaMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus Buchnerimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus Paracaseimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
EukaryotaZygosaccharomyces RouxiiYPD mediumGC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaCryptococcus WieringaeYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaHanseniaspora UvarumYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia KudriavzeviiYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia FermentansYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia KluyveriYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia MembranifaciensYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces ParadoxusYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaTorulaspora DelbrueckiiYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia AnomalaYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumchickpea milkUHPLC/MSno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces Anomalusmedium consisted of glucose (20 g/l), peptone (5 g/l), agar (20 g/l) and amoxicillin (1 g/l)SPME with GC-MSno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces Anomalussolid-state fermentation starter culture DaquSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptone soy broth (TSB)HPLCno
Bacillus Thuringiensisbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Bacillus Toyonensisbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Bacillus Acidiproducensbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Bacillus Cereusbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Bacillus Safensisbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Citrobacter Freundiitryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaSPME/GC/MSno



Compound Details

Synonymous names
Phenethyl alcohol
Phenylethyl alcohol
Benzyl carbinol
2-Phenylethyl alcohol
2-Phenethyl alcohol
Methanol, benzyl-
Ethanol, 2-phenyl-
FEMA No. 2858
Phenyl ethyl alcohol
beta-Phenylethyl alcohol
Caswell No. 655C
FEMA Number 2858
Phenethyl alcohol (natural)
beta-Phenethyl alcohol
HSDB 5002
.beta.-Phenylethyl alcohol
EINECS 200-456-2
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 001503
NSC 406252
BRN 1905732
.beta.-Phenethyl alcohol
Phenylethyl alcohol [USP]
EC 200-456-2
4-06-00-03067 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Phenylethyl alcohol (USP)
Ethanol, phenyl-
Phenyl Ethanol(Natural)
2 Phenylethanol
beta-Fenylethanol [Czech]
2-phenyl ethanol
Carbinol, Benzyl
beta Phenylethanol
Alcohol, Phenethyl
beta-Fenethylalkohol [Czech]
Alcohol, Phenylethyl
Benzyl ethyl alcohol
Benzeneethanol, 9CI
betaphenylethyl alcohol
2-Phenylethanol, USP
beta -hydroxyethylbenzene
2-Phenylethanol, 99%
Phenylethyl alcohol, USAN
Phenylethyl, beta- alcohol
Phenethyl alcohol, 8CI, BAN
FEMA 2858
2-Phenylethanol, >=99.0% (GC)
Phenethyl alcohol, >=99%, FCC, FG
Phenethyl alcohol, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG
Phenylethyl alcohol;Phenethyl alcohol;Benzeneethanol
2-phenylethanol;2-Phenylethyl alcohol;Benzeneethanol;Phenylethanol
Phenylethyl alcohol, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard
Phenylethyl Alcohol, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material


IUPAC name2-phenylethanol
PubChem ID6054
H-bond Acceptor1
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationaromatic alcohols alcohols aromatic compounds benzenoids

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
218.2 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for 2-phenylethanol estimated from its vapor pressure, 0.0868 mm Hg at 25 deg C(1), and water solubility, 16,000 mg/L(2), is 1.5X10-7 atm-cu m/mol(SRC). Using this value for the Henry's Law constant, one can estimate a volatilization half-life of 2-phenylethanol in a model river 1 m deep flowing at 1 m/s with a wind speed of 3 m/s is 46.5 days(3,SRC). 2-Phenylethanol's relatively low Henry's Law constant and vapor pressure suggest that volatilization from moist and dry soil surfaces will be minimal(SRC).
Literature: (1) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Data Compilation Tables of Properties of Pure Compounds NY, NY: Amer Inst for Phys Prop Data (1989) (2) Valvani SC et al; J Pharm Sci 70: 502-7 (1981) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods, NY: McGraw-Hill Chapt 15 (1982)
Soil Adsorption
Using an estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(1), the Koc for 2-phenylethanol is estimated to be 29(SRC). According to a suggested classification scheme(2), this Koc value suggests that 2-phenylethanol will have very high mobility in soil(SRC).
Literature: (1) Meylan WM et al; Environ Sci Technol 28: 459-65 (1992) (2) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983)
Vapor Pressure
8.68X10-2 mm Hg @ 25 deg C /from experimentally derived coefficients/Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAhmed et al. 2023
EukaryotaCandida DubliniensisNANAMartins et al. 2007
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansNANAMartins et al. 2007
EukaryotaCandida ParapsilosisNANAFitzgerald et al. 2022
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansNANAFitzgerald et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAFitzgerald et al. 2021
EukaryotaAspergillus NigerNANACosta et al. 2016
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansNANACosta et al. 2016
EukaryotaPenicillium ChrysogenumNANACosta et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADevaraj et al. 2018
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADixon et al. 2022
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansNANAPerl et al. 2011
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStreptococcus AgalactiaeNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisNANAMcNerney et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeNALawal et al. 2018
EukaryotaPythium OligandrumN/APythium oligandrum GAQ1 strain was isolated from soil from a field where infected ginger was growing in Laiwu district, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China. China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center (CGMCC) deposit number No. 17470.Sheikh et al. 2023
ProkaryotaCorynebacterium Accolensclinical isolateLemfack et al. 2016
ProkaryotaCorynebacterium Jeikeiumclinical isolateLemfack et al. 2016
ProkaryotaCorynebacterium Minutissimumclinical isolate,trunk of adult femaleLemfack et al. 2016
ProkaryotaCorynebacterium Striatumclinical isolateLemfack et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Schleifericlinical isolateLemfack et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus SciuriSouthernflying squirrel skinLemfack et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Sciuriclinical isolateLemfack et al. 2016
ProkaryotaErwinia AmylovoraNACellini et al. 2018
ProkaryotaBacillus AcidicelerNAMéndez-Bravo et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium CulmorumNASchmidt et al. 2018
EukaryotaHypoxylon InvadensNADickschat et al. 2018
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNACaballero Ortiz et al. 2018
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaVibrio ParahaemolyticusChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaAspergillus FischeriNADickschat et al. 2018
EukaryotaHypoxylon AnthochroumNAMacías-Rubalcava et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium Oxysporum0NALi et al. 2018
EukaryotaTrichoderma Harzianum0NALi et al. 2018
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.antifungal activity against Fusarium solaniRhizosphere soil of avocadoGuevara-Avendaño et al. 2019
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansNAContarino et al. 2019
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaNAContarino et al. 2019
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNAContarino et al. 2019
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces AnomalusNAContarino et al. 2019
EukaryotaCandida SakeKing George Island, South Shetland Islands, AntarcticaArrarte et al. 2017
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumNALi et al. 2018
EukaryotaTrichoderma HarzianumNALi et al. 2018
ProkaryotaProteus Vulgarisrhizosphere of lahophyte plant, Glasswort (Salicornia herbacea L.)Yu et al. 2013
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisZhang et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Pseudoalcaligenespromotes the growth of Zea mays L. and confer the resistance to drought stress in this maizeApplied Microbiology and Biotechnology lab, Department of Biosciences, Comsats University IslamabadYasmin et al. 2021
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansATCC MYA-2876, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataATCC 90030, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisATCC 750, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Maltophiliaantifungal effect on the growth of Alternaria alternata, Corynespora cassiicola and Stemphylium lycopersici (pathogens of tomato plants)shoots of tomato plants (Elpida F1, Enza Zaden)López et al. 2021
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Pasteuriantifungal effect on the growth of Alternaria alternata, Corynespora cassiicola and Stemphylium lycopersici (pathogens of tomato plants)fruits of tomato plants (Elpida F1, Enza Zaden)López et al. 2021
ProkaryotaArthrobacter Ureafaciensantifungal effect on the growth of Alternaria alternata, Corynespora cassiicola and Stemphylium lycopersici (pathogens of tomato plants)leaves of tomato plants (Elpida F1, Enza Zaden) with symptoms of Gray leaf spotLópez et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPantoea Vagansantifungal effect on the growth of Alternaria alternata, Corynespora cassiicola and Stemphylium lycopersici (pathogens of tomato plants)leaves of tomato plants (Elpida F1, Enza Zaden) with symptoms of Gray leaf spotLópez et al. 2021
ProkaryotaArthrobacter Phenanthrenivoransantifungal effect on the growth of Alternaria alternata, Corynespora cassiicola and Stemphylium lycopersici (pathogens of tomato plants)shoots of tomato plants (Elpida F1, Enza Zaden) with symptoms of Gray leaf spotLópez et al. 2021
ProkaryotaRahnella Aquatilisantifungal activity on the mycelial growth of Colletotrichum gloeosporioidesisolate from the rhizosphere soil of a 28-year-old Pinus massoniana in Nanning, Guangxi; stored in the typical Culture Preservation Center of ChinaKong et al. 2020
EukaryotaGrosmannia ClavigeraNorthern Forestry Centre Culture Collection (Edmonton, Alberta), originally cultured from the phloem of MPB-infested lodgepole pine trees near Banff, AlbertaWang et al. 2020
EukaryotaOphiostoma Ipsisolated from bark beetle galleries in lodgepole pineWang et al. 2020
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Philanthiantifungal activity against Aspergillus parasiticus TISTR 3276 and Aspergillus flavus PSRDC-4NABoukaew and Prasertsan 2020
ProkaryotaCoraliitalea Coraliiisolate from the algal Chromera velia CCAP 1602/1Koteska et al. 2023
EukaryotaMalassezia GlobosaFungal Biodiversity Center (WesterdijkInstitute, Utrecht, The Netherlands)Rios-Navarro et al. 2023
EukaryotaMalassezia RestrictaFungal Biodiversity Center (WesterdijkInstitute, Utrecht, The Netherlands)Rios-Navarro et al. 2023
EukaryotaMalassezia SympodialisFungal Biodiversity Center (WesterdijkInstitute, Utrecht, The Netherlands)Rios-Navarro et al. 2023
ProkaryotaBacillus Cereuspromote fungal hypocrellin A production in Shiraia sp. S9isolate and deposite at the China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center (CGMCC)Xu et al. 2022
EukaryotaMetschnikowia Reukaufiiinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Aconitum piepunense, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaDebaryomyces Hanseniiinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Silene acaulis, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaMrakia Blollopisinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Saxifraga cespitosa, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaTausonia Pullulansinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Silene acaulis, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaCystofilobasidium Sp.inhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Silene acaulis, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaCystofilobasidium Capitatuminhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Silene acaulis, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaGoffeauzyma Gilvescensinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Saxifraga cespitosa, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaRhodotorula Mucilaginosainhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Dryas octopetala, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaSporidiobolus Salmonicolorinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Saxifraga cespitosa, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaCystobasidium Laryngisinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Cerasticum arcticum, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNational collection of type cultures (NCTC) UKTait et al. 2014
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureusn/aNAPreti et al. 2009
EukaryotaHypoxylon AnthochroumNAUlloa-Benítez et al. 2016
EukaryotaFusarium Sp.NATakeuchi et al. 2012
EukaryotaAspergillus Sp.NASeifert and King 1982
EukaryotaPenicillium Sp.NABrock and Dickschat 2013
EukaryotaTrichoderma Sp.NAStoppacher et al. 2010
EukaryotaChaetomium GlobosumNAKikuchi et al. 1983
EukaryotaLasiodiplodia TheobromaeNAMatsumoto and Nago 1994
EukaryotaTuber Sp.NASplivallo et al. 2007
ProkaryotaMyxobacterium Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaRoseobacter Claden/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Xylosusn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaEscherichia Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaArctic Bacteriumn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Albidoflavusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Antibioticusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Diastatochromogenesn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Griseusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hirsutusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hygroscopicusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Murinusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Olivaceusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Thermoviolaceusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomycetes Sp.n/aNAStritzke et al. 2004
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/aNADickschat et al. 2005_2
ProkaryotaChondromyces Crocatusn/aNASchulz et al. 2004
ProkaryotaCytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroidesn/aNADickschat et al. 2005_3
ProkaryotaLoktanella Sp.n/aNADickschat et al. 2005_4
ProkaryotaDinoroseobacter Shibaen/aNADickschat et al. 2005_4
ProkaryotaNannocystis Exedensn/aNADickschat et al. 2007
ProkaryotaStigmatella Aurantiacan/aNADickschat et al. 2005_5
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Casein/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaPediococcus Damnosusn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Cremorisn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Dextranicumn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactococcus Lactisn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidesn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Paramesenteroidesn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensn/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Odoriferan/aNAWeise et al. 2014
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/aFortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aFortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber BorchiiInhibit the development of Arabidopsis thaliana and modify its oxidative metabolismNASplivallo et al. 2007
ProkaryotaBacillus Cereusn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Andropogonisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaCellulomonas Udan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescensn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Entomophilan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Rhizophilan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Caledonican/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Caribensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Caryophyllin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Cepacian/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Fungorumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Gladiolin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Glumaen/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Graminisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Hospitan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Kururiensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Latan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phenaziniumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phenoliruptrixn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phytofirmansn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Pyrrocinian/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Saccharin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Sordidicolan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Terricolan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Thailandensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Xenovoransn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaXanthomonas Campestrisn/aNAWeise et al. 2012
EukaryotaTuber MelanosporumInhibit the development of Arabidopsis thaliana and modify its oxidative metabolismNASplivallo et al. 2007
EukaryotaTuber IndicumInhibit the development of Arabidopsis thaliana and modify its oxidative metabolismNASplivallo et al. 2007
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaecontrol citrus black spot disease fermentation processesToffano et al. 2017
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansapplesDavis et al. 2012
ProkaryotaCitrobacter FreundiiAmerican Type Culture Collection Robacker and Bartelt 1997
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeAmerican Type Culture Collection Robacker and Bartelt 1997
ProkaryotaEnterobacter AgglomeransNARobacker and Lauzon 2002
EukaryotaPenicillium CorymbiferumNAPierce et al. 1991
EukaryotaScopulariopsis BrevicaulisNAPierce et al. 1991
EukaryotaFusarium Sp.NAPierce et al. 1991
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaegrape vineBecher et al. 2012
ProkaryotaSalinispora Tropicanamarine sedimentGroenhagen et al. 2016
EukaryotaAureobasidium Pullulansattracts waspsisolated from apples (with lepidopteran orchard pests)Davis et al. 2012
EukaryotaPenicillium Polonicumnawater damaged buildings, BelgiumPolizzi et al. 2012
EukaryotaAspergillus Ustusnawater damaged buildings, BelgiumPolizzi et al. 2012
EukaryotaPericonia Britannicanawater damaged buildings, BelgiumPolizzi et al. 2012
EukaryotaTrichoderma Atroviridenawater damaged buildings, BelgiumPolizzi et al. 2012
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaRhizosphereBlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia KururiensisRhizosphereBlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeclinicPreti et al. 2009
ProkaryotaBranhamella CatarrhalisclinicPreti et al. 2009
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaclinicPreti et al. 2009
EukaryotaHansenula Holstiiwhole beetles, beetle guts, loblolly pineBrand et al. 1977
EukaryotaPhoma Sp.n/aNAStrobel et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Sciurinafrom the gut flora of pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum honeydewLeroy et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Simiaenarhizosphere of a soybean field in the province of Rajasthan, IndiaVaishnav et al. 2016
EukaryotaPhomopsis Sp.naendophyte of Odontoglossum sp.Singh et al. 2011
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/aNAKai et al. 2007
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Epidermidisn/aNAKai et al. 2007
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Rhizophilan/aNAKai et al. 2007
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Cloacaen/aNAArnold and Senter 1998
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosan/aNAArnold and Senter 1998
ProkaryotaProteus HauseriNematicidal activitycow dungXU et al. 2015
ProkaryotaWautersiella FalseniiNematicidal activitycow dungXU et al. 2015
EukaryotaPhellinus Sp.n/aNAStotzky and Schenck 1976
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aAgricultural Centre of Castilla and León Community (Monasterio de la Santa Espina, Valladolid, Spain) and Navaleno (Soria, Spain).Diaz et al. 2003
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aAgricultural Centre of Castilla and León Community (Monasterio de la Santa Espina, Valladolid, Spain) and Navaleno (Soria, Spain).Diaz et al. 2003
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaen/aNABruce et al. 2004
EukaryotaMuscodor Albusn/aNACorcuff et al. 2011
EukaryotaAscocoryne Sarcoidesn/aNAMallette et al.  2012
EukaryotaTrichoderma Atroviriden/aNAStoppacher et al. 2010
ProkaryotaAzospirillum Brasilensepromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana Shihculture collection DSMZ 1843Amavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaBacillus Pumiluspromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana ShihNAAmavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colipromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana ShihNAAmavizca et al. 2017
EukaryotaTrichoderma VirensNACrutcher et al. 2013
EukaryotaTrichoderma AtrovirideNACrutcher et al. 2013
EukaryotaTrichoderma ReeseiNACrutcher et al. 2013
EukaryotaPhoma Sp.nanaNaznin et al. 2014
EukaryotaAmpelomyces Sp.nanaNaznin et al. 2014
EukaryotaHypoxylon Anthochroumnaendophytic in Bursera lancifoliaUlloa-Benítez et al. 2016
EukaryotaXylaria Sp.naHaematoxylon brasiletto, Morelos, MexicoSánchez-Ortiz et al. 2016
EukaryotaVerticillium Longisporumcollection TU GrazRybakova et al. 2017
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus BuchneriNANASquara et al. 2022
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus ParacaseiNANASquara et al. 2022
EukaryotaCryptococcus NemorosusNANALjunggren et al. 2019
EukaryotaMetschnikowia AndauensisNANALjunggren et al. 2019
EukaryotaMetschnikowia SaccharicolaNANALjunggren et al. 2019
EukaryotaZygosaccharomyces RouxiiNANAPei et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNANAGe et al. 2021
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNANAHarris et al. 2021
ProkaryotaAchromobacter Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAlmeida et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces EubayanusNANAMardones et al. 2022
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaCryptococcus WieringaeNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaHanseniaspora UvarumNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia KudriavzeviiNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia FermentansNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia KluyveriNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia MembranifaciensNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces ParadoxusNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaTorulaspora DelbrueckiiNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia AnomalaNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EquorumNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.NANAToral et al. 2021
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces AnomalusNANAShi et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNANALee et al. 2023
EukaryotaSaccharomyces EubayanusNANAUrbina et al. 2020
EukaryotaSaccharomyces EubayanusNANAMardones et al. 2020
EukaryotaMeyerozyma GuilliermondiiNANAZhao et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNANAZhao et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomycopsis ViniNANAZhao et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaturnispora DiversaNANAZhao et al. 2022
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces AnomalusNANAZhao et al. 2022
EukaryotaHanseniaspora ValbyensisNANATran et al. 2022
EukaryotaPhytophthora CinnamomiN/APhytophthora cinnamomiQiu R et al. 2014
EukaryotaPhytophthora RamorumN/APhytophthora ramorumLoulier et al. 2020
Meyerozyma GuilliermondiiXiong et al. 2023
Kluyveromyces MarxianusJi et al. 2024
Saccharomyces CerevisiaeJi et al. 2024
Cyberlindnera FabianiiMa et al. 2023
Debaryomyces HanseniiLi et al. 2023
Citrobacter FreundiiTallon et al. 2023
Enterobacter AgglomeransTallon et al. 2023
Enterobacter CloacaeTallon et al. 2023
Klebsiella OxytocaTallon et al. 2023
Pediococcus AcidilacticiMockus et al. 2024
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusDMEMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBTD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida DubliniensisRPMISPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansRPMISPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida ParapsilosisTSBSPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansYPDSPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida ParapsilosisYPDSPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansTSBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBHISPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus NigerYeast Glucose ChloramphenicolSPME/GCxGC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansYeast Glucose ChloramphenicolSPME/GCxGC-MSno
EukaryotaPenicillium ChrysogenumYeast Glucose ChloramphenicolSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSATD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBTD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus AgalactiaeColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisLG + glycerolTD/GC-MS and SIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeLevine EMB agar (LEA) (Fluka Analytical, UK)GC-MSno
EukaryotaPythium OligandrumV8 juice agarSPME/GC-MS/MSyes
ProkaryotaCorynebacterium Accolensbrain heart infusion mediumPorapak / GC/MSno
ProkaryotaCorynebacterium Jeikeiumbrain heart infusion mediumPorapak / GC/MSno
ProkaryotaCorynebacterium Minutissimumbrain heart infusion mediumPorapak / GC/MSno
ProkaryotaCorynebacterium Striatumbrain heart infusion mediumPorapak / GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Schleiferibrain heart infusion mediumPorapak / GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Sciuribrain heart infusion mediumPorapak / GC/MSno
ProkaryotaErwinia AmylovoraLuria-Bertani (LB)PTR-MS / SPME / GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus AcidicelerLB agarSPME / GS-MSno
EukaryotaFusarium CulmorumKing`s B agarUPLC-MSno
EukaryotaHypoxylon InvadensYMG mediumCSLA-GCMSyes
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaemedium malt extract agar ± SucroseHS-SPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaVibrio ParahaemolyticusSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus Fischerimedium 129CLSA-GCMSyes
EukaryotaHypoxylon Anthochroumrice medium (RM, 300g of rice and 300ml of water)SPME, GC-MSyes
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumPDA plateSPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma HarzianumPDA plateSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.LB agarSPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansYPDA(HS)-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaYPDA(HS)-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeYPDA(HS)-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces AnomalusYPDA(HS)-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida SakeYeast Nitrogen base with 1% pectinSPME / GCMSno
EukaryotaFusarium Oxysporumpotato dextrose agarSPME, GC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma Harzianumpotato dextrose agarSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaProteus VulgarisLB agarSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisLB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PseudoalcaligenesLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaTYB mediaGC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus PasteuriTYB mediaGC-MSno
ProkaryotaArthrobacter UreafaciensTYB mediaGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPantoea VagansTYB mediaGC-MSno
ProkaryotaArthrobacter PhenanthrenivoransTYB mediaGC-MSno
ProkaryotaRahnella AquatilisLB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSyes
EukaryotaGrosmannia ClavigeraPDA mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaOphiostoma IpsPDA mediaGC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Philanthisterile wheat seedsGC-MSno
ProkaryotaCoraliitalea Coraliimarine broth agarOSSA/GC-MSno
EukaryotaMalassezia Globosamodified Dixon agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaMalassezia Restrictamodified Dixon agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaMalassezia Sympodialismodified Dixon agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusLB agarHS-SPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusLB agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia Reukaufiiartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaDebaryomyces Hanseniiartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaMrakia Blollopisartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaTausonia Pullulansartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaCystofilobasidium Sp.artificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaCystofilobasidium Capitatumartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaGoffeauzyma Gilvescensartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaRhodotorula Mucilaginosaartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaSporidiobolus Salmonicolorartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaCystobasidium Laryngisartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureusblood/choclate agarGC-Ms flame photometric detectorno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaHypoxylon Anthochroumno
EukaryotaChaetomium Globosumno
EukaryotaLasiodiplodia Theobromaeno
ProkaryotaMyxobacterium Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaRoseobacter Claden/an/ano
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Xylosusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaEscherichia Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaArctic Bacteriumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Albidoflavusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Antibioticusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Diastatochromogenesn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Griseusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hirsutusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hygroscopicusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Murinusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Olivaceusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Thermoviolaceusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomycetes Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaChondromyces Crocatusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLoktanella Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaDinoroseobacter Shibaen/an/ano
ProkaryotaNannocystis Exedensn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStigmatella Aurantiacan/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Casein/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPediococcus Damnosusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Cremorisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Dextranicumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactococcus Lactisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidesn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Paramesenteroidesn/an/ano
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/an/ano
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia ProteamaculansNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia OdoriferaNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Borchiin/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia AndropogonisLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaCellulomonas UdaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensMR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia EntomophilaLB, MR-VP and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensLB, MR-VP and MS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaMR-VP and MS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia ProteamaculansLB, MR-VP and MS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas RhizophilaLB, MR-VP and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CaledonicaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CaribensisLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CaryophylliLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia FungorumMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GladioliMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GlumaeLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GraminisLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia HospitaMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia KururiensisLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia LataMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenaziniumLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenoliruptrixLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhytofirmansLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PyrrociniaMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia SacchariLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia SordidicolaAngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia TerricolaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia ThailandensisMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia XenovoransMS Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaXanthomonas CampestrisNBIIClosed airflow-system/GC-MS and PTR-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Indicumn/an/ano
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeYEPDAGC/MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTS brothGC-MS Super Qno
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansSabouraud dextrose agarGC-MSyes
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Freundiitryptic soy broth SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaetryptic soy broth SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Agglomeransno
EukaryotaPenicillium CorymbiferumGC-FIDyes
EukaryotaScopulariopsis BrevicaulisGC-FIDyes
EukaryotaFusarium Sp.GC-FIDyes
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaesynthetic minimal mediumGC-MS, EIyes
ProkaryotaSalinispora Tropicaseawater-based A1GC/MSno
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansSabouraud Dextrose AgarGC/FIDyes
EukaryotaPenicillium Polonicummalt extract agar; potato dextrose agar; water agar; yeast extract agar; Czapek agarSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus Ustusmalt extract agar; potato dextrose agar; water agar; yeast extract agar; Czapek agarSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaPericonia Britannicamalt extract agar; potato dextrose agar; water agar; yeast extract agar; Czapek agarSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma Atroviridemalt extract agar; potato dextrose agar; water agar; yeast extract agar; Czapek agarSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)yes
ProkaryotaBurkholderia KururiensisLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)yes
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaBranhamella CatarrhalisBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaHansenula HolstiiPYGGC-MSno
EukaryotaPhoma Sp.n/aSolid phase microextraction (SPME)no
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Sciuri877 liquid mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SimiaeNutrient broth; King's B agarGC/MSno
EukaryotaPhomopsis Sp.PDA mediumSPME-GC/MSyes
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/an/ano
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Epidermidisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Rhizophilan/an/ano
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaProteus HauseriLB liquidSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaWautersiella FalseniiLB liquidSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaPhellinus Sp.n/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/an/ano
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaen/an/ano
EukaryotaMuscodor Albusn/aHeadspace sampler/GC-MSno
EukaryotaAscocoryne SarcoidesMinimal mediumPTR-MS and SPME GC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma AtroviridePotato dextrose agarHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaAzospirillum BrasilenseTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaBacillus PumilusTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSASPME-GCno
EukaryotaTrichoderma VirensPotato dextrose agarHS-SPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaTrichoderma AtroviridePotato dextrose agarHS-SPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaTrichoderma ReeseiPotato dextrose agarHS-SPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaPhoma Sp.naSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaAmpelomyces Sp.naSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaHypoxylon AnthochroumPDA/WA + 500 mg l^-1 ChloramphenicolSPME-GC/MSyes
EukaryotaXylaria Sp.PDA mediumSPME-GC/MSyes
EukaryotaVerticillium Longisporumpotato dextrose agar (PDA), Czapek Dox liquid cultureGC-MS / SPMEno
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus Buchnerimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus Paracaseimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
EukaryotaCryptococcus Nemorosusliquid YPD mediumGC-MSno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia Andauensisliquid YPD mediumGC-MSno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia Saccharicolaliquid YPD mediumGC-MSno
EukaryotaZygosaccharomyces RouxiiYPD mediumGC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaegrape juiceLC-15C HPLCno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaemalt extract brothHS-SPME with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaAchromobacter Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
EukaryotaSaccharomyces EubayanusYPD agar media (yeast extract 1%, peptone 2%, glucose 2% and agar 2%)HS‐SPME‐GC‐MSno
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaCryptococcus WieringaeYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaHanseniaspora UvarumYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia KudriavzeviiYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia FermentansYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia KluyveriYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia MembranifaciensYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces ParadoxusYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaTorulaspora DelbrueckiiYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia AnomalaYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EquorumSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Equorumtryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.MOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces Anomalusmedium consisted of glucose (20 g/l), peptone (5 g/l), agar (20 g/l) and amoxicillin (1 g/l)SPME with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptone soy broth (TSB)HPLCno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Eubayanusbeer wortHS-SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Eubayanusbeer wortHS‐GC‐FIDno
EukaryotaMeyerozyma Guilliermondiisynthetic grape juiceHS-SPMEno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaesynthetic grape juiceHS-SPMEno
EukaryotaSaccharomycopsis Vinisynthetic grape juiceHS-SPMEno
EukaryotaSaturnispora Diversasynthetic grape juiceHS-SPMEno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces Anomalussynthetic grape juiceHS-SPMEno
EukaryotaHanseniaspora Valbyensissugared green and black teaHS-SPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaPhytophthora CinnamomiPotato Dextrose Agar,V8 juice agarSPME/GC-MS/MSno
EukaryotaPhytophthora RamorumPotato Dextrose AgarSPME/GC-MS/MSstandard
Meyerozyma GuilliermondiiYEPD, 10 g/L yeast extrac, 20 g/L peptone, 20 g dextroseGC-MS and GC-IMSno
Kluyveromyces MarxianusSauce Meat during StorageSPME–GC–MSno
Saccharomyces CerevisiaeSauce Meat during StorageSPME–GC–MSno
Cyberlindnera Fabianiituna cooking liquidHS-SPME-GC/MSno
Debaryomyces Hanseniimeat with pork lardGC-MSno
Citrobacter Freundiitryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaSPME/GC/MSno
Enterobacter Agglomeranstryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaSPME/GC/MSno
Enterobacter Cloacaetryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaSPME/GC/MSno
Klebsiella Oxytocatryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaSPME/GC/MSno
Citrobacter Freundiitryptone soya broth (TSB) mediaTenax/GC/MSno
Pediococcus Acidilacticilentils (Lens culinaris)SPME/ICP-MSno


Compound Details

Synonymous names
BRN 1718732
Fire Damp
HSDB 167
Marsh gas
Methane in gaseus state
Methyl hydride
Natural gas
R 50
R 50 (refrigerant)
Nanotubes, Carbon
EINECS 200-812-7
Carbon (graphite)
Nanodiamond (particle size :
EC 200-812-7
4-01-00-00003 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Graphene quantum dots
Graphene film, monolayer, on copper foil (1cm x 1cm)
Carbon; Charcoal activated
carbon fiber
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)
Methylidyne radical
CVD Graphene on Si 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
High Purity Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95+%
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 8-15nm
Graphitized Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 8-15nm
Hydroxy Double-Walled Crabon Nanotubes (DWNTs-OH) 2-4nm
Total Organic Carbon Standard: TOC @ 1000 mg/L in H2O
thin graphene
acetylene carbon
Carbon dots
Carbon Granules
Carbon Nanorods
Thiol Graphene
a methyl group
Carbon Fabric
Carbon Pieces
Carbon Slugs
Graphene Kit
Carbon Foam
Carbon Nanofiber
Carbon Nanohorns
GO quantum dots
Gas, natural
Carbon Electrodes
Mesoporous Carbon
monohydride carbon
Carbon NanoFibers
N-doped Graphene
N-doped Grpahene
Carbon nano fibers
Carbon quantum dot
Carbon black, CP
high purity SWNTs
Multiwall Nanotubes
Carbon rods, 5N
N-doped MWCNTs
Fullerene C-70
Carbon Nanotube Ink
Carbon Quantum Dots
Fluorinated Graphene
MWCNTs water paste
Carbon, decolorizing
Graphene oxide flake
Aqua Graphene slurry
Fullerene - C70
Flash-ignited MWNTs
Electrode pole pieces
Graphene oxide powder
Graphite oxide powder
Liquified natural gas
Synthetic natural gas
Carbon Conductive Ink
Carbon Graphite Plates
Conductive carbon black
MWNTs water suspension
Carbon Black Nanopowder
GO quantum dots powder
Nitrogen doped CMK-3
Graphene oxide, reduced
Graphene slurry in NMP
MWNTs DMSO suspension
Carbon nitride catalysts
Carboxyl Graphene powder
MWCNTs water suspension
Graphene slurry in water
GO quantum dots(Powder)
MWCNTs(long) 4-6nm
Carbon Dots Bright Green
Carbon Quantum Dots Blue
Tunable Nanoporous Carbon
Carbon Fiber Cloth Fabric
Carbon Nanorods Properties
Carboxyl Carbon Dots Blue
FluorinatedCarbon Nanotubes
MWNTs(short) 4-6 nm
NanoIntegris Dielectic ink
GrapheitizedMWNT 8-15nm
MWCNTs(long) 5-15nm
Carbon Black Nanodispersion
Disodered Mesoporous Carbon
GO quantum dots (solvent)
Carbon, 200 mesh,Powder
Grapheitized MWNTs >50nm
Graphene quantum dots green
Methane, >=99.0%
Customized MWNTs dispersion
Reduced Graphene Oxide@ Ag
Carbon Conductive Ink Paste
Carbon nanotubes DMF slurry
Carbon nanotubes NMP slurry
Double-wall carbon nanotubes
GO quantum dots(20mg/ml)
Graphene Nanoplate 1-5 nm
Graphene slurry H:3-10nm
Methane, analytical standard
MWNTs(short) 5-15 nm
MWNTs(short) 8-15 nm
Single layer graphene powder
Double-walledcarbon nanotubes
GCB graphitized carbon black
Graphene Dispersion in water
Graphene nanoplates 1-5 nm
MWCNTs(long) 20-30nm
MWCNTs(long) 8-15 nm
Carbon Nanofibers Graphitized
Graphene Oxide Carboimidazole
Industrial Graphene Nanoplate
Nano Carbon Black Dispersion
Single Wall Carbon Nanohorns
Soot Carbon Black Nanopowder
Carbon, 99.5%,30nm
Graphene Nanoplate 3-10 nm
MWNTs(short) 20-30 nm
MWNTs(short) 30-50 nm
Nanointegris ultrapure SWCNTs
UN 1971 (Salt/Mix)
UN 1972 (Salt/Mix)
Carboxyl Graphene quantum dots
Customized Graphene Dispersion
Graphene quantum dots(Powder)
Graphitized MWNTs 10-20nm
Low Purity Carboxylic SWCNTs
Multiwall Nanotubes 5-15 nm
N-doped Graphene quantum dots
GO quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
Grapheitized MWNTs 20-30nm
Grapheitized MWNTs 30-50nm
Low purity Hydroxylate SWCNTs
Megnetic Graphene Oxide powder
MWNTs ethyl acetate suspension
Reduced Graphene Oxide@ SnO2
Thin Layer Graphene Nanoplates
Carbon nanotubes aqueous slurry
Carboxylate Graphene Dispersion
Fullerene soot, (as produced)
Laser Scribed Graphene (LSG)
Multiwall Nanotubes-OH Hydroxy
MWNTs Butyl acetate suspension
Carboxyl MWCNTs(long) <8 nm
Carboxyl MWCNTs(long) 4-6nm
GO quantum dots yellow(Powder)
Industrial grade MWNTs 50 nm
MWNTs (long) 10-20 nm
Graphene electric aqueous slurry
Graphene Film(Filtering method)
Graphene powder Physical methods
Reduced Graphene Oxide@ Co3O4
Reduced Graphene Oxide@ Fe3O4
Singlewall Nanotubes-OH Hydroxy
Carbon Conductive Adhesive Tapes
Carbon Nanotube sponges XFCN01
Carbon Nanotube sponges XFCN07
Carbon Nanotube sponges XFCN08
Carboxyl MWCNTs(short) 4-6nm
Diamond Synthesized, 95% Nano
Diethyl Cyanomethyl Phosphonate
Graphene Sponges(Foams,Aerogel)
Industrial Graphene Oxide Powder
Carbon conductive cement adhesive
Conductive Flexible TPU Filament
GO quantum dots yellow(1mg/ml)
High Purified Carboxylic SWCNTS
Ultrapure SWCNTs NMP dispersion
Amino Graphene quantum dot powder
Carbon black, Super P Conductive
Graphene Sponges (Foams,Aerogel)
High Purified Hydroxylate SWCNTS
Lowpurity hydroxy SWCNTs (long)
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs70%
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs90%
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs95%
Vitamin C Reduced Graphene Oxide
Lowpurity carboxyl SWCNTs (long)
Megnetic Graphene Oxide dispersion
Carbon nanotubes isopropanol slurry
CI 77266 [INCI]
Industrial grade MWNTs 10-20nm
Industrial grade MWNTs 20-30nm
Industrial grade MWNTs 50-60nm
Industrial grade MWNTs 8-15 nm
Industrial grade MWNTs 9-16 nm
Industrial Thin Graphene Nanoplate
MWNTs isopropyl alcohol suspension
Carboxyl MWCNTs(short) 5-15 nm
Carboxyl MWCNTs(short) 8-15 nm
Graphene Powder with small diameter
Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
Industrial grade MWCNTs 8-15 nm
Isotopic 13C Graphene on Cu Foil
Large diameter graphene oxide sheet
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs 98%
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs 99%
Carbon powder, 99.999%, 5N
Graphene Oxide dispersion <500 nm
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm
Heat Dissipation Graphene Oxide Mud
HelicalMulti-walled carbon nanotubes
High purity SWNTs 0.7-2.5 nm
Highpurity carboxyl SWCNTs (short)
Industrial grade MWNTs 13-17 nm
Industrial Grade MWNTs 20-40 nm
Largeinner diameter thin-wall MWNTs
Monolayer Graphene on SiC substrate
Ultrapure SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
EINECS 232-343-9
EINECS 240-383-3
Graphene quantum dots(MC: 1mg/ml)
Graphite flake, natural, -10 mesh
Graphite ink for tantalum capacitors
High purity carboxyl SWCNTs (long)
Aligned Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Carboxyl Graphene dispersion <500nm
Carboxyl Graphene quantum dots powder
Diamond Powder (gray), 97+% Nano
Diamond Powder (gray), 98+% Nano
Grapheitized Carboxyl MWNTs >50 nm
Grapheitized Carboxyl MWNTs 8-15nm
GrapheitizedCarboxyl MWNTs 10-20nm
GrapheitizedCarboxyl MWNTs 20-30nm
GrapheitizedCarboxyl MWNTs 30-50nm
Graphite flake, median 7-10 micron
Graphite powder, <20 um, synthetic
Helical Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
NanoIntegris SWCNTs with high purity
Carbon nanotubes butyl butyrate slurry
CVD Graphene Film on Nickel 5cmx5cm
Graphene oxide dispersion 1-5 layers
Graphene quantum dots red fluorescence
Graphite flake, natural, -325 mesh
Hydroxylate MWNTs(short) 30-50 nm
Raw Plasma Nanotubes Powder RN-020
CVD Graphene on Si 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
Diamond powder, synthetic, <1 micron
Grapheitized Hydroxylate MWNT 8-15nm
GrapheitizedHydroxylate MWNTs >50 nm
Graphene Oxide Film(Filtering method)
Graphite foil, 1mm (0.04in) thick
Industrial Carboxylic SWCNTs 1-2 nm
Single Layer Graphene dispersion water
Single walled Carbon Nanotubes on PET
Amination multi-walled carbon nanotubes
CVDGraphene on SiO2 5cmx5cm(Bilayer)
GrapheitizedHydroxylate MWNTs 10-20nm
GrapheitizedHydroxylate MWNTs 30-50nm
Graphene Oxide dispersion water or NMP
Graphite rod, 5.0mm (0.20in) dia
HIPCO pure Metallic Hipco SWNTs solid
Industrial Hydroxylate SWCNTs 1-2 nm
N-doped MWCNTs (N Content2.98wt%)
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs70% solid
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs90% solid
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs95% solid
Carbon felt, 1.27cm (0.5in) thick
Carbon felt, 2.54cm (1.0in) thick
Carboxylic Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes
CarboxylicDouble walled carbon nanotubes
CVD Graphene on Si 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
Graphite plate, 2.5cm (1.0in) thick
HIPCO Semiconducting Hipco SWNTs solid
Imported Reduced Graphene Oxide@ Fe3O4
N-doped MWCNTS (N Content3.00wt%)
Nanoinnova Graphene Oxide-Carboimidazole
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 90%
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 95%
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 98%
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 99%
Ultrapure Single-walled carbon nanotubes
Aminated Graphene TEPA covalently linked
Carbon black, acetylene, 50% compressed
Carbon felt, 6.35mm (0.25in) thick
Carboxyl MWCNTs water paste (~10wt%)
CVD Graphene on Glass 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 2cmx2cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 7cmx7cm(Bilayer)
CVDGraphene on SiO2 5cmx5cm(Monolayer)
Diamond Powder (black), 52-65% Nano
Grapheitized Hydroxylate MWNTs 20-30nm
Graphite foil, 0.5mm (0.02in) thick
Graphite rod, 10.0mm (0.40in) dia
High Purified Large Surface Area SWCNTS
Industrial Few Layer Graphene Nanoplates
Multiwall Nanotubes-OH Hydroxy 5-15 nm
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs 98% solid
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs 99% solid
Reduced Graphene Oxide-NH-Carboimidazole
SingleWalled Carbon nanotubes NMP slurry
4H-Pyrrolo[1,2-d][1,4]oxazocine-9-carboxaldehyde,1,2,5,6-tetrahydro-6-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2-oxo-, (4R,5R,6S)-rel-
Carboxyl MWCNTs water paste (~2.7wt%)
CVD Graphene on Quartz 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
Graphite plate, 1.27cm (0.5in) thick
High-Ni Calibration series, O 38x15 mm
HIPCO pure Metallic Hipco SWNTs Aqueous
HIPCO Semiconducting Hipco SWNTs Aqueous
Methane, electronic grade, >=99.998%
Monolayer Graphene Powder Chemical method
N-doped Graphene Sponges (Foams,Aerogel)
P-doped Graphene Sponges (Foams,Aerogel)
Preservative Reduce Graphene Oxide Powder
Purified Plasma Nanotubes Powder RN-220
Short ultrapure SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
Ultrapure Short SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
Acetylene carbon black (100% compressed)
Carbon felt, 3.18mm (0.125in) thick
CarboxylDouble-wall carbon nanotubes(long)
CVD Graphene on Glass 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Plastic 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Si 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 2cmx2cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 7cmx7cm(Monolayer)
Diamond powder, synthetic, 40-60 micron
Graphite foil, 0.4mm (0.015in) thick
Graphite Oxide powder prepared by S method
Graphite Powders, 99.9% (metals basis)
High Purified Single-walled carbonnanotubes
HighPurified Single-walled carbon nanotubes
Hydroxy Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
Industrial grade carboxylation MWNTs 50nm
Methane, Messer(R) CANGas, 99.999%
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(long) >50nm
Multiwalled carbon nanotube DMF dispersion
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 99.9%
Purified Amio Single-walled carbonnanotubes
Aminated Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
B-doped Graphene Sponges (Foams, Aerogels)
Carbon Nanotubes Thermal Radiation Coatings
Carboxyl Double-wall carbon nanotubes(long)
Carboxyl Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
CVD Graphene on Quartz 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Si 2.5cmx2.5cm(Bilayer)
CVDGraphene on SiO2 5cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
CVDGraphene on SiO2 5cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
Graphene Oxide dispersion customized service
Graphite foil, 0.13mm (0.005in) thick
Graphite foil, 0.254mm (0.01in) thick
Graphite powder, nickel coated, -100 mesh
Graphite powder, synthetic, -20+100 mesh
Imported loaded nano-gold particles graphene
Multi-walled carbon nanotube DMF dispersion
Single Layer H-BN Film on SIO2 substrate
Carbon nanotubes, single-walled/double-walled
Carbon, mesoporous, hydrophilic pore surface
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Glass 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Glass 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Plastic 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 2cmx2cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 2cmx2cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 7cmx7cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 7cmx7cm(6-8 layers)
Fluorinated Carbon Nanotubes(F48-50 wt.%)
Fluorinated Carbon Nanotubes(F48-58 wt.%)
Graphene dispersion(C:1mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Spones (foams)(Size: 2cmx2cmx2cm)
Graphene Spones (foams)(Size: 5cmx5cmx5cm)
Hydroxylation Single Nanotubes 0.7-2.5 nm
Multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs)>50 nm
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes NMP dispersion
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(short) >50 nm
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-COOH)
Aminated Graphene Amino-PEG covalently linked
Aminated Graphene Piperazine covalently linked
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled, core material
Carbon, foil, 5x5mm, thickness 2.0mm, hOpg
Carboxylic ultrapure SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
CVD Graphene on Quartz (1mm1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Quartz 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Quartz 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Si 2.5cmx2.5cm(Monolayer)
Electric Heating Reduce Graphene Oxide Powder
Graphene dispersion(C:1mg/ml solvent:ethanol)
Graphite powder, synthetic, APS 7-11 micron
Graphite, colloidal, lubricant, aerosol spray
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95%
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(short) 10-20nm
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 90% solid
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 95% solid
NiCoated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes >50nm
Carbon, foil, 5x10mm, thickness 2.0mm, hOpg
Carboxyl Graphene quantum dots(Purity: ~80%)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 2cmx2cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 5cmx5cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Plastic 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Plastic 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Quartz (1mm1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
Dispersion Carboxyl Graphene dispersion >500nm
Double-Walled Crabon Nanotubes (DWNTs) 2-4nm
EC 231-953-2
EC 231-955-3
EC 240-383-3
Glassy carbon rod, 3mm (0.1in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 3mm (0.1in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 5mm (0.2in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 5mm (0.2in) dia, type 2
Graphene dispersion(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Quantum Dot Powder(White fluorescence)
Graphene Spones (foams)(Size: D 1cm,H 1cm)
High concentration MWCNTs water paste(~14wt%)
High purity Carboxyl SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
High purity Single-walled carbonnanotubes(long)
Industrial grade carboxylation MWNTs 20-40 nm
Industrial grade hydroxylation MWCNTs 10-30nm
Industrial grade hydroxylation MWCNTs 20-40nm
IsoNanotubes-S 99.9%Pure Semiconducting SWNT
Low purity single-walled carbon nanotubes(long)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 90+%
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(short) 30-50 nm
Short-hydroxylate multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Single Layer Graphene on PET 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 2cmx2cm(Bilayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 5cmx5cm(Bilayer)
Sulfur-doped graphene sponges (S-GS,,Aerogel)
Carbon, foil, 10x10mm, thickness 2.0mm, hOpg
Carbon, foil, 15x15mm, thickness 2.0mm, hOpg
Chlorine-based Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx10cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx5cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 15cmx10cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 2cmx2cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 30cmx20cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 5cmx5cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Si 2.5cmx2.5cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Si 2.5cmx2.5cm(6-8 layers)
Glassy carbon rod, 1mm (0.04in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 1mm (0.04in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 2mm (0.08in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 2mm (0.08in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 4mm (0.16in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 4mm (0.16in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 6mm (0.24in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 6mm (0.24in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 7mm (0.28in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 7mm (0.28in) dia, type 2
Graphene dispersion(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:ethanol)
High Purity Single-walled carbonnanotubes(short)
Imported loaded nano-Palladium particles graphene
Low purity single-walled carbon nanotubes(short)
Nano Au (0) particles on reduced Graphene Oxide
Nano Pd (0) particles on reduced Graphene Oxide
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 99.9% solid
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 8-15nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes20-30nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes30-50nm
Single Layer Graphene on PET 10cmx5cm(Bilayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 2cmx2cm(Monolayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 5cmx5cm(Monolayer)
Super Purified Plasma Nanotubes Powder SPT-220
3D Freestanding Graphene Foam 1cmx1cm(on Nickel)
Aminated Graphene Octadecylamine covalently linked
Carboxyl Multi-walled carbonnanotubes(long) >50nm
Conductive Graphene Filament,3D Printing Materials
CVD Graphene Film on Nickel 1-7 layers ,1cmx1cm
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx10cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx5cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 15cmx10cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 2cmx2cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 2cmx2cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 30cmx20cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 5cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 5cmx5cm(6-7 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Quartz (1mm1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Quartz (1mm1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
Glassy carbon plate, 3mm (0.1in) thick, type 1
Glassy carbon plate, 3mm (0.1in) thick, type 2
Graphite powder, natural, high purity, -200 mesh
Large-Inner Diameter Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Methane-12C, 13C-depleted, 99.9 atom % 12C
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 10-20nm
Purified amio single-walled carbon nanotubes 1-2nm
Single Layer Graphene on PET 10cmx5cm(Monolayer)
Carbon Nanotube Dispersant / CNTs Water Dispersant
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled, ground core material
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
Glassy carbon plate, 1mm (0.04in) thick, type 1
Glassy carbon plate, 1mm (0.04in) thick, type 2
Glassy carbon plate, 2mm (0.08in) thick, type 1
Glassy carbon plate, 2mm (0.08in) thick, type 2
Glassy carbon plate, 4mm (0.16in) thick, type 1
Glassy carbon plate, 4mm (0.16in) thick, type 2
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes >50 nm
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 10-20nm
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 20-30nm
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 30-50nm
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG-Grade A)
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG-Grade B)
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG-Grade C)
IsoSol-S100 Pure SemiconductingSWNT+Dielectric ink
Single Layer Graphene on PET 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 2cmx2cm(3-5 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 2cmx2cm(6-8 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 5cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 5cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
3D Freestanding Graphene Foam 1cmx1cm(substrate-free)
Bilayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2: 1cmx1cm)
Bilayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2: 2cmx2cm)
Carbon Nanotube Dispersant / CNTs Alcohol Dispersant
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 1.5mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 100%
Carboxyl Multi-walled carbonnanotubes(long) 30-50 nm
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx10cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx10cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 15cmx10cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 15cmx10cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 30cmx20cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 30cmx20cm(6-8 layers)
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 20-50 micron, type 1
Graphene Oxide Film Filtering method(size: 4cmX4cm )
Graphene Oxide Film Filtering method(size: 8cmX8cm )
Industrial Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes >50 nm
Monolayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2:1cmx1cm)
Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) <8nm
Single Layer Graphene on PET 10cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 10cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 5cmx5cm(Bilayer)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 5cmx5cm(Monolayer)
Bilayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2:5cmx1.5cm)
Carbon yarn, woven from 0.076mm (0.003in) dia fibers
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 2.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 3.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 5.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 2.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 3.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 5.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 25mm, diameter 50mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 2mm, diameter 0.5mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 2.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 3.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 5.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 50mm, graphite, 99.95%
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 0.4-12 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 0.4-12 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 10-20 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 10-20 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 0.4-12 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 0.4-12 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 80-200 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 80-200 micron, type 2
Graphene nanoplatelets (6-8 nm thick x 5 microns wide)
Graphene Oxide Film Filtering method(size: 15cmX15cm )
Graphite powder, natural, briquetting grade, -100 mesh
Graphite powder, natural, briquetting grade, -200 mesh
Graphite powder, synthetic, conducting grade, -200 mesh
Graphite powder, synthetic, conducting grade, -325 mesh
Graphite rod, 3.8cm (1.5in) dia x 61cm (24in) long
Graphitized Carboxyl MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes >50 nm
High concentration carboxyl MWCNTs water paste(~13wt%)
Industrial Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 10-30 nm
Industrial Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 12-15 nm
Monolayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2: 2cmx2cm)
Nanointegris SWCNTs with small diameter Fe Catalyst 35%
Nanointegris SWCNTs with small diameter Fe Catalyst 5%
Nanointegris SWCNTs with small diameter Fe Catalyst15%
Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) 10-20nm
Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) 20-30nm
Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) 30-50nm
Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) 1-2 nm
Total Organic Carbon Standard: TOC @ 100 mg/L in H2O
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 5cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 5cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 1 cm, W: 1 cm, H: 1 cm)
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 2 cm, W: 2 cm, H: 1 cm)
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled, as produced cathode deposit
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 1.0mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 10.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 13.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 50mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 6.35mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 10.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 13.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 50mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 6.35mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 10.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 13.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 6.35mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 0.5mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 1.0mm, graphite, 99.95%
Fullerene, buckytube/nanotube, single walled, > 60% SWNT
Fullerene, buckytube/nanotube, single walled, 20-35% SWNT
Funct. multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH), 95+%
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 200-400 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 200-400 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 400-630 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 630-1000 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 630-1000 micron, type 2
Graphene nanoplatelets (6-8 nm thick x 15 microns wide)
Graphene nanoplatelets (6-8 nm thick x 25 microns wide)
Graphene Oxide dispersion <500nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion <500nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:NMP)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:NMP)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphite plate, resin impregnated, 6.35mm (0.25in) thick
Graphite rod, 1.27cm (0.5in) dia x 61cm (24in) long
Graphite rod, 2.54cm (1.0in) dia x 61cm (24in) long
Graphite rod, 6.3mm (0.25in) dia. x 61cm (24in) long
Graphitized Carboxyl Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 10-20nm
Graphitized Carboxyl Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 20-30nm
Graphitized Carboxyl Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 8-15nm
Graphitized Carboxyl MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes 30-50nm
Graphitized Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 10-20nm
Graphitized Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes >50 nm
Graphitized Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 30-50nm
Graphitized Hydroxy MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes 20-30nm
High Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNTS) 1-2nm
Industrial Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) 1-2 nm
Monolayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2:1.5cmx1.5cm)
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) >50nm
Short Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs) 10-20nm
Short Purified Amio Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes 1-2nm
Short Single-walled carbon nanotubes (Short-SWNTs) 1-2 nm
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(10-15 layers)
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 10mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 3.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 5.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 7.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 10mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 3.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 5.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 7.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 50mm, diameter 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 5mm, diameter 3.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 10 cm, W: 4 cm, H: 0.5 cm)
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 2 cm, W: 2 cm, H: 0.5 cm)
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 5 cm, W: 2 cm, H: 0.5 cm)
Carboxyl Multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH) 20-30nm
Graphene Oxide dispersion <500nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:NMP)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:ethanol )
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:ethanol )
Graphite powder, natural, microcrystal grade, APS 2-15 micron
Graphite rod, 13cm (5.125in) dia x 30.5cm (12in) long
Graphite rod, 3.05mm (0.12in) dia x 305mm (12in) long
Graphite rod, 6.15mm (0.242in) dia x 102mm (4in) long
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(NH3 functionalized)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade A(Size: 10x10x1.0mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade A(Size:20x20x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size::5x5x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size:10x10x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size:20x20x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size:10x10x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size:5x5x1.0 mm)
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) <8nm
Industrial Carboxyl Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes >50nm
Industrial Hydroxy Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes >50nm
Industrial Hydroxy Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 10-30nm
Industrial Hydroxy Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 20-40nm
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95%, OD 40-60 nm
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95+%, OD 50-80 nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) 10-20 nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) 20-30nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) 30-50 nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) 8-15 nm
Short Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs) <8nm
Specific Graphene for Heat Dissipation and Antistatic Plastics
-COOH Functionalized Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-COOH)
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 10x10mm, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 10x10mm, thickness 2.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 10x10mm, thickness 4.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.5mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 4.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 4.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 8mm disks, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 8x8mm, thickness 0.5mm, glassy carbon
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Fullerene, nanotube, multi-walled, 20 nm OD, 5-20 micron long
Graphene film deposited on TEM grids(Carbon film, 5 pieces per box)
Graphene film deposited on TEM grids(Copper mesh, 5 pieces per box)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:ethanol )
Graphite powder, natural, universal grade, -200 mesh, 99.9995%
Graphite, Fusion Crucible, drillpoint, unpurified, volume 7.5cc
Graphite, Fusion Crucible, drillpoint, unpurified, volume 7.88cc
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Argon functionalized)
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Carboxyl functionalized)
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Nitrogen functionalized)
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Oxygen functionalized)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size: 20x20x1.0 mm)
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) >50 nm
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) 10-20nm
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) 20-30nm
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) 30-50nm
Hydroxy Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-OH) 1-2 nm
Industrial Carboxyl Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 10-30nm
Industrial Carboxyl Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 20-40 nm
PELCO 2 Layers Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon
PELCO 6-8 layers CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Lacey Carbon
Short High Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNTS) 1-2nm
Short Hydroxy Double-Walled Crabon Nanotubes (DWNTs-COOH) 2-4nm
Short Industrial Singlewalled carbon nanotubes (Short-SWNTs) 1-2 nm
Short Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs) >50 nm
Short Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs) 20-30nm
Short Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs) 8-15nm
-COOH Functionalized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH) <8nm
-COOH Functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH), 95%
2 layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
3-5 layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Copper grid, 5 pieces per box)
3-5 layers Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
6-8 layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Copper grid, 5 pieces per box)
6-8 layers Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
ACS Material 2 layers CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Copper grid
ACS Material 2 layers CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Lacey Carbon
ACS Material 3-5 layer CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Copper grid
ACS Material 3-5 layers CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Lacey Carbon
ACS Material 6-8 layer CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Copper grid
ACS Material single layer CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Copper grid
ACS Material Single layer CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Lacey Carbon
ACS Material Single Layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon
Bilayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2:Size of SiO2: 1.5cmx1.5cm)
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 2.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 6.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 10mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 200x200mm, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 25mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, glassy carbon
Carbon sputtering target, 50.8mm (2.0in) dia x 3.18mm (0.125in) thick
Carbon sputtering target, 76.2mm (3.0in) dia x 3.18mm (0.125in) thick
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 10mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 15mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 250x250mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 250x250mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 250x250mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 25mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.1mm, pyrolytic graphite, 99.99%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.5mm, pyrolytic graphite, 99.99%
Carbon, foil, 300x300mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 4mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 500x500mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 500x500mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 500x500mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 500x500mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.1mm, pyrolytic graphite, 99.99%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.2mm, pyrolytic graphite, 99.99%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 6mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 8mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carboxyl Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH) >50 nm
Carboxyl Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH) 10-20nm
Carboxyl Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-COOH) 1-2 nm
Graphene oxide dispersion Diameter 50-200nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene oxide dispersion Diameter 50-200nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene oxide dispersion Diameter 50-200nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphite electrode, counter-pointed tip, 3.06mm dia, 38.10 mm long
Graphite electrode, counter-spherical tip, 6.15mm dia, 38.10 mm long
Graphite plate, pyrolytic, 1.27x9.98x9.98mm (0.05x0.393x.393in)
Graphite powder, microcrystalline, -300 mesh, 75-82% C, 18-25% Ash
Graphite rod, pyrolytic coated, 2mm (0.08in) dia x 152mm (6in) long
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Fluorocarbon functionalized)
High Purified Hydroxylate Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTS-OH) 1-2nm
High Purified Large Surface Area Single-walled Carbon nanotubes 1-2nm
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade A(Size: 20x20x(1.6~2.0)mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size :20x20x(1.6-2.0) mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size:30x30x(1.6-2.0)mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size: 20x20x(1.6-2.0)mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size: 30x30x(1.6-2.0)mm)
Industrial Carboxyl Single-Walled Crabon Nanotubes (SWNTS-COOH) 1-2 nm
Industrial Hydroxy Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs-OH) 1-2 nm
Methane, compressed or natural gas, compressed (with high methane content)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95%, Outside diameter 10-20 nm
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95%, Outside diameter 20-30 nm
Short Carboxyl single-walled CrabonNanotubes (Short-SWNTS-COOH) 1-2 nm
Short Hydroxy Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-OH) <8nm
Short Hydroxy single-walled Crabon Nanotubes (Short-SWNTs-OH) 1-2 nm
Single layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
Single layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Copper grid, 5 pieces per box)
2 layers Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Cu grid(Copper grid, 5 pieces per box)
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 150x150mm, 0.05g.cmu??, porosity 96.5%, 24 pores/cm
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 275x330mm, 0.05g.cmu??, porosity 96.5%, 24 pores/cm
Carbon nanotube array, multi-walled, on quartz (diameter= 100nm, length=30 microns)
Carbon nanotube array, multi-walled, vertically aligned on copper wafer substrate
Carbon nanotube array, multi-walled, vertically aligned on silicon wafer substrate
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled (diameter= 140nm, length= 7microns)(>90%nanotubes)
Carbon, chopped fiber, 100g, nominal diameter 0.007mm, fiber length 6mm, grade 34-700
Carbon, chopped fiber, 200g, nominal diameter 0.007mm, fiber length 1mm, grade 34-700
Carbon, chopped fiber, 200g, nominal diameter 0.007mm, fiber length 6mm, grade 34-700
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 10.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 2.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 5.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 12.5x12.5mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 12mm disks, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 12mm disks, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 10.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 5.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 200x200mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.15mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 2.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 48x48mm, thickness 10.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 2.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 5.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.075mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 150x150mm, thickness 0.075mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 150x150mm, thickness 0.125mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 300x300mm, thickness 0.075mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 300x300mm, thickness 0.125mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, mesoporous, nanopowder, <500 nm particle size (DLS), >99.95% trace metals basis
Carbon, microleaf, 24x70mm, thinness 5.0mum, specific density 1000mug/cm2, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 1.25mum, specific density 250mug/cm2, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 2.5mum, specific density 500mug/cm2, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 50x70mm, thinness 1.25mum, specific density 250mug/cm2, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 50x70mm, thinness 2.5mum, specific density 500mug/cm2, 99.997%
Charcoal briquettes, shell, screenings, wood, etc. [NA1361] [Spontaneously combustible]
Fullerene, nanotube, multi-walled, as-produced cathode deposits, core and shell
Graphene powder (1-5 layers thick x 0.5-5 microns wide, surface area 650-750 m2/g)
High Purified Carboxylic Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTS-COOH) 1-2nm
PELCO 2 Layers Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
PELCO Single Layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Film(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-COOH) <8nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-COOH) 10-20nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs-COOH) >50 nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs-COOH) 20-30nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs-COOH) 30-50nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs-COOH) 8-15nm
Short High Purified Carboxylic Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes(SWCNTS-COOH) 1-2nm
Short High Purified Hydroxylate Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes(SWCNTS-OH) 1-2nm
Short Hydroxy Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-OH) >50 nm
Short Hydroxy Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-OH) 20-30nm
Short Hydroxy Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-OH) 8-15nm
Total Organic Carbon (TOC), standard solution, Specpure?, 1000 microgram/ml
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 150x150mm, thickness 2.5mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 150x150mm, thickness 3.2mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 275x330mm, thickness 3.2mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 300x300mm, thickness 20mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 300x300mm, thickness 30mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, tube, 100mm, outside diameter 10mm, inside diameter 3mm, wall thickness 3.5mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, tube, 50mm, outside diameter 10mm, inside diameter 3mm, wall thickness 3.5mm, glassy carbon
Carbon nanofibers, graphitized (iron-free), composed of conical platelets, D x L 100 nm x 20-200 mum
Carbon nanofibers, graphitized, platelets (conical), >98% carbon basis, D x L 100 nm x 20-200 mum
Carbon nanofibers, pyrolitically stripped, platelets (conical), >98% carbon basis, D x L 100 nm x 20-200 mum
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled, arc-produced (diameter = 2-50nm, length = >2 microns) (55-65Wt% nanotubes)
Carbon, fabric coil, 0.5m, 110g, thickness 0.5mm, ends x picks/10cm 130x130, plain weave
Carbon, fabric coil, 1m, 110g, thickness 0.5mm, ends x picks/10cm 130x130, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 1000x1000mm, 375g, thickness 0.4mm, ends x picks/10cm 47x47, 2/2 twill weave
Carbon, fabric, 1000x1000mm, 92g, thickness 0.15mm, ends x picks/10cm 69x69, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 150x150mm, 200g, thickness 0.3mm, ends x picks/10cm 50x50, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 150x150mm, 375g, thickness 0.4mm, ends x picks/10cm 47x47, 2/2 twill weave
Carbon, fabric, 250x250mm, 92g, thickness 0.15mm, ends x picks/10cm 69x69, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 300x300mm, 110g, thickness 0.5mm, ends x picks/10cm 130x130, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 500x500mm, 375g, thickness 0.4mm, ends x picks/10cm 47x47, 2/2 twill weave
Carbon, fabric, 500x500mm, 92g, thickness 0.15mm, ends x picks/10cm 69x69, plain weave
Carbon, fiber, 1000m, tex number 200, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 3000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized
Carbon, fiber, 1000m, tex number 720, filament diameter 0.011mm, number of filaments 4000, grade p25, epoxy sized
Carbon, fiber, 1000m, tex number 795, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 12000, grade XaS, epoxy sized (1.6%)
Carbon, fiber, 100m, tex number 280, filament diameter 0.009mm, number of filaments 2000, grade f500, epoxy sized (1.0%)
Carbon, fiber, 100m, tex number 400, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 6000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized (1.2%)
Carbon, fiber, 100m, tex number 400, number of filaments 12000, continuous multi-filament TOW.
Carbon, fiber, 10m, tex number 200, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 3000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized
Carbon, fiber, 10m, tex number 400, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 6000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized (1.2%)
Carbon, fiber, 10m, tex number 900, filament diameter 0.008mm, number of filaments 10000, grade hm, epoxy sized (0.7%)
Carbon, fiber, 200m, tex number 280, filament diameter 0.009mm, number of filaments 2000, grade f500, epoxy sized (1.0%)
Carbon, fiber, 200m, tex number 795, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 12000, grade XaS, epoxy sized (1.6%)
Carbon, fiber, 20m, tex number 400, number of filaments 12000, continuous multi-filament TOW.
Carbon, fiber, 20m, tex number 420, filament diameter 0.01mm, number of filaments 3000, grade f180, epoxy sized (1.0%)
Carbon, fiber, 20m, tex number 900, filament diameter 0.008mm, number of filaments 10000, grade hm, epoxy sized (0.7%)
Carbon, fiber, 500m, tex number 200, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 3000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized
Carbon, fiber, 50m, tex number 280, filament diameter 0.009mm, number of filaments 2000, grade f500, epoxy sized (1.0%)
Carbon, fiber, 50m, tex number 400, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 6000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized (1.2%)
Carbon, fiber, 50m, tex number 400, number of filaments 12000, continuous multi-filament TOW.
Carbon, fiber, 50m, tex number 795, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 12000, grade XaS, epoxy sized (1.6%)
Carbon, mesoporous, average pore diameter 100 ??+/-10 ?? (typical), >99.95% trace metals basis
Carbon, mesoporous, nanopowder, graphitized, <500 nm particle size (DLS), >99.95% trace metals basis
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.0025mum, specific density 0.5mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.025mum, specific density 5mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.050mum, specific density 10mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.25mum, specific density 50mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.50mum, specific density 100mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.50mum, specific density 100mug/cm2, temporary glass support, annealed, 99.997%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 100mm, outside diameter 12.7mm, inside diameter 9.5mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 100mm, outside diameter 3.18mm, inside diameter 1.18mm, wall thickness 1.0mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 100mm, outside diameter 6.35mm, inside diameter 3.15mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 150mm, outside diameter 12.7mm, inside diameter 9.5mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 150mm, outside diameter 3.18mm, inside diameter 1.18mm, wall thickness 1.0mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 150mm, outside diameter 6.35mm, inside diameter 3.15mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 47mm, outside diameter 6.35mm, inside diameter 3.15mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 50mm, outside diameter 12.7mm, inside diameter 9.5mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 50mm, outside diameter 3.18mm, inside diameter 1.18mm, wall thickness 1.0mm, 99.95%
Graphite electrode, crater-drillpoint/undercut, 4.57mm dia, 38.10mm length, volume 0.040cc
Graphite fusion crucible lid for stock number 40794, 2.54cm (1.0in) dia, 6.35mm (0.25in) thick
Graphite plate, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 10x10x(1.6min)mm (0.394x0.394x0.079in), 0.4 +0.1 o mosaic angle
Graphite plate, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 10x10x(1.6min)mm (0.394x0.394x0.079in), 0.8 +0.2 o mosaic angle
Graphite plate, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 10x10x1mm (0.394x0.394x0.039in), 0.4 +0.1 o mosaic angle
Graphite plate, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 10x10x1mm (0.394x0.394x0.039in), 0.8 +0.2 o mosaic angle
Methane, compressed or natural gas, compressed (with high methane content) [UN1971] [Flammable gas]
Methane, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) or natural gas, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) (with high methane content)
Methane, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) or natural gas, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) (with high methane content) [UN1972] [Flammable gas]
OH functionalized Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-OH), Purity (excluding -OH): 90% CNTs, 60% SWNTs, Content of -OH: 3.76-4.16 wt%
OH functionalized Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-OH), Purity (excluding -OH): 95% CNTs, 90% SWNTs, Content of ?OH: 3.76-4.16 wt%


IUPAC namemethane
PubChem ID297
H-bond Acceptor0
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationalkanes aliphatics unsaturated hydrocarbons aliphatic compounds

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
161.5 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for methane is estimated as 0.66 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) derived from its vapor pressure, 4.66X10+5 mm Hg(1), and water solubility, 22 mg/L(2). This Henry's Law constant indicates that methane is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(3). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 2 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 2 hours(SRC). Methane's estimated Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces may occur(SRC). The potential for volatilization of methane from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based upon the vapor pressure(1).
Soil Adsorption
The Koc of methane is estimated as 9(SRC), using a log Kow of 1.09(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that methane is expected to have very high mobility in soil. Methane's vapor pressure of 4.7X10+5 mm Hg(4) suggests that this compound will permeate through soil(SRC).

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno



Compound Details

Synonymous names
Benzene azimide
Cobratec #99
Cobratec 99
Cobratec 35G
Verzone Crystal
Kemitec TT
Rusmin R
Seetec BT
HSDB 4143
EINECS 202-394-1
BRN 0112133
EC 202-394-1
4-26-00-00093 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Benzotriazole (VAN)
Irgastab I 489
1 h-benzotriazole
Cobratec No. 99
1H-Benzotriazole (VAN8C
D 32-108
Benzotriazole, analytical standard
Benzotriazole, reagent grade, 97%
Benzotriazole, ReagentPlus(R), 99%
1H-Benzotriazole, >=98.0% (N)
Benzotriazole, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 98%


IUPAC name2H-benzotriazole
PubChem ID7220
H-bond Acceptor2
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationnitrogen compounds benzenoids heterocyclic compounds aromatic compounds triazoles

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
204 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for 1,2,3- benzotriazole is estimated as 3.2X10-7 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) derived from its vapor pressure, 0.04 mm Hg(1), and water solubility, 19,800 mg/l(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that 1,2,3-benzotriazole is expected to be essentially nonvolatile from water surfaces(2). 1,2,3-Benzotriazole is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon its vapor pressure(1). The pKa of benzotriazole is 8.37(3), indicating that this compound will exist in the cation form in the environment. Volatilization from dry or moist soil surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process because the cation is not expected to volatilize.
Literature: (1) Davis LN et al; Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants: benzotriazoles. Washington, DC: USEPA-560/ 2-77-001 (1977) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Serjeant EP Dempsey B; Ionisation constants of organic acids in aqueous solution; IUPAC Chemical Data Series, no 23. NY, NY; Pergamon Press p. 159 (1979)
Soil Adsorption
The Koc of 1,2,3-benzotriazole is estimated as 145(SRC), using a log Kow of 1.44(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), these estimated Koc values suggests that 1,2,3- benzotriazole is expected to have high mobility in soil. However, mobility of 1,2,3-benzotriazole will be affected by pH(2): the pKa of benzotriazole is 8.37(4), indicating that this compound will exist in the cation form in the environment and cations generally adsorb to organic carbon and clay more strongly than their neutral counterparts.
Literature: (1) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. ACS Prof Ref Book. Heller SR, consult. ed., Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 18 (1995) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 4-9 (1990) (3) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (4) Serjeant EP Dempsey B; Ionisation constants of organic acids in aqueous solution; IUPAC Chemical Data Series, no 23. NY, NY; Pergamon Press p. 159 (1979)
Vapor Pressure
4.0X01-2 mm Hg @ 20 deg CDavis LN et al; Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants: benzotriazoles. USEPA-560/2-77-001. Washington, DC: US EPA (1977)
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Antwerp_Univ-AN124602
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Antwerp_Univ-AN124604
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Antwerp_Univ-AN124608
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU241404
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU241406
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU241457
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU241458
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU241462
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU405002
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU405003
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU405007
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU405008
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Athens_Univ-AU405009
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015586
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015587
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015588
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015589
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015590
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015591
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015592
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015593
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015594
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015595
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015596
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015783
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015784
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015785
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015786
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015787
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015788
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015789
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015790
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015791
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015792
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015793
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015794
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015795
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015796
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015797
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-BAFG-CSL23111015798
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-CASMI_2016-SM819701
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-CASMI_2016-SM879903
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016601
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016602
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016603
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016604
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016605
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016606
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016607
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016608
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016609
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016610
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016611
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016612
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016613
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016614
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016651
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016652
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016653
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016654
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016655
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016656
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016657
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016658
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016659
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016660
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016661
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016662
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016663
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Eawag-EA016664
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Env_Anal_Chem_U_Tuebingen-TUE00161
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Env_Anal_Chem_U_Tuebingen-TUE00162
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Env_Anal_Chem_U_Tuebingen-TUE00163
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Env_Anal_Chem_U_Tuebingen-TUE00165
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Env_Anal_Chem_U_Tuebingen-TUE00166
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Env_Anal_Chem_U_Tuebingen-TUE00167
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-Fac_Eng_Univ_Tokyo-JP011064
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-KWR-KW107802
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-KWR-KW107803
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-KWR-KW107804
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063401
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063402
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063403
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063404
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063405
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063406
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063451
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063452
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063453
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063454
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063455
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-LCSB-LU063456
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-UFZ-UA000201
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-UFZ-UA000202
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-UFZ-UA000203
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-UFZ-UF417701
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-UFZ-UF417702
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-UFZ-UF417703
Massbank Spectrum MSBNK-UFZ-UF417704

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.n/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Andropogonisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Anthinan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Caryophyllin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Cepacian/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Fungorumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Glumaen/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Hospitan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Latan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phenaziniumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phenoliruptrixn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phytofirmansn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Pyrrocinian/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Saccharin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Terricolan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Thailandensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Xenovoransn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaChromobacterium Violaceumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescensn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Rhizophilan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusRhizosphereBlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaRhizosphereBlom et al. 2011
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.LB, MR-VP and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia AndropogonisLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia AnthinaMR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CaryophylliMR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia FungorumLB and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GlumaeLB and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia HospitaMR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia LataMR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia LataLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenaziniumLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenoliruptrixLB and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhytofirmansLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PyrrociniaMR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia SacchariLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia TerricolaLB and MSHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia ThailandensisLB and MR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia XenovoransLB, MR-VP and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaChromobacterium ViolaceumLB, MR-VP and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaMR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensLB, MR-VP and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaLB and MR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia ProteamaculansLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas RhizophilaLBHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusLB, MR-VP and AngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)yes
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)yes



Compound Details

Synonymous names
Methyl sulfhydrate
Thiomethyl alcohol
Mercaptan methylique
RCRA waste number U153
FEMA No. 2716
Methyl thioalcohol
UN 1064
Methaanthiol [Dutch]
Methanthiol [German]
Methvtiolo [Italian]
Methylmercaptaan [Dutch]
Metilmercaptano [Italian]
Metilmercaptano [Spanish]
SCH 54292
Methyl mercaptan (natural)
Mercaptan methylique [French]
HSDB 813
EINECS 200-822-1
RCRA waste no. U153
BRN 1696840
methane thiol
methyl sulfides
methyl thiol
a methyl thioether
sulfonium methylide
Methanethiol, purum
Methanethiol, 98.0%
EC 200-822-1
Methanethiol, >=98.0%
4-01-00-01273 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Methyl mercaptan [UN1064] [Poison gas]


IUPAC namemethanethiol
PubChem ID878
H-bond Acceptor1
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationsulfur compounds thiols

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
5.95 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for methyl mercaptan is estimated as 0.0031 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) derived from its vapor pressure, 1,510 mm Hg(1), and water solubility, 15,400 mg/L(2). This Henry's Law constant indicates that methyl mercaptan is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(3). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 0.8 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 2.8 days(SRC). Methyl mercaptan's Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces is expected to occur(SRC). Methyl mercaptan is expected to volatilize rapidly from dry soil surfaces based upon its vapor pressure and because it is a gas a temperatures above 6 deg C(SRC). However, gaseous methyl mercaptan gas has been found to strongly adsorb to moist and dry soil surfaces suggesting that adsorption might be an environmental sink for methyl mercaptan(4). Therefore, the importance of volatilization from soil surfaces may be attenuated by adsorption(SRC).
Literature: (1) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis (1989) (2) Hine J, Mookerjee PK; J Org Chem 40: 292-8 (1975) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (4) Smith KA et al; Soil Sci 116: 313-9 (1973)
Soil Adsorption
Using a structure estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(1), the Koc of methyl mercaptan can be estimated to be 13(SRC). According to a classification scheme(2), this estimated Koc value suggests that methyl mercaptan is expected to have very high mobility in soil. Gaseous methyl mercaptan has been observed to partition to soils(3). For example, when gaseous methyl mercaptan was passed over six air-dried and moist (50% field capacity) soils, 2.4-32.1 mg/g and 2.2-21.4 mg/g of methyl mercaptan rapidly adsorbed to the dry and moist soils, respectively(3). Neither the capacity or rate of sorption was correlated to soil pH, organic matter content, or clay content; sterile controls ruled out the involvement of microorganisms(3); it was suggested that adsorption to soil surfaces might be an environmental sink for gaseous methyl mercaptan(3).
Literature: (1) US EPA; Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite. Ver. 4.1. Jan, 2011. Available from, as of July 19, 2012: (2) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (3) Smith KA et al; Soil Sci 116: 313-9 (1973)
Vapor Pressure
1,510 mm Hg at 25 deg CDaubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusNANAChippendale et al. 2014
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADolch et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADolch et al. 2012
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaecalisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaNeisseria MeningitidisNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANACarroll et al. 2005
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PyogenesNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANANA
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNARees et al. 2017
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumonionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumonionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescens0Medicago spp. plant rhizospheresHernández-León et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaNAMülner et al. 2021
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansATCC MYA-2876, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataATCC 90030, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisATCC 750, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus AmyloliquefaciensLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus LicheniformisLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus PumilusLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Istria (Croatia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Baranya (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Somogy (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Abruzzo (Italy) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Kalubara (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Srem (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
ProkaryotaBacillus Amyloliquefaciensn/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisn/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Polymyxan/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaAlpha Proteobacterian/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaGamma Proteobacterian/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaDesulfovibrio Acrylicusn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaParasporobacterium Paucivoransn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Lactisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaBrevibacterium Linensn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Brevisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Hilgardiin/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaPorphyromonas Gingivalisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Nucleatumn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaTreponema Denticolan/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Freundiin/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/aNABunge et al. 2008
ProkaryotaShigella Flexnerin/aNABunge et al. 2008
ProkaryotaSalmonella Enterican/aNABunge et al. 2008
EukaryotaCandida Tropicalisn/aNABunge et al. 2008
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aItalian geographical areas (Piedmont, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Border region area between Emilia Romagna and Marche)Gioacchini et al. 2008
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidananaSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaPseudomonas TolaasiinanaLo Cantore et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidanarhizosphere of bean plants, southern ItalyGiorgio et al. 2015
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumnanaSpraker et al. 2014
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNARees et al. 2016a
EukaryotaSchizophyllum Communen/aNAStotzky and Schenck 1976
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeclinicPreti et al. 2009
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Perolensnasterile fish muscle (Sebastes melanops)Miller et al. 1973
ProkaryotaAchromobacter Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.NANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisNANAToral et al. 2021
MicrobacteriumBallot et al. 2023
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusBHIGC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBIMR-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLBIMR-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaecalisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colihuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaNeisseria Meningitidishuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaPseudomonas selectiveSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBlood agarSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureushuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pneumoniaehuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PyogenesTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeTryptic soya supp. factors X&VTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureustryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeTryptic soyaTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeLBSPME / GCxGC-TOFMSno
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNutrient AgarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB media, DYGS mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaNA media, TSA mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaTSA mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Atrophaeusnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Amyloliquefaciensnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Licheniformisnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Pumilusnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber MagnatumGC-MS-Ono
ProkaryotaBacillus AmyloliquefaciensTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaAlpha Proteobacterian/an/ano
ProkaryotaGamma Proteobacterian/an/ano
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaDesulfovibrio Acrylicusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaParasporobacterium Paucivoransn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Lactisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBrevibacterium Linensn/an/ano
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Brevisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Hilgardiin/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPorphyromonas Gingivalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Nucleatumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaTreponema Denticolan/an/ano
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Freundiin/an/ano
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/an/ano
ProkaryotaShigella Flexnerin/an/ano
ProkaryotaSalmonella Enterican/an/ano
EukaryotaCandida Tropicalisn/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaAB medium + 1% citrate or 0,02% citrate or 1% glucose +1% casaminoacid GC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas TolaasiiKBSPME-GCno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaKing's B AgarSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumCasamino Acid Peptone Glucose agarSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeLB GCxGC-TOF-MSno
EukaryotaSchizophyllum Communen/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PerolensTrypticase soil agar (BBL)GC/MSno
ProkaryotaAchromobacter Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.tryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus Vulpistryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
Microbacteriumtryptone soy (TS medium; Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany)GC-QQQ-MSno



Compound Details

Synonymous names
Dimethyl trisulfide
Trisulfide, dimethyl
Methyl trisulfide
Dimethyl trisulphide
FEMA No. 3275
Dimethyl trisufide
EINECS 222-910-9
NSC 97324
trisulfane, dimethyl-
1,3-Dimethyltrisulfane #
Dimethyl trisulfide, >=98%, FG
2,3,4-Trithiapentane; NSC 97324
Dimethyl trisulfide, analytical standard
1,3-Dimethyltrisulfane (ACD/Name 4.0)


IUPAC name(methyltrisulfanyl)methane
PubChem ID19310
H-bond Acceptor3
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationsulfides sulfur compounds

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAHewett et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANABean et al. 2016
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANANA
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANALawal et al. 2018a
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADixon et al. 2022
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANANeerincx et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANALawal et al. 2018a
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANANA
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNANANA
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaNANANA
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaShewanella PutrefaciensNANANA
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANABoots et al. 2014
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANALawal et al. 2018a
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANANA
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.antifungal activity against Fusarium solaniRhizosphere soil of avocadoGuevara-Avendaño et al. 2019
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidainhibitory activity against oomycete and fungal pathogens, antibacterial activity against R. pseudosolanacearum, dimethyl trisulphide nematicidal activity against R. similis, effect against Phytophthora rot on black pepper shoot cuttingsBlack pepper rootAgisha et al. 2019
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescens0Medicago spp. plant rhizospheresHernández-León et al. 2015
ProkaryotaHyphomonas Sp.swine wastewaterCho et al. 2019
ProkaryotaRhizobium Sp.swine wastewaterCho et al. 2019
ProkaryotaBacillus Muralisantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaNovosphingobium Lindaniclasticumantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Megateriumantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansATCC MYA-2876, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataATCC 90030, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisATCC 750, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Protegensinhibite the growth of Heterobasidion abietinum 10 and several fungi of different species (Basidiomycete, Ascomycete, Oomycota, Zygomycota)NAPrigigallo et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Istria (Croatia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Baranya (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Somogy (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Abruzzo (Italy) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Kalubara (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Srem (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
ProkaryotaChromobacterium Vacciniiantifungal activity against Trichoderma sp. MWU14-9201, Phoma sp. MWU-UMCS9302, Colletotrichum sp. MWU-UMCS9301, Coleophoma sp. MWU-UMCS9305 and Phytophthora cinnamomi R001isolate from cultivated cranberry bog soils in Massachusetts (USA)Ebadzadsahrai et al. 2020
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusAmerican Type Culture CollectionJenkins and Bean 2020
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EpidermidisAmerican Type Culture CollectionJenkins and Bean 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiSwedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (SMI), Stockholm, SwedenSousa et al. 2023
EukaryotaChromera VeliaCulture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) at the SAMS Limited Scottish Marine Institute (Oban, Argyll, Scotland, UK)Koteska et al. 2023
ProkaryotaCoraliitalea Coraliiisolate from the algal Chromera velia CCAP 1602/1Koteska et al. 2023
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoransn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensn/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaActinomycetes Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaKlebsiella OxytocaThis compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Albidoflavusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Rishiriensisn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Albusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Antibioticusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Aureofaciensn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Coelicolorn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Diastatochromogenesn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Griseusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hirsutusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hygroscopicusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Olivaceusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Thermoviolaceusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensInhibition of mycelium growth and spore germinationNAFernando et al. 2005
ProkaryotaPseudomonas CorrugataInhibition of mycelium growth and spore germinationNAFernando et al. 2005
ProkaryotaPseudomonas ChlororaphisInhibition of mycelium growth and spore germinationNAFernando et al. 2005
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AurantiacaInhibition of mycelium growth and spore germinationNAFernando et al. 2005
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/aNADickschat et al. 2005_2
ProkaryotaCytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroidesn/aNADickschat et al. 2005_3
ProkaryotaLoktanella Sp.n/aNADickschat et al. 2005_4
ProkaryotaDinoroseobacter Shibaen/aNADickschat et al. 2005_4
ProkaryotaStigmatella Aurantiacan/aNADickschat et al. 2005_5
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aItalian geographical areas ( Umbria, Piedmont, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Border region area between Emilia Romagna and Marche, Tuscany, Molise)Gioacchini et al. 2008
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Ambifarian/aBurkholderia ambifaria LMG 17828 from root, LMG 19182 from rhizosphere and LMG 19467 from clinical.Groenhagen et al. 2013
ProkaryotaBacillus Cereusn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Anthinan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Caryophyllin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Cepacian/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Fungorumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Gladiolin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Glathein/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Glumaen/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Kururiensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Latan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phenoliruptrixn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phytofirmansn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Pyrrocinian/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Xenovoransn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaChromobacterium Violaceumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaCupriavidus Necatorn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPandoraea Norimbergensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Entomophilan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Rhizophilan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBacillus Amyloliquefaciensn/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisn/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Polymyxan/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensisn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Sp.bacterial interationsrhizosphere and bulk soil of Carex arenariaTyc et al. 2017
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Sp.bacterial interationsrhizosphere and bulk soil of Carex arenariaTyc et al. 2017
ProkaryotaEnterococcus DuransAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaLactobacillus LactisAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc MesenteroidesAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaListeria MonocytogenesAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptococcus ThermophilusAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.NAJones et al. 2017
EukaryotaFusarium VerticillioidesNADickschat et al. 2011
EukaryotaPenicillium Sp.NACitron et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Perolensnasterile fish muscle (Sebastes melanops)Miller et al. 1973
ProkaryotaSalinispora Tropicanamarine sedimentGroenhagen et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudonocardia ThermophilanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora RectivirgulanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora ViridisnasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaThermoactinomyces VulgarisnasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaThermomonospora FuscanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaStreptomyces GriseusnasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.nabreathing zone of a waste collection workerWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaShewanella Algaeinhibits mycelial growth of Aspergillus flavus and germination of Aspergillus flavus' conidiasea sediment in east China coastGong et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidareduces mycelium growth and sclerotia germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum USB-F593; lyses red blood cellsrhizosphere of bean plants, southern ItalyGiorgio et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Vranovensisnarhizosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Veroniinarhizosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Chlororaphisnarhizosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescensnarhizosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Frederiksbergensisnaphyllosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Syringaenaphyllosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Jesseniinaphyllosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaChryseobacterium Sp.inhibits growth of Serratia marcescens P87, Escherichia coli WA321 and Staphylococcus aureus 533R4; Serratia marcescens P87 lacks of prodigiosin productionnaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaTsukamurella Sp.inhibits growth of Serratia marcescens P87, Escherichia coli WA321 and Staphylococcus aureus 533R4; Serratia marcescens P87 lacks of prodigiosin productionnaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaDyella Sp.inhibits growth of Serratia marcescens P87, Escherichia coli WA321 and Staphylococcus aureus 533R4; Serratia marcescens P87 lacks of prodigiosin productionnaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidanablack pepper rootSheoran et al. 2015
EukaryotaPleurotus CystidiosusnanaUsami et al. 2014
EukaryotaTuber BorchiiAroma active compound in Tuber melanosporum and Tuber aestivum syn Tuber uncinatumnaSplivallo and Ebeler 2015
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidescan be used to modify or intensify the flavour of industrial cheeses or fermented milks or to preserve the peculiar flavour of traditional dairy productsNAPogačić et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidapositive influence of the plant root growth and protection against soil-borne pathogensNASheoran et al. 2015
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaRhizosphereBlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenoliruptrixRhizosphereBlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.n/aNABruce et al. 2004
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidananaSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosanasoil, water, skin floraSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Cloacaenaubiquitary,intestinalSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidesnagoat cheesePogačić et al. 2016
ProkaryotaMyxobacterium Sp.n/aNADickschat et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aFortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aAgricultural Centre of Castilla and León Community (Monasterio de la Santa Espina, Valladolid, Spain) and Navaleno (Soria, Spain).Diaz et al. 2003
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aAgricultural Centre of Castilla and León Community (Monasterio de la Santa Espina, Valladolid, Spain) and Navaleno (Soria, Spain).Diaz et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNANALee et al. 2023
EukaryotaPhytophthora CinnamomiN/APhytophthora cinnamomiQiu R et al. 2014
MicrobacteriumBallot et al. 2023
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB-LennoxSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Cepaciatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiASMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeTryptic soya supp. factors X&VTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBrain Heart InfusionTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaASMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescenstrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaShewanella Putrefacienstrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMueller–HintonTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusASMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Maltophiliatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeTryptic soyaTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.LB agarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaLuria Bertani Agarhead space GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNutrient AgarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaHyphomonas Sp.Luria-Bertani (LB)SPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaRhizobium Sp.Luria-Bertani (LB)SPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus MuralisNA mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaNovosphingobium LindaniclasticumNA mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNA mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus MegateriumNA mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas ProtegensLB agar/PD agarGC-MSyes
EukaryotaTuber MagnatumGC-MS-Ono
ProkaryotaChromobacterium VacciniiKing media B (KMB)SBSE-TD-GC×GC-TOF-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHI media, MHB mediaHS-SPME/GC×GC-TOFMSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EpidermidisBHI media, LB media, MHB mediaHS-SPME/GC×GC-TOFMSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colirocket lysateHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaChromera Veliaseawater media L1OSSA/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaCoraliitalea Coraliimarine broth agarOSSA/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia ProteamaculansNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoranssand supplemented with artificial root exudatesHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaActinomycetes Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Oxytocan/an/ano
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Albidoflavusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Rishiriensisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Albusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Antibioticusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Aureofaciensn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Coelicolorn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Diastatochromogenesn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Griseusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hirsutusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hygroscopicusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Olivaceusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Thermoviolaceusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescensn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Corrugatan/an/ano
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Chlororaphisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aurantiacan/an/ano
ProkaryotaLoktanella Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaDinoroseobacter Shibaen/an/ano
ProkaryotaStigmatella Aurantiacan/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia AmbifariaLuria-Bertani medium, Malt Extractn/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia AnthinaLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CaryophylliLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia FungorumLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GladioliLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GlatheiLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GlumaeMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia KururiensisMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia LataLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia LataMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenoliruptrixMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhytofirmansMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PyrrociniaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia XenovoransLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaChromobacterium ViolaceumLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaCupriavidus NecatorLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPandoraea NorimbergensisMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia EntomophilaLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas RhizophilaMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBacillus AmyloliquefaciensTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensissand supplemented with artificial root exudatesHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Sp.TSBAGC-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Sp.TSBAGC-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaEnterococcus DuransTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaLactobacillus LactisTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc MesenteroidesTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaListeria MonocytogenesTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaStreptococcus ThermophilusTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.YPD agarGCxGC-TOFMSno
EukaryotaFusarium Verticillioidesno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PerolensTrypticase soil agar (BBL)GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSalinispora Tropicaseawater-based A1GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudonocardia ThermophilaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora RectivirgulaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora ViridisNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaThermoactinomyces VulgarisNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaThermomonospora FuscaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces GriseusNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.Nutrient agar CM3 + 50mg/l actidioneGC/MSno
ProkaryotaShewanella AlgaeNA mediumSPME-GC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaKing's B AgarSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas VranovensisLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas VeroniiLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas ChlororaphisLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FrederiksbergensisLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SyringaeLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas JesseniiLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaChryseobacterium Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaTsukamurella Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaDyella Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaLuria Bertani AgarHeadspace GC/MSno
EukaryotaPleurotus CystidiosusnaGC/MS, GC-O, AEDAno
EukaryotaTuber BorchiinaSPME-GC/MS/O); GC-Ryes
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc MesenteroidesMan Rogosa Sharpe broth (MRS)Tenax-trap/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaTSBPropak Q adsorbent trap/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)yes
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenoliruptrixMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)yes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaAB medium + 1% citrate or 0,02% citrate or 1% glucose +1% casaminoacid GC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaAB medium + 1% citrateGC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeAB medium + 1% citrateGC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidescurd-based broth mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaMyxobacterium Sp.n/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aHeadspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aHeadspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus Vulpistryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptone soy broth (TSB)HPLCno
EukaryotaPhytophthora CinnamomiV8 juice agarSPME/GC-MS/MSno
Microbacteriumtryptone soy (TS medium; Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany)GC-QQQ-MSno



Compound Details

Synonymous names
Dimethyl disulfide
Dimethyl disulphide
Disulfide, dimethyl
FEMA No. 3536
NSC 9370
CCRIS 2939
HSDB 6400
EINECS 210-871-0
Dimethyl-d6 disulfide
EC 210-871-0
methyl disulphide
Dimethyl disulfane
Disulfide dimethyl
Disulfide, dimethyl-
methyldisulfanyl methane
Dimethyl disulfide, 98%
Dimethyl disulfide, 99%
(Methyldisulfanyl)methane #
Dimethyl disulfide, >=99%
Dimethyl disulfide, >=99.0%
Dimethyl disulfide, >=98%, FG
EINECS 272-923-9
Dimethyl disulfide, analytical standard
UN 2381
Dimethyl disulfide, natural, >=98%, FG
Dimethyl disulfide, purum, >=98.0% (GC)
Dimethyl disulfide [UN2381] [Flammable liquid]


IUPAC name(methyldisulfanyl)methane
PubChem ID12232
H-bond Acceptor2
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationsulfides sulfur compounds

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
109.72 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for dimethyl disulfide is reported as 1.21X10-3 atm-cu m/mole(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that dimethyl disulfide is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(2). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 3.5 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 4.1 days(SRC). Dimethyl disulfide's Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces may occur(SRC). In a laboratory study, the volatilization rate of dimethyl disulfide from a tidal marsh soil (at field capacity or 1.5 field capacity) ranged from 0.1 to 0.4 ng (sulfur basis)/min(3). Dimethyl disulfide is expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 28.7 mm Hg(4).
Literature: (1) Vitenberg AG et al; J Chromatography 112: 319-27 (1975) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Farwell SO et al; Soil Biol Biochem 11: 411-5 (1979) (4) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Physical & Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals: Data Compilation. New York, NY: Hemisphere Pub Corp (1989)
Soil Adsorption
Using a structure estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(1), the Koc of dimethyl disulfide can be estimated to be 40(SRC). According to a classification scheme(2), this estimated Koc value suggests that dimethyl disulfide is expected to have very high mobility in soil. Gas chromatographic studies with various air-dry and moist soils have shown that soil can sorb atmospheric, gas phase dimethyl disulfide(3). In one closed-system test, 17-94% of input dimethyl disulfide was sorbed by the soil in 10 min(3); in a 15-day test, dimethyl disulfide sorption was 101-306 ug sorbed/g soil(3). Soil microbes were found to be important for the gas phase sorption of dimethyl disulfide as 15-day sorption in sterilized soil was only 9-98 ug sorbed/g soil(3).
Literature: (1) US EPA; Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite. Ver. 4.1. Jan, 2011. Available from, as of Nov 7, 2013: (2) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (3) Bremner JM, Banwart WL; Soil Biol Biochem 8: 79-83 (1976)
Vapor Pressure
28.7 mm Hg at 25 deg CDaubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusNANAChippendale et al. 2014
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaecalisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaNeisseria MeningitidisNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANACarroll et al. 2005
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANAShestivska et al. 2015
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas RhizophilaNANAShestivska et al. 2015
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAHewett et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANABean et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADavis et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANANA
EukaryotaCandida KruseiNANAHertel et al. 2016a
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansNANAHertel et al. 2016a
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataNANAHertel et al. 2016a
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisNANAHertel et al. 2016a
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANALawal et al. 2018a
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADixon et al. 2022
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNANAZechman et al. 1986
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAZechman et al. 1986
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANANeerincx et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANALawal et al. 2018a
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANANA
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaNANANA
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaShewanella PutrefaciensNANANA
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAZechman et al. 1986
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANABoots et al. 2014
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANALawal et al. 2018a
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANANA
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensNANAJünger et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeNALawal et al. 2018
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNALawal et al. 2018
EukaryotaEurotium Amstelodamiwild strainsSchleibinger et al. 2005
EukaryotaPenicillium Brevicompactumwild strainsSchleibinger et al. 2005
ProkaryotaBacillus AcidicelerNAMéndez-Bravo et al. 2018
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumonionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumonionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.antifungal activity against Fusarium solaniRhizosphere soil of avocadoGuevara-Avendaño et al. 2019
ProkaryotaIgnatzschineria Indicapig (Sus scrofa domesticus) carcassCernosek et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescens0Medicago spp. plant rhizospheresHernández-León et al. 2015
ProkaryotaHyphomonas Sp.swine wastewaterCho et al. 2019
ProkaryotaRhizobium Sp.swine wastewaterCho et al. 2019
ProkaryotaPseudomonas ProtegensNAMannaa et al. 2018
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensantifungal activity against Aspergillus flavustea rhizosphere in Xinyang, Henan province, ChinaGong et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Muralisantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Pumilusantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaNovosphingobium Lindaniclasticumantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Amyloliquefaciensantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Megateriumantifungal activity against mycelial growth and spore germination of phytopathogenic Moniliophtora roreriphytopathology strain collection of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Tapachula, Chiapas, MexicoDe la Cruz-López et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisantibacterial activity against growth of Ralstonia solanacearumPlant Bacteriology Lab, Division of Plant Pathology, Indian Council of Agricultural Research - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New DelhiKashyap et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescensantibacterial activity against growth of Ralstonia solanacearumPlant Bacteriology Lab, Division of Plant Pathology, Indian Council of Agricultural Research - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New DelhiKashyap et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Mycoidesisolate from Irish potato soilsHeenan-Daly et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Pseudoalcaligenespromotes the growth of Zea mays L. and confer the resistance to drought stress in this maizeApplied Microbiology and Biotechnology lab, Department of Biosciences, Comsats University IslamabadYasmin et al. 2021
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansATCC MYA-2876, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataATCC 90030, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisATCC 750, American Type Culture CollectionCosta et al. 2020
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Epidermidisstrains were provided by Prof. O'Gara at NUI GalwayFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisgrowth stimulation effects on Solanum tuberosum tubers (potato) and Zea mays seeds (maize)NAMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNAMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus Atrophaeusgrowth stimulation effects on Solanum tuberosum tubers (potato) and Zea mays seeds (maize)NAMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus AmyloliquefaciensLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus Velezensisgrowth stimulation effects on Solanum tuberosum tubers (potato) and Zea mays seeds (maize)Leibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus Velezensisgrowth stimulation effects on Solanum tuberosum tubers (potato) and Zea mays seeds (maize)NAMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus VelezensisNAMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus LicheniformisLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus LicheniformisNAMülner et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNational Collections of Industrial Food and Marine Bacteria, American Type Culture CollectionSlade et al. 2022
ProkaryotaChromobacterium Vacciniiantifungal activity against Trichoderma sp. MWU14-9201, Phoma sp. MWU-UMCS9302, Colletotrichum sp. MWU-UMCS9301, Coleophoma sp. MWU-UMCS9305 and Phytophthora cinnamomi R001isolate from cultivated cranberry bog soils in Massachusetts (USA)Ebadzadsahrai et al. 2020
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EpidermidisAmerican Type Culture CollectionJenkins and Bean 2020
ProkaryotaStreptomyces GriseusNARiu et al. 2022
EukaryotaChromera VeliaCulture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) at the SAMS Limited Scottish Marine Institute (Oban, Argyll, Scotland, UK)Koteska et al. 2023
ProkaryotaBacillus Cereuspromote fungal hypocrellin A production in Shiraia sp. S9isolate and deposite at the China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center (CGMCC)Xu et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Pyrrociniapromote aerial and root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlingsRhizosphere soil samples from roots of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in Gongju, South KoreaLuo et al. 2022
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Alboflavusn/aNAWang et al. 2013
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Albidoflavusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Rishiriensisn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Albusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Antibioticusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Aureofaciensn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Coelicolorn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Diastatochromogenesn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Griseusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hirsutusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Hygroscopicusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Murinusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Olivaceusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Thermoviolaceusn/aNASchöller et al. 2002
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/aNAWeise et al. 2014
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaOenococcus OeniThis compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus BrevisThis compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus HilgardiiThis compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus PlantarumThis compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaActinomycetes Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaKlebsiella OxytocaThis compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.This compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaAeromonas VeroniiThis compound is assumed to have an antagonistic effect against sapstain fungi.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Maltophilian/aNAZou et al. 2007
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/aNAZou et al. 2007
ProkaryotaArthrobacter Nitroguajacolicusn/aNAZou et al. 2007
ProkaryotaLysobacter Gummosusn/aNAZou et al. 2007
ProkaryotaSporosarcina Ginsengisolin/aNAZou et al. 2007
ProkaryotaBacillus SimplexReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaBacillus WeihenstephanensisReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaMicrobacterium OxydansReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaStreptomyces LateritiusReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensReduction of movement or death of Panagrelleus redivivus and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.NAGu et al. 2007
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/aNADickschat et al. 2005_2
ProkaryotaCytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroidesn/aNADickschat et al. 2005_3
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoransn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aItalian geographical areas ( Umbria, Piedmont, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Border region area between Emilia Romagna and Marche, Tuscany, Molise)Gioacchini et al. 2008
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Ambifarian/aBurkholderia ambifaria LMG 17828 from root, LMG 19182 from rhizosphere and LMG 19467 from clinical.Groenhagen et al. 2013
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Glumaen/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Caribensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Latan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phenaziniumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Phenoliruptrixn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Pyrrocinian/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Saccharin/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Terricolan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Xenovoransn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaChromobacterium Violaceumn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaCupriavidus Necatorn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaLimnobacter Thiooxidansn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPandoraea Norimbergensisn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescensn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Entomophilan/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthican/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/aNABlom et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Tropican/aNATenorio-Salgado et al. 2013
ProkaryotaBacillus Amyloliquefaciensn/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisn/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Polymyxan/aNALee et al. 2012
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensisn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureusn/aNAElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/aNASiripatrawan et al. 2008
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Sp.bacterial interationsrhizosphere and bulk soil of Carex arenariaTyc et al. 2017
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Sp.bacterial interationsrhizosphere and bulk soil of Carex arenariaTyc et al. 2017
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaBacillus PolymyxaAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaEnterococcus DuransAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaeciumAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaLactobacillus LactisAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc MesenteroidesAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptococcus AgalactiaeAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
ProkaryotaStreptococcus ThermophilusAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Rockville, MD or wild strains identified at the University of Kentucky Dept. of Animal Sciences Food Microbiology LaboratoryElgaali et al. 2002
EukaryotaFusarium Sp.NABrock et al. 2011
EukaryotaPenicillium Sp.NALarsen 1998
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Perolensnasterile fish muscle (Sebastes melanops)Miller et al. 1973
ProkaryotaPseudomonas TolaasiinanaLo Cantore et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudonocardia ThermophilanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora RectivirgulanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora ViridisnasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaThermoactinomyces VulgarisnasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaThermomonospora FuscanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaStreptomyces GriseusnasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.nabreathing zone of a waste collection workerWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaPseudochrobactrum SaccharolyticumNematicidal activitycow dungXU et al. 2015
ProkaryotaProteus HauseriNematicidal activitycow dungXU et al. 2015
ProkaryotaWautersiella FalseniiNematicidal activitycow dungXU et al. 2015
ProkaryotaArthrobacter NicotianaeNematicidal activitycow dungXU et al. 2015
ProkaryotaAchromobacter XylosoxidansNematicidal activitycow dungXU et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidareduces mycelium growth and sclerotia germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum USB-F593; lyses red blood cellsrhizosphere of bean plants, southern ItalyGiorgio et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Vranovensisnarhizosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Veroniinarhizosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Chlororaphisnarhizosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescensnarhizosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Frederiksbergensisnaphyllosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Syringaenaphyllosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Jesseniinaphyllosphere of field-grown potato plantsHunziker et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosananaBriard et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Chlororaphisbacteriostatic on Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, suppresses growth of cyanobacterium strain Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942, kills Caenorhabditis elegansRhizosphere of maize, Kiev region, UkrainePopova et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansbacteriostatic on Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, suppresses growth of cyanobacterium strain Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942, kills Caenorhabditis elegansspoiled meatPopova et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthicastimulates growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1maize rhizosphere, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaChryseobacterium Sp.nanaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaTsukamurella Sp.nanaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaDyella Sp.nanaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaJanthinobacterium Sp.nanaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumnanaSpraker et al. 2014
EukaryotaAspergillus Versicolornadamp indoor environments, food productsSunesson et al. 1995
EukaryotaPenicillium Communenain dry-cured meat products, cheeseSunesson et al. 1995
EukaryotaPhialophora FastigiatananaSunesson et al. 1995
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidescan be used to modify or intensify the flavour of industrial cheeses or fermented milks or to preserve the peculiar flavour of traditional dairy productsNAPogačić et al. 2016
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.n/aNABruce et al. 2004
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaen/aNABruce et al. 2004
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNational collection of type cultures (NCTC) UKTait et al. 2014
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNational collection of type cultures (NCTC) UKTait et al. 2014
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidananaSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescensnasoil, water, plantsSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosanasoil, water, skin floraSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaSerratia Liquefaciensnasoil, water, plants; digestive tracts of rodents, insects, fish, humansSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Cloacaenaubiquitary,intestinalSchöller et al. 1997
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc MesenteroidesnaCantal cheesePogačić et al. 2016
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes FaecalisnanaSu et al. 2016
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusnanaSu et al. 2016
ProkaryotaBrevibacterium EpidermidisnanaSu et al. 2016
ProkaryotaProteus PennerinanaSu et al. 2016
ProkaryotaProteus VulgarisnanaSu et al. 2016
ProkaryotaProvidencia RettgerinanaSu et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudochrobactrum AsaccharolyticumnanaSu et al. 2016
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aFortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Panniferumn/aFortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaPenicillium Clavigerumcompost Fischer et al. 1999
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaclinicPreti et al. 2009
ProkaryotaCitrobacter FreundiiAmerican Type Culture Collection Robacker and Bartelt 1997
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeAmerican Type Culture Collection Robacker and Bartelt 1997
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.NAJones et al. 2017
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidapositive influence of the plant root growth and protection against soil-borne pathogensNASheoran et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidanablack pepper rootSheoran et al. 2015
EukaryotaTuber BorchiiNoneT. melanosporum, T. borchii were collected from northern Italy (Piedmont) and T. indicum from Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces (China). Splivallo et al. 2007b
EukaryotaTuber MelanosporumNoneT. melanosporum, T. borchii were collected from northern Italy (Piedmont) and T. indicum from Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces (China). Splivallo et al. 2007b
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.NANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNANALee et al. 2023
EukaryotaPhytophthora CinnamomiN/APhytophthora cinnamomiQiu R et al. 2014
EukaryotaPhytophthora CactorumN/APhytophthora cactorum Loulier et al. 2020
Lentinula EdodesGeng et al. 2024
MicrobacteriumBallot et al. 2023
Mycobacterium UlceransChudy et al. 2024
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusBHIGC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaecalisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colihuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaNeisseria Meningitidishuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaPseudomonas selectiveSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBlood agarSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosahuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureushuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas RhizophilaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pneumoniaehuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB-LennoxSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Cepaciatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida KruseiSDATD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansSDATD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataSDATD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisSDATD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiASMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeTryptic soya supp. factors X&VTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeTSBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTSBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBrain Heart InfusionTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaASMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaShewanella Putrefacienstrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTSBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMueller–HintonTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusASMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Maltophiliatrypticase soy agarTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeTryptic soyaTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensColumbia sheep bloodTD/GC-MS and MCC-IMSno
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeLevine EMB agar (LEA) (Fluka Analytical, UK)GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLevine EMB agar (LEA) (Fluka Analytical, UK)GC-MSno
EukaryotaEurotium Amstelodamiingrain (woodchip)SIM/GCMS / Tenaxno
EukaryotaPenicillium Brevicompactumingrain (woodchip)SIM/GCMS / Tenaxno
ProkaryotaBacillus AcidicelerLB agarSPME / GS-MSno
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.LB agarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaIgnatzschineria IndicaNutrient AgarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNutrient AgarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaHyphomonas Sp.Luria-Bertani (LB)SPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaRhizobium Sp.Luria-Bertani (LB)SPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Protegenstryptic soy broth (TSB)gastight syringe, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensNA mediaGC-MS/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus MuralisNA mediaSPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBacillus PumilusNA mediaSPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaNovosphingobium LindaniclasticumNA mediaSPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNA mediaSPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBacillus AmyloliquefaciensNA mediaSPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBacillus MegateriumNA mediaSPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisLB agarGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensLB agarGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB media, DYGS mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus MycoidesTSB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PseudoalcaligenesLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaCandida AlbicansYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida GlabrataYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
EukaryotaCandida TropicalisYGC mediaHS-SPME/GC-GC-ToFMSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EpidermidisTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Atrophaeusnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Amyloliquefaciensnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Velezensisnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Licheniformisnutrient agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTS agar/blood agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaChromobacterium VacciniiKing media B (KMB)SBSE-TD-GC×GC-TOF-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EpidermidisBHI media, LB mediaHS-SPME/GC×GC-TOFMSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces GriseusTSA mediaSPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaChromera Veliaseawater media L1OSSA/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusLB agarHS-SPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PyrrociniaNA mediaSPME/GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaStreptomyces AlboflavusGause's synthetic mediumHeadspace, solid-phase microextractionno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces AlbidoflavusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.Emmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces RishiriensisEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces AlbusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces AntibioticusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces AureofaciensEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces CoelicolorEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces DiastatochromogenesEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces GriseusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces HirsutusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces HygroscopicusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces MurinusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces OlivaceusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces ThermoviolaceusEmmerson's yeast starch agarHeadspace trapping, GC-FID/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia ProteamaculansNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaNBIIHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Brevisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Hilgardiin/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaActinomycetes Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Oxytocan/an/ano
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaAeromonas Veroniin/an/ano
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas Maltophilian/an/ano
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaArthrobacter Nitroguajacolicusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLysobacter Gummosusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaSporosarcina Ginsengisolin/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus Simplexn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacillus Weihenstephanensisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaMicrobacterium Oxydansn/an/ano
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Lateritiusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaSerratia Marcescensn/an/ano
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoranssand supplemented with artificial root exudatesHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia AmbifariaLuria-Bertani medium, Malt Extractn/ano
ProkaryotaBurkholderia GlumaeLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CaribensisLB and MR-VP Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia LataLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenaziniumMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PhenoliruptrixLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia PyrrociniaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia SacchariLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia TerricolaLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia XenovoransLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaChromobacterium ViolaceumLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaCupriavidus NecatorMR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaLimnobacter ThiooxidansAngleHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPandoraea NorimbergensisLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia EntomophilaLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia MarcescensLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia PlymuthicaLB Headspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaSerratia ProteamaculansLB and MR-VPHeadspace air was trapped in glass Gerstel TDS tubes and analysed by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MSD)no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia TropicaPotato dextrose agarHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus AmyloliquefaciensTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus PolymyxaTryptic soy agarSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensissand supplemented with artificial root exudatesHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTS brothHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiSuper broth made up of tryptone, yeast, NaClHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Sp.TSBAGC-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Sp.TSBAGC-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTS brothGC-MS Super Qno
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaBacillus PolymyxaTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaEnterococcus DuransTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaeciumTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaLactobacillus LactisTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc MesenteroidesTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaStreptococcus AgalactiaeTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaStreptococcus ThermophilusTS brothGC-MS SPMEyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PerolensTrypticase soil agar (BBL)GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas TolaasiiKBSPME-GCno
ProkaryotaPseudonocardia ThermophilaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora RectivirgulaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora ViridisNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaThermoactinomyces VulgarisNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaThermomonospora FuscaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces GriseusNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.Nutrient agar CM3 + 50mg/l actidioneGC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudochrobactrum SaccharolyticumLB liquidSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaProteus HauseriLB liquidSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaWautersiella FalseniiLB liquidSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaArthrobacter NicotianaeLB liquidSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaAchromobacter XylosoxidansLB liquidSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaKing's B AgarSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas VranovensisLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas VeroniiLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas ChlororaphisLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FrederiksbergensisLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SyringaeLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas JesseniiLB mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosaminimal medium/ Brian mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas ChlororaphisLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia ProteamaculansLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthicasand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaChryseobacterium Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaTsukamurella Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaDyella Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaJanthinobacterium Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumCasamino Acid Peptone Glucose agarSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus VersicolorDG18GC/MSno
EukaryotaPenicillium CommuneMEAGC/MSno
EukaryotaPhialophora FastigiataDG18GC/MSno
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc MesenteroidesMan Rogosa Sharpe broth (MRS)Tenax-trap/GC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaen/an/ano
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTS brothGC-FIDno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colitryptone, yeast extractGC-MS (SPB-5)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaAB medium + 1% citrate or 0,02% citrate or 1% glucose +1% casaminoacid GC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensAB medium + 1% citrateGC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaAB medium + 1% citrateGC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia LiquefaciensAB medium + 1% citrateGC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeAB medium + 1% citrateGC-FID,GC/MSno
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidescurd-based broth mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes FaecalisLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus CereusLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBrevibacterium EpidermidisLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaProteus PenneriLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaProteus VulgarisLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaProvidencia RettgeriLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudochrobactrum AsaccharolyticumLB mediumSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaTuber Panniferumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaPenicillium Clavigerumyest extract sucroseTenax/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaCitrobacter Freundiitryptic soy broth SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaetryptic soy broth SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.YPD agarGCxGC-TOFMSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaTSBPropak Q adsorbent trap/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaLuria Bertani AgarHeadspace GC/MSno
EukaryotaTuber BorchiiNoneNoneyes
EukaryotaTuber MelanosporumNoneNoneyes
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.Schaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.tryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Segetistryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus VulpisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPsychrobacillus Vulpistryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptone soy broth (TSB)HPLCno
EukaryotaPhytophthora CinnamomiPotato Dextrose Agar,V8 juice agarSPME/GC-MS/MSno
EukaryotaPhytophthora CactorumPotato Dextrose AgarSPME/GC-MS/MSno
Lentinula EdodesJiuqu (traditional wheat Qu)GC-IMSno
Microbacteriumtryptone soy (TS medium; Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany)GC-QQQ-MSno
Mycobacterium UlceransNAGCMS–GP2010no

Compound Details

Synonymous names
Carbon disulphide
Carbon bisulfide
Carbon bisulphide
Dithiocarbonic anhydride
Wegla dwusiarczek
Solfuro di carbonio
Sulphocarbonic anhydride
Sulphuret of carbon
RCRA waste number P022
Caswell No. 162
Carbon bisulfuret
Alcohol of sulfur
Sulfure de carbone
Koolstofdisulfide (zwavelkoolstof)
Kohlendisulfid (schwefelkohlenstoff)
Carbone (sulfure de)
Carbonio (solfuro di)
CCRIS 5570
Carbon sulfide (CS2)
Carbon sulphide
UN 1131
EINECS 200-843-6
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 016401
BRN 1098293
Sulfocarbonic anhydride
Sulfure de carbone [ISO-French]
Carbon disulfide, ACS reagent
EC 200-843-6
4-03-00-00395 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Sulfure de carbone (ISO-French)
Carbon disulfide cation
Wegla dwusiarczek [Polish]
Disulfide, Carbon
Schwefelkohlenstoff [German]
Carbon disulfide [BSI:ISO]
Carbon disulfide, ACS reagent, >=99.9%
Solfuro di carbonio [Italian]
Carbone (sulfure de) [French]
Carbonio (solfuro di) [Italian]
RCRA waste no. P022
Carbon disulfide, puriss., low in benzene, >=99.5% (GC)
Koolstofdisulfide (zwavelkoolstof) [Dutch]
Kohlendisulfid (schwefelkohlenstoff) [German]
Dithioxomethane #
Carbone (sufure de)
Caswell No 162
Carbon disulfide, CP
Carbon disulphide, BSI
Carbon disulfide, p.a., 99.5%
Carbon disulfide, anhydrous, >=99%
USEPA/OPP Pesticide Code: 016401
Carbon disulfide, for HPLC, >=99.9%
Carbondisulfide 100 microg/ml in Methanol
Carbon disulfide, purum, >=99.0% (GC)
Carbondisulfide 5000 microg/mL in Methanol
Carbon-12C disulfide, 99.9 atom % 12C
Carbon disulfide 5000 microg/mL in Methanol
Carbon disulfide, puriss., >=99.5% (GC)
Carbon disulfide, SAJ first grade, >=98.0%
Carbon disulfide [UN1131] [Flammable liquid]
Carbon disulfide, JIS special grade, >=99.0%
Carbon disulfide, spectrophotometric grade, >=99%
Carbon disulfide, puriss. p.a., >=99.9% (GC)
Carbon disulfide, ReagentPlus(R), low benzene, >=99.9%
Carbon disulfide, ReagentPlus(R), purified by redistillation, >=99.9%
Carbon disulfide, for IR spectroscopy, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, reag. Ph. Eur., >=99.9% (GC)


IUPAC name
PubChem ID6348
H-bond Acceptor2
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationsulfides sulfur compounds

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
46.2 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for carbon disulfide is 1.44X10-2 atm-cu m/mole at 24 deg C(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that carbon disulfide is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(2). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the estimated volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec) (2) is approximately 2.6 hours(SRC). The estimated volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec) (2)is approximately 3.5 days(SRC). Carbon disulfide's Henry's Law constant(1) indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces is expected to occur(SRC). The potential for volatilization of carbon disulfide from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based upon the vapor pressure of 359 mm Hg(3).
Literature: (1) Elliot S; Atmos Environ 23: 1977-80 (1989) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Yaws CL; Handbook of Vapor Pressure, Vol 1, Houston,TX: Gulf Pub Co (1994)
Soil Adsorption
The Koc of carbon disulfide is estimated as approximately 270(SRC), using a log Kow of 1.94(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that carbon disulfide is expected to have moderate mobility in soil(SRC). The avg adsorption of carbon disulfide after 10 minutes by 4 air-dried soils was 46% but only 12% by the same soils at 50% water-holding capacity(4). However, after 8 hr the rate of adsorption was greater by moist soil, but only when the soil was unsterilized(4). Further experiments suggest that this 'adsorption' in moist soils is the result of microbial action(4).
Literature: (1) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. ACS Prof Ref Book. Heller SR (consult ed) Washington,DC: Amer Chem Soc p 3 (1995) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington,DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 4-9 (1990) (3) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983) (4) Bremner JM, Banwart WL; Soil Biol Biochem 8: 79-83 (1976)
Vapor Pressure
359 mm Hg at 25 deg CYaws CL; Handbook of Vapor Pressure, Vol 1, Houston,TX: Gulf Pub Co. (1994)

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNANARees et al. 2016a
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumonionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumonionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidan/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/aNAErcolini et al. 2009
ProkaryotaCarnobacterium Divergensn/aNAErcolini et al. 2009
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fragin/aNAErcolini et al. 2009
EukaryotaOgataea Pininamycangia of Dendroctonus brevicomisDavis et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidananaSchöller et al. 1997
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaehuman bloodSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeTryptic soya supp. factors X&VTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeTryptic soyaTD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Putidan/an/ano
ProkaryotaSerratia Proteamaculansn/an/ano
ProkaryotaCarnobacterium Divergensn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fragin/an/ano
EukaryotaOgataea PiniMEAGC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaAB medium + 1% citrate or 0,02% citrate or 1% glucose +1% casaminoacid GC-FID,GC/MSno



Compound Details

Synonymous names
dimethyl sulfide
Methyl sulfide
Methane, thiobis-
dimethyl sulphide
Methyl thioether
Dimethyl thioether
Methyl sulphide
Methyl monosulfide
Dimethyl monosulfide
Sulfure de methyle
Dimethyl sulfide (natural)
FEMA No. 2746
Methylthiomethyl radical
Methane, 1,1'-thiobis-
Dimethylsulfid [Czech]
Sulfure de methyle [French]
HSDB 356
EINECS 200-846-2
BRN 1696847
Dimethyl sulfane
Sulfide, methyl-
Dimethyl sulfide, 98%
reduced dimethyl sulfoxide
(Methylsulfanyl)methane #
Dimethyl sulfide [UN1164] [Flammable liquid]
Dimethyl sulfoxide(Reduced)
EC 200-846-2
Dimethyl sulfide, >=99%
4-01-00-01275 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Dimethyl sulfide, >=99%, FCC
Dimethyl sulfide, analytical standard
Dimethyl sulfide, >=95.0% (GC)
UN 1164
Dimethyl sulfide, anhydrous, >=99.0%
Dimethyl sulfide, puriss., >=99.0% (GC)
Dimethyl sulfide, natural, >=99%, FCC, FG
Dimethyl sulfide [UN1164] [Flammable liquid]
Dimethyl sulfide, redistilled, >=99%, FCC, FG


IUPAC namemethylsulfanylmethane
PubChem ID1068
H-bond Acceptor1
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationsulfides thioethers sulfur compounds

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
37.3 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for dimethyl sulfide has been measured as 1.61X10-3 atm-cu m/mole(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that dimethyl sulfide is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(2). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 3 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 3 days(SRC). Dimethyl sulfides's Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces may occur(SRC). The potential for volatilization of dimethyl sulfide from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 502 mm Hg(3).
Literature: (1) Gaffney, JS et al; Env Sci Tech 21: 519-23 (1987) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals: Data Compilation. Vol 4. Design Inst Phys Prop Data, Amer Inst Chem Eng, NY, NY: Hemisphere Pub Corp (1989)
Soil Adsorption
The Koc of dimethyl sulfide is estimated as 6.3(SRC), using a water solubility of 22,000 mg/L(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that dimethyl sulfide is expected to have very high mobility in soil.
Literature: (1) Suzuki T; J Comp-Aided Molec Des 5: 149-66 (1991) (2) US EPA; Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite. Ver. 4.0. Jan, 2009. Available from as of Oct 1, 2009. (3) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983)
Literature: #Air-dried, unsterilized moist, and sterilized moist soils exposed to air initially containing 500 ppm dimethyl sulfide adsorbed an avg of 32, 308, and 10 ug dimethyl sulfide/g soil, respectively, in 15 days(1). Time required for complete sorption of dimethyl sulfide by moist soil from air initially containing 100 ppm dimethyl sulfide: soil 1 (Weller) - 1st exposure 150 min, 2nd exposure 100 min, 3rd exposure 95 min; soil 2 (Harps) - 1st exposure 45 min, 2nd exposure 24 min, 3rd exposure 19 min(1). These data suggest that moist soils have a greater tendency to adsorb dimethyl sulfide than dry soils, and that microbial activity in moist soils may be responsible for greater adsorption(1). When natural gas containing 0.5 pounds of dimethyl sulfide per million cubic feet of gas was passed through a bed of pulverized, dry, montmorillonite clay, dimethyl sulfide exhibited a fast breakthrough (2 hours) and a fast build-up rate in effluent gas (85% of influent concn 4 hours after breakthrough), suggesting that dimethyl sulfide does not adsorb to dry soils(2).
Literature: (1) Bremner JM, Banwart WL; Soil Biol Biochem 8: 79-83 (1976) (2) Williams RP; Oper Sect Proc - Am Gas Assoc pp. T29-T37 (1976)
Vapor Pressure
502 mm Hg at 25 deg CDaubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusNANAChippendale et al. 2014
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaNeisseria MeningitidisNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAHewett et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANABean et al. 2016
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNANARees et al. 2016a
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANABean et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADavis et al. 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADixon et al. 2022
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisNANAMcNerney et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeNALawal et al. 2018
EukaryotaAspergillus Versicolorwild strainsSchleibinger et al. 2005
EukaryotaChaetomium Globosumwild strainsSchleibinger et al. 2005
EukaryotaEurotium Amstelodamiwild strainsSchleibinger et al. 2005
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaVibrio ParahaemolyticusChina Center of Industrial Culture collectionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumonionWang et al. 2018
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumonionWang et al. 2018
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Fluorescens0Medicago spp. plant rhizospheresHernández-León et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNational Collections of Industrial Food and Marine Bacteria, American Type Culture CollectionSlade et al. 2022
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Istria (Croatia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Baranya (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Somogy (Hungary) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Abruzzo (Italy) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Kalubara (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumcollected from natural truffle orchards in Srem (Serbia) during one truffle season (October 2018–January 2019)Niimi et al. 2021
EukaryotaSerendipita IndicaInstitute of Phytopathology, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen, Germany; origin: isolates from sudangrass roots growing in soil-based trap systemsVenneman et al. 2020
EukaryotaSerendipita WilliamsiiInstitute of Phytopathology, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen, Germany; origin: isolates from sudangrass roots growing in soil-based trap systemsVenneman et al. 2020
ProkaryotaAlpha Proteobacterian/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaGamma Proteobacterian/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaDesulfovibrio Acrylicusn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaParasporobacterium Paucivoransn/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/aNAStotzky and Schenck 1976
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoransn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aItalian geographical areas ( Umbria, Piedmont, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Border region area between Emilia Romagna and Marche, Tuscany, Molise)Gioacchini et al. 2008
EukaryotaTuber Simonean/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Rufumn/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aAyme Truffe of Grignan, 26230 FranceMarch et al. 2006
EukaryotaTuber Uncinatumn/aFrance, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, Austria, Romania, and HungarySplivallo et al. 2012
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensisn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNACheng et al. 2016
EukaryotaFusarium Sp.NABrock et al. 2011
EukaryotaPenicillium Sp.NALarsen 1998
ProkaryotaPseudonocardia ThermophilanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora RectivirgulanasoilWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.nabreathing zone of a waste collection workerWilkins 1996
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosastimulates growth of Aspergillus fumigatusnaBriard et al. 2016
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthicanamaize rhizosphere, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Sp.narhizosphere of Marram grass in sandy dune soils, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaPedobacter Sp.narhizosphere of Marram grass in sandy dune soils, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumnanaSpraker et al. 2014
EukaryotaPenicillium Communenain dry-cured meat products, cheeseSunesson et al. 1995
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.the results led us to propose a possible new direct long-distance mechanism of action for WT antagonistic F. oxysporum that is mediated by vocsNAMinerdi et al. 2009
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aT. melanosporum was from the cultivated truffle zones in the province and T. aestivum from the natural truffle zones in the same regionCullere et al. 2010
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidananaSchöller et al. 1997
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Excavatumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Brumalen/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aProf. Mattia Bentivenga (Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) and in the fortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaclinicPreti et al. 2009
ProkaryotaEnterobacter AgglomeransNARobacker and Lauzon 2002
ProkaryotaClostridium Difficilenastool specimens, from patients infected with clostridium difficileKuppusami et al. 2015
ProkaryotaClostridium DifficilenanaKuppusami et al. 2015
EukaryotaTuber MesentericumNoneNoneMarch et al. 2006
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAlmeida et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisNANAToral et al. 2021
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusBHIGC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colihuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaNeisseria Meningitidishuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosahuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureushuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pneumoniaehuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB-LennoxSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaehuman bloodSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosalysogeny brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeTryptic soya supp. factors X&VTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosatryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeTryptic soyaTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisLG + glycerolTD/GC-MS and SIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterobacter CloacaeLevine EMB agar (LEA) (Fluka Analytical, UK)GC-MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus Versicoloringrain (woodchip)SIM/GCMS / Tenaxno
EukaryotaChaetomium Globosumingrain (woodchip)SIM/GCMS / Tenaxno
EukaryotaEurotium Amstelodamiingrain (woodchip)SIM/GCMS / Tenaxno
ProkaryotaShigella SonneiSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaVibrio ParahaemolyticusSodium chloride brothSPME, GC-MSno
EukaryotaFusarium OxysporumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
EukaryotaFusarium ProliferatumLiquid onion extract medium (LOM)SPME, GC-MSyes
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensNutrient AgarSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB media, DYGS media, ANGLE mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTS agar/blood agarHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber MagnatumGC-MS-Ono
EukaryotaSerendipita IndicaPD agarPTR-TOF-MSno
EukaryotaSerendipita WilliamsiiPD agarPTR-TOF-MSno
ProkaryotaAlpha Proteobacterian/an/ano
ProkaryotaGamma Proteobacterian/an/ano
ProkaryotaAlcaligenes Faecalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaDesulfovibrio Acrylicusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaParasporobacterium Paucivoransn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactococcus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoranssand supplemented with artificial root exudatesHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Magnatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Simonean/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Rufumn/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aPressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber Uncinatumn/aSPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensissand supplemented with artificial root exudatesHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas FluorescensKings B + rif,+kann; PDA GC-Q-TOF-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudonocardia ThermophilaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSaccharomonospora RectivirgulaNutrient agar CM3GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.Nutrient agar CM3 + 50mg/l actidioneGC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosaminimal medium/ Brian mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthicasand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaPaenibacillus Sp.sand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaPedobacter Sp.sand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaRalstonia SolanacearumCasamino Acid Peptone Glucose agarSPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaPenicillium CommuneMEAGC/MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB mediumSPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aGas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas PutidaAB medium + 1% citrate or 0,02% citrate or 1% glucose +1% casaminoacid GC-FID,GC/MSno
EukaryotaTuber Mesentericumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Excavatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Brumalen/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Agglomeransno
ProkaryotaClostridium Difficilebrain heart infusion agar with 7% horse bloodPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaTuber MesentericumNonePressure balanced head-space sampling and GC/TOF-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEnterobacter Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SegetisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Segetistryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno

Methyl Thiocyanate


Compound Details

Synonymous names
Methyl sulfocyanate
Thiocyanic acid, methyl ester
Methyl rhodanate
Methane, thiocyanato-
Thiocyanic Acid Methyl Ester
Methylthiokyanat [Czech]
Methylrhodanid [German]
Methyl Rhodanide
HSDB 5691
NSC 9368
EINECS 209-134-6
BRN 1098357
cyanomethyl thioether
Methyl thiocyanate, 97%
4-03-00-00327 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)


IUPAC namemethyl thiocyanate
PubChem ID11168
H-bond Acceptor2
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationnitrogen compounds nitriles thiocyanates sulfur compounds

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
130 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for methyl thiocyanate is estimated as 4.4X10-5 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) using a fragment constant estimation method(1). This value indicates that methyl thiocyanate will volatilize from water surfaces(2,SRC). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec) is estimated as approximately 20 hours(2,SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec) is estimated as approximately 8.6 days(2,SRC). Methyl thiocyanate's Henry's Law constant(1,SRC) indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces is expected (SRC). The potential for volatilization of methyl thiocyanate from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based on a measured vapor pressure of 12 mm Hg(4).
Literature: (1) Meylan WM, Howard PH; Environ Toxicol Chem 10: 1283-93 (1991) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Lyman WJ; p 31 in Environmental Exposure From Chemicals Vol I, Neely WB, Blau GE(eds), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (1985) (4) Perry RH, Green D; Perry's Chemical Handbook, Physical and Chemical Data, NY, NY: McGraw Hill 6th ed (1984)
Literature: Budavari, S. (ed.). The Merck Index - An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1996., p. 1045
Literature: #Soluble in carbon tetrachloride.
Literature: Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 76th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., 1995-1996., p. 3-320
Soil Adsorption
Using a structure estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(1), the Koc for methyl thiocyanate can be estimated to be about 8.3(SRC). According to a recommended classification scheme(2), this estimated Koc value suggests that methyl thiocyanate is expected to have very high mobility in soil(SRC).
Literature: (1) Meylan WM et al; Environ Sci Technol 26: 1560-67 (1992) (2) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983)
Vapor Pressure
12.1 mm Hg at 25 deg CPerry RH, Green D; Perry's Chemical Handbook, Physical and Chemical Data, NY,NY: McGraw Hill 6th ed p. 3-58 (1984)

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAShestivska et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAFitzgerald et al. 2021
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAFitzgerald et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANABean et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADavis et al. 2020
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANALawal et al. 2018a
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAhmed et al. 2023
ProkaryotaPseudomonas UmsongensisLobaria pulmonaria lichen thalli, AustriaCernava et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
EukaryotaRhizoctonia Solanidirectional root growth of Brassica rapa rootsNAMoisan et al. 2021
ProkaryotaCollimonas Fungivoransn/aNAGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthicanamaize rhizosphere, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensisnarhizosphere of Marram grass in sandy dune soils, NetherlandsGarbeva et al. 2014
ProkaryotaTsukamurella Sp.nanaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaJanthinobacterium Sp.nanaTyc et al. 2015
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.NAJones et al. 2017
EukaryotaRhizoctonia Solanicollection of the Sugar Beet Research Institute, Bergen op Zoom, The NetherlandsCordovez et al. 2017
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMueller-Hinton BrothSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTSBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTSBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosalysogeny brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaASMTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas UmsongensisR2AGC/MS SPMEno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaRhizoctonia Solani1/5th PDA mediumGC-MSno
ProkaryotaCollimonas FungivoransHeadspace trapping/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Plymuthicasand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaCollimonas Pratensissand containing artificial root exudatesGC/MSno
ProkaryotaTsukamurella Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaJanthinobacterium Sp.Tryptic soy broth agarGC/MS-Q-TOFno
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.YPD agarGCxGC-TOFMSno
EukaryotaRhizoctonia SolaniPotato Dextrose Agar3Tenax TA / TDGC-MSno


Compound Details

Synonymous names
hydrogen sulfide
Hydrosulfuric acid
Dihydrogen monosulfide
Stink DAMP
Hydrogen sulphide
Dihydrogen sulfide
Sulfureted hydrogen
Sewer gas
Hydrogene sulfure
Acide sulfhydrique
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
Polsulkol Extra
Idrogeno solforato
Corosul D and S
RC-Schwefel Extra
Hydrogen monosulfide
Kolloidschwefel 95
Sulfuretted hydrogen
Cosan 80
Hepatic acid
Hydrogene sulphure
Kolo 100
Acide sulphhydrique
RCRA waste number U135
Hydrogen sulfuric acid
FEMA No. 3779
UN 1053
Hepatic gas
Hydrogen sulfure
sulfure d'hydrogene
HSDB 576
EINECS 231-977-3
Kumulus FL
EC 231-977-3
Magnetic 6
Caswell No. 812
Schwefel, feinverteilter
Sulfide, Hydrogen
Siarkowodor [Polish]
Hydrogen sulfide H2S
Magnetic 70, 90, and 95
HSDB 5166
Sulfur - S @ 0 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 1.00 wt% in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10000 microg/mL in H2O
Sulfur Standard: S BLK (0 wt%) in Crude Oil
Zwavelwaterstof [Dutch]
Sulfur - S @ 500 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
EINECS 231-722-6
Hydrogen sulfure [French]
RCRA waste no. U135
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 077501
Hydrogene sulfure [French]
NSC 403664
Acide sulfhydrique [French]
Schwefelwasserstoff [German]
Idrogeno solforato [Italian]
a thiol
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1000 microg/g (0.100 wt%) in Crude Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10000 microg/g (1.00 wt%) in Crude Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20000 microg/g (2.00 wt%) in Crude Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 2500 microg/g (0.250 wt%) in Crude Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 30000 microg/g (3.00 wt%) in Crude Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 40000 microg/g (4.00 wt%) in Crude Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5000 microg/g (0.500 wt%) in Crude Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50000 microg/g (5.00 wt%) in Crude Oil
Sour gas
Sulfur, molten
Colloidal sulphur
intracellular S0
Sulfur Standard: S @ 7500 microg/g (0.750 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur (Powder)
Sulfur, colloidal
Bensulfoid (TN)
Dihydrogen sulphide
Sastid (TN)
component of Bensulfoid
Sour gas (Salt/Mix)
Sulfur (>80%)
Sulfur (>98%)
Magnetic 70, and 95
EC 231-722-6
Hydrogen sulfide, >=99.5%
Sulfur Blank (0%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Blank (0 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur [NA1350] [Class 9]
Sulfur Blank (0 wt%) in Isooctane
Hydrogen sulfide, purum, >=99.0%
Sulfur - S @15microg/g, 500 mL
Sulphur in Diesel, Low (7.2 mg/kg)
Sulfur [UN1350] [Flammable solid]
Sulfur Blank (0%) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 7000microg/g in Residual Oil
Sulfur Blank (0%) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur Blank (0%) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur Blank (0%) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur, molten [NA2448] [Class 9]
Hydrogen sulfide [UN1053] [Poison gas]
Sulfur @ 0.0005% (5ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.001% (10ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.005% (50ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.01% (100ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.03% (300ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.05% (500ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.07% (700ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.1% (1000ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.3% (3000ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur Blank (0 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
PTP Sample for Sulfur in Isooctane Analysis
Sulfur - S @ 2.00 wt% in Heavy Mineral
Sulfur @ 0.0025% (25ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.025% (250ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.075% (750ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 0.25% (2500ppm) in Isooctane
Sulfur @ 10 microg/g, from Polysulfide Oil
Sulfur - S @ 2% in Residual Oil, 500mL
Sulfur, powder, 99.998% trace metals basis
Sulfur - S @ 0ug/g in Light Mineral, 1 gal
Sulfur - S @ 1% in Residual Oil, 1 Gallon
Sulfur - S @ 200microg/g in #2 Diesel fuel
Sulfur - S @ 4% in Residual Oil, 1 Gallon
Sulfur - S @ 400microg/g in #2 Diesel fuel
Sulfur - S @ 5% in Residual Oil, 1 Gallon
Sulfur @ 1% (10000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 2% (20000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 3% (30000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 4% (40000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 5% (50000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur Blank (0 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Blank (0 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur, molten [UN2448] [Flammable solid]
di-n-butyl sulfide, S @ 22% nominally, 100g
Sulfur - S @ 2% in Resdidual Oil , 1 Gallon
Sulfur - S @ 3% in Residual Oil , 1 Gallon
Sulfur - S @ 3.00 wt% in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 4.00 wt% in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 400ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, L
Sulfur - S @ 5 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 5.00 wt% in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.0005% (5ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.001% (10ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.005% (50ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.01% (100ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.03% (300ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.05% (500ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.07% (700ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.1% (1000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.3% (3000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.5% (5000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 1% (10000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 2% (20000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 3% (30000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 4% (40000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 5% (50000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur in Residual Oil @ 10,000microg/g, 1L
Sulfur in Residual Oil @ 20,000microg/g, 1L
Sulfur in Residual Oil @ 30,000microg/g, 1L
Sulfur in Residual Oil @ 40,000microg/g, 1L
Sulfur in Residual Oil @ 50,000microg/g, 1L
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250microg/g in Isooctane
PTP Sample for Sulfur in #2 Diesel Fuel Analysis
PTP Sample for Sulfur in B100 Biodiesel Analysis
Sulfur - S @ 0.300 wt% in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 0.500 wt% in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 0.750 wt% in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 0ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 10 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 100microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 1500microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 20 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 200 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 25 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 2wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @ 3.00wt% in #2 Diesel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 3.00wt% in Residual Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 300 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 4.00wt% in Residual Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 5.00wt% in Residual Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 50 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 5ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 5ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 750 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.0005% (5ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.0005% (5ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.0005% (5ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.001% (10ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.001% (10ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.001% (10ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.0025% (25ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.005% (50ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.005% (50ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.005% (50ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.01% (100ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.01% (100ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.01% (100ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.025% (250ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.03% (300ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.03% (300ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.03% (300ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.05% (500ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.05% (500ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.05% (500ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.07% (700ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.07% (700ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.07% (700ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.075% (750ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.1% (1000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.1% (1000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.1% (1000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.25% (2500ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 0.3% (3000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.3% (3000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.3% (3000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.5% (5000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.5% (5000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.5% (5000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 1% (10000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 1% (10000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 1.5% (15000ppm) in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur @ 2% (20000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 2% (20000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 3% (30000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 3% (30000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 3500microg/g in Residual Oil, 100mL
Sulfur @ 4% (40000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 4% (40000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 5% (50000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 5% (50000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 7000microg/g in Residual Oil, 500mL
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250 microg/g in Isooctane
Sulfur - S @ 0ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 gallon
Sulfur - S @ 0ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 1.00wt% in Residual Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 1000 microg/g in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 10ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 10ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 15ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 15ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 20ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 25ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 25ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 300ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 50mL
Sulfur - S @ 5000microg/g in Residual Oil, 1L
Sulfur - S @ 500ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 50mL
Sulfur - S @ 50ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 5ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 75ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur @ 0.0025% (25ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.0025% (25ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.0025% (25ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.025% (250ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.025% (250ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.025% (250ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.075% (750ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.075% (750ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.075% (750ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 0.25% (2500ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.25% (2500ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 0.25% (2500ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
Sulfur @ 1.5% (15000ppm) in Heavy Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 1.5% (15000ppm) in Light Mineral Oil
Sulfur @ 1.5% (15000ppm) in Odourless Kerosene
ASTM D5453 Curve 1, S @ 0.5-10ppm in p-xylene
ASTM D5453 Curve 2, S @ 5-100 ppm in isooctane
ASTM D5453 Curve 2, S @ 5-100 ppm in p-xylene
PTP Sample for Sulfur in 20 cSt Mineral Oil Analysis
Sulfur - S @ 400ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 250mL
Sulfur - S @ 1.00wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 1.00wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @ 1.00wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 1.0wt% in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 100ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 100ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 10ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @ 10ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 15ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @ 15ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 2.00wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 200ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 200ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 20microg/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 20ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 25ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @ 25ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 3,500ug/g in Residual Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 300ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 4.00wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 400ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 400ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 5,000ug/g in Residual Oil, 1 Gallon
Sulfur - S @ 5.00wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 5000microg/g in #2 Diesel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 5000microg/g in Residual Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 500ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 500ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 500ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 50ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 750ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 750ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @ 750ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 75microg/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 75ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @0.050wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @0.300wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @0.500wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur @ 500microg/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1/2Gallon
Sulfur Calibration Set: S @ 0-100 mg/kg in Toluene
Sulfur Calibration Set: S @ 0-50 mg/kg in Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 microg/g in B100 Biodiesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15 microg/g in B100 Biodiesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20 microg/g in B100 Biodiesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 25 microg/g in B100 Biodiesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 microg/g in B100 Biodiesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 microg/g in B100 Biodiesel
Sulfur, S @ 3000 ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
ASTM D5453 Curve 1, S @ 0.5 -10ppm in isooctane
ASTM D5453 Curve 1, S @ 0.5 -10ppm in Toluene
ASTM D5453 Curve 2, S @ 5 -100 ppm in Toluene
Sulfur - S @ 2.00wt% in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 3.00wt% in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 4.00wt% in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 0.100wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur - S @ 0.100wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 0.300wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 0.750wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 1,000ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 1000ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 200microg/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 4000microg/g in 75 cSt Oil Heavy Oil
Sulfur - S @ 5,000ug/g in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Gal
Sulfur - S @ 5.00wt% in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 5000ug/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 5microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @0.0100wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur Calibration Set: S @ 0-100 mg/kg in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 microg/g in B100 Biodiesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 500 microg/g in B100 Biodiesel
ASTM D5453 Curve 3, S @ 100 -1000 ppm in Toluene
ASTM D5453 Curve 3, S @ 100-1000 ppm in isooctane
ASTM D5453 Curve 3, S @ 100-1000 ppm in p-xylene
Sulfur - S @ 0.150wt% S in #2 Diesel Fuel, 500mL
Sulfur - S @ 100microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 10microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 15microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 20 microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 200 microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 250 microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 25microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 300 microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 50microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @ 75microg/g in 90% Isooctane/10% Ethanol
Sulfur - S @0.00050wt% in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 30,000 microg/g S in Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 40,000 microg/g S in Mineral Oil
Sulfur - S @ 1500microg/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mLs
Sulfur - S @ 3000microg/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mLs
Sulfur - S @ 300microg/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mLs
Sulfur - S @ 400microg/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mLs
Sulfur - S @ 750microg/g in Light Mineral Oil, 500mLs
Sulfur - S @ 0 microg/g (blank) in #2 Diesel Fuel, 1 Liter
Sulfur Calibration Set: S @ 0-10 mg/Kg in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur Calibration Set: S @ 0-25 mg/kg in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 microg/g (0.0010 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 microg/g (0.0010 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 ug/g in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 ug/g in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15 microg/g (0.0015 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15 ug/g in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20 microg/g (0.0020 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20 ug/g in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 25 microg/g (0.0025 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 25 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 25 ug/g in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 25 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250 microg/g (0.0250 wt%) in Diesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 2500 microg/g (0.2500 wt%) in Diesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 microg/g (0.0005 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 microg/g (0.0005 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 ug/g in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 microg/g (0.0050 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 microg/g (0.0050 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 ug/g in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 500 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 500 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 75 microg/g (0.0075 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 75 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 75 ug/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
IP 336, Sulfur Set D in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ 2, 3, 4, 5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set D in Light Mineral Oil: S @ 2, 3, 4, 5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set D in Odourless Kerosene: S @ 2, 3, 4, 5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set D in Synthetic Diesel: S @ 2, 3, 4, 5 %
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 100 microg/g S in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 15 microg/g S in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 20,000 microg/g S in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 250 microg/g S in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 300 microg/g S in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 50 microg/g S in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 5000 microg/g S in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: 750 microg/g S in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: S @ 1500 microg/g in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: S @ 20 microg/g in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: S @ 200 microg/g in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: S @ 25 microg/g in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: S @ 3000 microg/g in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: S @ 400 microg/g in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Polysulfide Oil Standard: S @ 75 microg/g in 13 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Calibration Set: S @ 25-1000 mg/Kg in Synthetic Diesel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 microg/g (0.0100 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 microg/g (0.0100 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1000 microg/g (0.100 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1000 microg/g (0.100 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1000 ug/g in 70% Isooctane/30% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10000 microg/g (1.00 wt%) in Residual Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 200 microg/g (0.0200 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20000 microg/g (2.00 wt%) in Residual Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250 microg/g (0.0250 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 300 microg/g (0.0300 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 300 microg/g (0.0300 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 3000 microg/g (0.300 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 3000 microg/g (0.300 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 30000 microg/g (3.00 wt%) in Residual Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 400 microg/g (0.0400 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 40000 microg/g (4.00 wt%) in Residual Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 microg/g (0.0005 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 500 microg/g (0.0500 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 500 microg/g (0.0500 wt%) in Kerosene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5000 microg/g (0.500 wt%) in Residual Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50000 microg/g (5.00 wt%) in Residual Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 750 microg/g (0.0750 wt%) in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 750 microg/g (0.0750 wt%) in Kerosene
Total Sulfur by UV Fluorescence Set for ASTM D5453 - in toluene
Total Sulfur by UV Fluorescence Set for ASTM D5453 -in toluene
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set C in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set C in Light Mineral Oil: S @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set C in Odourless Kerosene: S @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set C in Synthetic Diesel: S @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set C in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set C in Light Mineral Oil: S @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set C in Odourless Kerosene: S @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set C in Synthetic Diesel: S @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
ASTM D5453 Curve 1, S @ 0.5 -10ppm in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
ASTM D5453 Curve 2, S @ 5 -100 ppm in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
ASTM D5453 Curve 3, S @ 100 -1000 ppm in 75% Isooctane/25% Toluene
IP 336, Sulfur Set C in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set C in Light Mineral Oil: S @ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set C in Odourless Kerosene: S @ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set C in Synthetic Diesel: S @ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 %
Mercaptan Sulphur in Hydrocarbons, Jet Aviation Fuel (Nominal: 15.2 mg/kg)
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 microg/g (0.0010 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 microg/g (0.0010 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10 microg/g (0.0010 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 microg/g (0.0100 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 microg/g (0.0100 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 100 microg/g (0.0100 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1000 microg/g (0.100 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1000 microg/g (0.100 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1000 microg/g (0.100 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1000 ug/g (0.1 wt%) in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10000 microg/g (1.00 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10000 microg/g (1.00 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 10000 microg/g (1.00 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15 microg/g (0.0015 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15 microg/g (0.0015 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15 microg/g (0.0015 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1500 microg/g (0.150 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1500 microg/g (0.150 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 1500 microg/g (0.150 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20 microg/g (0.0020 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20 microg/g (0.0020 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20 microg/g (0.0020 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 200 microg/g (0.0200 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 200 microg/g (0.0200 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 200 microg/g (0.0200 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20000 microg/g (2.00 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20000 microg/g (2.00 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 20000 microg/g (2.00 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 25 microg/g (0.0025 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 25 microg/g (0.0025 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 25 microg/g (0.0025 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250 microg/g (0.0250 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250 microg/g (0.0250 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250 microg/g in Isooctane (75%) & Toluene (25%)
Sulfur Standard: S @ 2500 microg/g (0.2500 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 2500 microg/g (0.2500 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 250microg/g in Isooctane (70%) and Toluene (30%)
Sulfur Standard: S @ 300 microg/g (0.0300 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 300 microg/g (0.0300 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 300 microg/g (0.0300 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 3000 microg/g (0.300 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 3000 microg/g (0.300 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 3000 microg/g (0.300 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 30000 microg/g (3.00 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 30000 microg/g (3.00 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 30000 microg/g (3.00 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 400 microg/g (0.0400 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 400 microg/g (0.0400 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 400 microg/g (0.0400 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 40000 microg/g (4.00 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 40000 microg/g (4.00 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 40000 microg/g (4.00 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 microg/g (0.0005 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5 microg/g (0.0005 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 microg/g (0.0050 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 microg/g (0.0050 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50 microg/g (0.0050 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 500 microg/g (0.0500 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 500 microg/g (0.0500 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 500 microg/g (0.0500 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5000 microg/g (0.500 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5000 microg/g (0.500 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 5000 microg/g (0.500 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50000 microg/g (5.00 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50000 microg/g (5.00 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 50000 microg/g (5.00 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 7 microg/g (0.0007 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 700 microg/g (0.0700 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 700 microg/g (0.0700 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 75 microg/g (0.0075 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 75 microg/g (0.0075 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 75 microg/g (0.0075 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 750 microg/g (0.0750 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 750 microg/g (0.0750 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 750 microg/g (0.0750 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 7500 microg/g (0.750 wt%) in #2 Diesel Fuel
Sulfur Standard: S @ 7500 microg/g (0.750 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set B in Diesel: S @ 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 microg/g"
"ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set A in Diesel: S @ 0, 5, 10, 25, 50 microg/g"
"ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set A in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 0, 5, 10, 25, 50 microg/g"
"IP 336, Sulfur Set B in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 0, 1000, 3000, 5000 microg/g"
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set B in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set B in Light Mineral Oil: S @ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set B in Odourless Kerosene: S @ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set B in Synthetic Diesel: S @ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set B in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set B in Light Mineral Oil: S @ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set B in Odourless Kerosene: S @ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set B in Synthetic Diesel: S @ 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set A in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set A in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set A in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set B in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set B in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set B in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set B in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set F in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set F in Light Mineral Oil: S @ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set F in Odourless Kerosene: S @ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set F in Synthetic Diesel: S @ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 %
Sulfur Set for ASTM D5453 - S @ 0, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 ng/microL in toluene.
Sulfur Set for ASTM D5453 - S @ 0, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 ng/microL in Toluene
Sulfur Set for ASTM D5453: S @ 0, 1.0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 ng/microL in Isooctane
Sulfur Set for ASTM D5453: S @ 0, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 ng/microL in Isooctane
Sulfur Set for ASTM D5453: S @ 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 15, 20 ng/microL in p-xylene
Sulfur Set for ASTM D5453: S @ 0, 5, 25, 50, 100, 200 ng/microL in Isooctane
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15000 microg/g (1.5000 wt%) in 20 cSt Mineral Oil
Sulfur Standard: S @ 15000 microg/g (1.5000 wt%) in 75 cSt Mineral Oil
"ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set A in Diesel: S @ 0, 5, 10, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 microg/g"
"ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Oil (75 cSt): S @ 0, 5, 10, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 microg/g"
"ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set A in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 0, 5, 10, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 microg/g"
"ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set B in Heavy Oil (75 cSt): S @ 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 microg/g"
"ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set B in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 microg/g"
"ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set C in Diesel: S @ 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
"ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set C in Heavy Oil (75 cSt): S @ 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
"ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set C in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set A in Diesel: S @ 0, 5, 10, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Oil (75 cSt): S @ 0, 5, 10, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set A in Kerosene: S @ 0, 5, 10, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set A in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 0, 5, 10, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set B in Heavy Oil (75 cSt): S @ 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set B in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set C in Diesel: S @ 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set C in Heavy Oil (75 cSt): S @ 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
"ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set C in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
"IP 336, Sulfur Set A in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 0, 300, 500, 700, 1000 microg/g"
"IP 336, Sulfur Set C in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000 microg/g"
"IP 336, Sulfur Set D in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
"IP 336, Sulfur Set E in Heavy Oil (75 cSt): S @ 0, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 3000, 5000 microg/g"
"IP 336, Sulfur Set E in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 0, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 3000, 5000 microg/g"
"IP 336, Sulfur Set F in Heavy Oil (75 cSt): S @ 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
"IP 336, Sulfur Set F in Light Oil (20 cSt): S @ 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000 microg/g"
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set A in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set A in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D2622, Sulfur Set A in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set A in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set A in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D4294, Sulfur Set A in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D7039, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.005, 0.025, 0.05 %
ASTM D7039, Sulfur Set A in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.005, 0.025, 0.05 %
ASTM D7039, Sulfur Set A in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.005, 0.025, 0.05 %
ASTM D7039, Sulfur Set A in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.005, 0.025, 0.05 %
ASTM D7039, Sulfur Set B in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0025, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3 %
ASTM D7039, Sulfur Set B in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0025, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3 %
ASTM D7039, Sulfur Set B in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.0025, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3 %
ASTM D7039, Sulfur Set B in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.0025, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3 %
ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005 %
ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set A in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005 %
ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set A in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005 %
ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set A in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005 %
ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set B in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set B in Light Mineral Oil: S @ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set B in Odourless Kerosene: S @ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
ASTM D7220, Sulfur Set B in Synthetic Diesel: S @ 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set E in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set E in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set E in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 %
IP 336, Sulfur Set E in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 %
IP 496, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 %
IP 496, Sulfur Set A in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 %
IP 496, Sulfur Set A in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 %
IP 496, Sulfur Set A in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 %
IP 497, Sulfur Set A in Heavy Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.03, 0.05 %
IP 497, Sulfur Set A in Light Mineral Oil: S @ Blank, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.03, 0.05 %
IP 497, Sulfur Set A in Odourless Kerosene: S @ Blank, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.03, 0.05 %
IP 497, Sulfur Set A in Synthetic Diesel: S @ Blank, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.03, 0.05 %
Mercaptan Sulfur Set for UOP 163 and ASTM D3227: S @ 10 microg/g in 80% Isooctane/20% Toluene
Sulfur Set for ASTM D4045: S @ 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10 microg/g in Isooctane
Total Sulfur by UV Fluorescence Set for ASTM D5453 - S @ 0, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 ng/microL. Set of 6x2mL ampoules in toluene.


IUPAC namesulfane
PubChem ID402
H-bond Acceptor1
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationsulfur compounds thioethers sulfides

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
60.33 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for hydrogen sulfide has been measured as 0.0098 atm-cu m/mole at 25 °C(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that hydrogen sulfide is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(2). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 1.8 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(2) is estimated as 2.3 days(SRC). Hydrogen sulfide is a weak base and has two pKa values of pKa1 = 7.04 and pKa2 = 11.96(3) which indicate some dissociation at environmental pHs(4). At pH 5-6, the water-air transfer rate was found to behave like an unreactive gas, but as the pH increases to pH10, the transfer rate was enhanced and nearly 200 times faster at pH10 than pH 5(4). Hydrogen sulfide's Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces will occur(SRC). Hydrogen sulfide is a gas at ambient temperatures(3) and expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC); however, hydrogen sulfide gas can adsorb to both moist and dry soil surfaces(5) which may attenuate the rate of volatilization(SRC).
Soil Adsorption
Hydrogen sulfide gas was found to absorb rapidly to six different soil types(1). For example, when hydrogen sulfide gas was passed over six air-dried and moist (50% field capacity) soils, 15.4-65.2 mg/g and 11.0-65.2 mg/g of hydrogen sulfide rapidly adsorbed to the dry and moist soils, respectively(1). Neither the capacity or rate of sorption was correlated to soil pH, organic matter content, or clay content; sterile controls ruled out the involvement of microorganisms(1); it was suggested that adsorption to soil surfaces might be an environmental sink for gaseous hydrogen sulfide(1).

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaecalisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaNeisseria MeningitidisNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisNANAMcNerney et al. 2012
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEnterococcus FaecalisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colihuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaNeisseria Meningitidishuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosahuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureushuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pneumoniaehuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisLG + glycerolTD/GC-MS and SIFT-MSno

Acetic Acid


Compound Details

Synonymous names
acetic acid
ethanoic acid
Acetic acid glacial
Ethylic acid
Vinegar acid
Glacial acetic acid
Acetic acid, glacial
Methanecarboxylic acid
Acide acetique
Pyroligneous acid
Aceticum acidum
Acido acetico
Octowy kwas
ethoic acid
Kyselina octova
Orthoacetic acid
Azijnzuur [Dutch]
Ethanoic acid monomer
Essigsaeure [German]
Caswell No. 003
Otic Tridesilon
Octowy kwas [Polish]
Acetic acid (natural)
Acide acetique [French]
Acido acetico [Italian]
FEMA No. 2006
Kyselina octova [Czech]
Acetic acid-17O2
Otic Domeboro
Acidum aceticum glaciale
Acidum aceticum
acetic acid-
EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 044001
NSC 132953
BRN 0506007
Acetic acid, diluted
INS NO.260
Acetic acid [JAN]
10.Methanecarboxylic acid
Acetic acid-2-13C,d4
INS No. 260
E 260
Acetic-13C2 acid (8CI,9CI)
Acetic acid, of a concentration of more than 10 per cent, by weight, of acetic acid
acetyl alcohol
ACETIC-1-13C-2-D3 ACID-1 H (D)
Acetic acid, >=99.7%
FEMA Number 2006
ACETIC-13C2-2-D3 ACID, 97 ATOM % 13C, 97 ATOM % D
Acetic acid, ACS reagent, >=99.7%
CCRIS 5952
methane carboxylic acid
EINECS 200-580-7
Acetic acid 0.25% in plastic container
acetic aicd
Glacial acetate
acetic cid
actic acid
acetic -acid
Distilled vinegar
Acetic acid, glacial [USP:JAN]
Acetasol (TN)
Acetic acid,glacial
Carboxymethyl radical
for LC-MS
Vinegar (Salt/Mix)
Acetic acid LC/MS Grade
Acetic acid, ACS reagent
Otic Domeboro (Salt/Mix)
EC 200-580-7
Acetic acid (JP17/NF)
Acetic Acid [for LC-MS]
Acetic acid, glacial (USP)
4-02-00-00094 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Glacial acetic acid (JP17)
UN 2790 (Salt/Mix)
Acetic Acid Glacial HPLC Grade
Acetic acid, analytical standard
Acetic acid, Glacial USP grade
Acetic acid, puriss., >=80%
Acetic acid, 99.8%, anhydrous
Acetic acid, AR, >=99.8%
Acetic acid, LR, >=99.5%
Acetic acid, extra pure, 99.8%
Acetic acid, 99.5-100.0%
Acetic acid, Glacial, ACS Reagent
Acetic acid, puriss., 99-100%
Acetic acid, glacial, >=99.85%
FA 2:0
Acetic acid, for HPLC, >=99.8%
UN 2789
Acetic acid, >=99.5%, FCC, FG
Acetic acid, natural, >=99.5%, FG
Acetic acid, ReagentPlus(R), >=99%
USEPA/OPP Pesticide Code: 044001
Acetic acid, USP, 99.5-100.5%
Acetic acid 1000 microg/mL in Methanol
Acetic acid, SAJ first grade, >=99.0%
Acetic acid 1000 microg/mL in Acetonitrile
Acetic acid, >=99.99% trace metals basis
Acetic acid, JIS special grade, >=99.7%
Acetic acid, purified by double-distillation
Acetic acid, UV HPLC spectroscopic, 99.9%
Acetic acid, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, >=99%
Bifido Selective Supplement B, for microbiology
Acetic acid, glacial, electronic grade, 99.7%
Acetic acid, >=99.7%, SAJ super special grade
Glacial acetic acid, meets USP testing specifications
Acetic acid, >=99.7%, suitable for amino acid analysis
Acetic acid, >=99.7%, for titration in non-aqueous medium
Acetic acid, for luminescence, BioUltra, >=99.5% (GC)
Acetic acid, p.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur., 99.8%
Acetic acid, semiconductor grade MOS PURANAL(TM) (Honeywell 17926)
Glacial acetic acid, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard
Acetic acid, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, reag. ISO, reag. Ph. Eur., >=99.8%
Glacial Acetic Acid, Pharmaceutical Secondary Standard; Certified Reference Material
Acetic acid, puriss., meets analytical specification of Ph. Eur., BP, USP, FCC, 99.8-100.5%


IUPAC nameacetic acid
PubChem ID176
H-bond Acceptor2
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationacids organic acids

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
117.9 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for acetic acid has been experimentally determined to be 1.43X10-7 atm-cu m/mole at 25 deg C(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that acetic acid is expected to be essentially nonvolatile from water surfaces(2). Acetic acid's Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process(SRC). Acetic acid is expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 15.7 mm Hg at 25 deg C(3).
Literature: (1) Johnson BJ et al; J Atmos Chem 24: 113-119 (1996) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals: Data Compilation. Design Inst Phys Prop Data, Amer Inst Chem Eng. New York, NY: Hemisphere Pub Corp (1989)
Soil Adsorption
A log Koc of 0.00 (Koc = 1), which was derived from experimental measurements, has been reported for acetic acid(1,2). According to a classification scheme(3), this Koc value suggests that acetic acid is expected to have very high mobility in soil. No detectable sorption was measured for acetic acid using the OECD Guideline 106 method employing an acidic forest soil, pH 2.8, an agricultural soil, pH 6.7, and a lake sediment, pH 7.1(4). Adsorption of acetic acid to 3 nearshore marine sediments collected from three different locations resulted in Kd values of 0.65 (Koc = 228), 0.085 (Koc = 6.5) and 0.046 (Koc = 27) using clastic mud (3.5% organic carbon, pH 7.0), muddy sand (1.3% organic carbon, pH 7.7), and carbonate sand (0.17% organic carbon, pH 8.1), respectively(5). The pKa of acetic acid is 4.76(6), indicating that this compound will exist partially in anion form in the environment and anions generally do not adsorb more strongly to soils containing organic carbon and clay than their neutral counterparts(7).
Literature: (1) Schuurmann G et al; Environ Sci Technol 40: 7005-7011 (Supplemental material) (2006) (2) Meylan WM et al; Environ Sci Technol 26: 1560-7 (1992) (3) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (4) Von Oepen B et al; Chemosphere 22: 285-304 (1991) (5) Sansone JF et al; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 51: 1889-1896 (1987) (6) Serjeant EP, Dempsey B; Ionisation Constants of Organic Acids in Aqueous Solution. IUPAC Chemical Data Series No. 23. New York, NY: Pergamon Press, p. 989 (1979) (7) Doucette WJ; pp. 141-188 in Handbook of Property Estimation Methods for Chemicals. Boethling RS, Mackay D, eds. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publ (2000)
Literature: #In 24 hr aqueous adsorption studies using montmorillonite and kaolinite clay adsorbents, 2.4-30.4% of added acetic acid was observed to be in the adsorbed phase(1). In adsorption studies using the adsorbent hydroxyapatite (a mineral which occurs in the environment as a result of the diagenesis of skeletal apatite), only 5% of added acetic acid (in aqueous solution, pH 8.0) became adsorbed to the hydroxyapatite(2). Acetic acid has been noted to leach from biological disposal areas(3).
Literature: (1) Hemphill L, Swanson WS; Proc of the 18th Industrial Waste Conf, Eng Bull Purdue Univ, Lafayette IN 18: 204-17 (1964) (2) Gordon AS, Millero FJ; Microb Ecol 11: 289-98 (1985) (3) Abrams EF et al; Identification of Organic Compounds in Effluents from Industrial Sources. USEPA-560/3-75-002 p. 3 (1975)
Vapor Pressure
15.7 mm Hg at 25 deg C /Extrapolated/Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.
MS-MS Spectrum 2640 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 50V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 2637 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 20V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 2638 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 30V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 179743
MS-MS Spectrum 182077
MS-MS Spectrum 182078
MS-MS Spectrum 71 - Quattro_QQQ 40V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 179744
MS-MS Spectrum 70 - Quattro_QQQ 25V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 2636 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 10V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 179742
MS-MS Spectrum 69 - Quattro_QQQ 10V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 182076
MS-MS Spectrum 2635 - EI-B (HITACHI M-80B) Positive
MS-MS Spectrum 2639 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 40V Negative

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAZhu et al. 2010
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAZhu et al. 2010
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaNeisseria MeningitidisNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaNeisseria MeningitidisNANAScotter et al. 2006
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAThorn et al. 2011
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAAllardyce et al. 2006
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAFitzgerald et al. 2021
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAFitzgerald et al. 2021
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeNANARees et al. 2016a
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANABean et al. 2012
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADavis et al. 2020
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusNANABazemore et al. 2012
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANABoots et al. 2014
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeNANAFilipiak et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EpidermidisNATimm et al. 2018
EukaryotaTrichoderma Harzianum0NALi et al. 2018
EukaryotaTrichoderma Virens0NALi et al. 2018
EukaryotaTrichoderma HarzianumNALi et al. 2018
EukaryotaTrichoderma VirensNALi et al. 2018
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.antifungal activity against Thielaviopsis ethacetica mycelial growthBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory – LNBR/CNPEM Microorganism Collection, Campinas, SP; isolatedfrom soil and roots of highly productive sugarcane-producing regions; BrazilFreitas et al. 2022
ProkaryotaArthrobacter Nicotinovoransstimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaErwinia Persicinaavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLeibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbHFitzgerald et al. 2020
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Epidermidisstrains were provided by Prof. O'Gara at NUI GalwayFitzgerald et al. 2020
EukaryotaMortierella Alpina/globalpinaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaMortierella Angustaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaMortierella Bainieriisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaLinnemannia Exiguaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaLinnemannia Gamsiiisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaMortierella Gemmiferaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaPodila Horticolaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaPodila Humilis/verticilataisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaLinnemannia Hyalinaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaEntomortierella Parvisporaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaMortierella Pseudozygosporaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaMortierella Solitariaisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
EukaryotaMortierella Zonataisolate from different types of soil in AustriaTelagathoti et al. 2021
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusAmerican Type Culture CollectionJenkins and Bean 2020
ProkaryotaBacillus VelezensisNARiu et al. 2022
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiSwedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (SMI), Stockholm, SwedenSousa et al. 2023
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilispromote biomass production of Arabidopsis thalianarhizosphere of Haloxylon ammodendronHe et al. 2023
ProkaryotaBurkholderia Tropican/aNATenorio-Salgado et al. 2013
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.Highly attractive to Mexican fruit flies.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Sp.Highly attractive to Mexican fruit flies.NASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/aNAStotzky and Schenck 1976
ProkaryotaVeillonella Sp.Reduction of heat resistant spores, prevention of spore formation of Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Clostridium perfringenes and Clostridium difficile.NAHinton and Hume 1995
ProkaryotaBacteroides FragilisReduction of heat resistant spores, prevention of spore formation of Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Clostridium perfringenes and Clostridium difficile.NAHinton and Hume 1995
EukaryotaPenicillium Aurantiogriseumn/aNABörjesson et al. 1990
ProkaryotaBacteroides Biviusn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaBacteroides Distasonisn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaBacteroides Ovatusn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaBacteroides Thetaiotaomicronn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaBacteroides Vulgatusn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaClostridium Cadaverumn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaClostridium Histolyticumn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaClostridium Tertiumn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaClostridium Bifermentansn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaClostridium Fallaxn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaClostridium Butyricumn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaClostridium Sporogenesn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Casein/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaPediococcus Damnosusn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Cremorisn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Dextranicumn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactococcus Lactisn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaPorphyromonas Gingivalisn/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaPrevotella Loescheiin/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaPrevotella Intermedian/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Nucleatumn/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaActinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitansn/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaCapnocytophaga Ochracean/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/aNABunge et al. 2008
ProkaryotaShigella Flexnerin/aNABunge et al. 2008
ProkaryotaSalmonella Enterican/aNABunge et al. 2008
EukaryotaCandida Tropicalisn/aNABunge et al. 2008
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.n/aNABruce et al. 2004
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaen/aNABruce et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Excavatumn/aFortywoodland of the Basilicata regionMauriello et al. 2004
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/aAgricultural Centre of Castilla and León Community (Monasterio de la Santa Espina, Valladolid, Spain) and Navaleno (Soria, Spain).Diaz et al. 2003
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/aAgricultural Centre of Castilla and León Community (Monasterio de la Santa Espina, Valladolid, Spain) and Navaleno (Soria, Spain).Diaz et al. 2003
EukaryotaMuscodor Albusn/aNACorcuff et al. 2011
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaen/aNAJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureusn/aNAJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaAzospirillum Brasilensepromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana Shihculture collection DSMZ 1843Amavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaBacillus Pumiluspromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana ShihNAAmavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaAcinetobacter Baumanniiclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaActinomyces Europaeusclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaActinomyces Naeslundiiclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaBacteroides Capillosusclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaBacteroides Pyogenesclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaClostridium Difficileclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaClostridium Perfringensclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaClostridium Ramosumclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaClostridium Septicumclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaEnterococcus Faecalisclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaEubacterium Lentumclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Simiaeclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Necrophorumclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Acidophilusclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaNocardia Sp.clinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Anaerobiusclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Asaccharolyticusclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Prevotiiclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPropionibacterium Acnesclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPropionibacterium Propionicumclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaProteus Mirabilisclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Epidermidisclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Agalactiaeclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pyogenesclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Viridansclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
EukaryotaCandida Albicansclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Uberismilk of cowsHettinga et al. 2008
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Dysgalactiaemilk of cowsHettinga et al. 2008
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeclinicPreti et al. 2009
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeclinicPreti et al. 2009
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaegrape vineBecher et al. 2012
EukaryotaPenicillium CamembertiNALarsen 1998
EukaryotaPenicillium CaseifulvumNALarsen 1998
ProkaryotaArthrobacter Agilisnarhizosphere of maize plantsVelázquez-Becerra et al. 2011
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Brassicacearumreduces mycelium growth and sclerotia germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum USB-F593; lyses red blood cellsrhizosphere of bean plants, southern ItalyGiorgio et al. 2015
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Simiaenarhizosphere of a soybean field in the province of Rajasthan, IndiaVaishnav et al. 2016
ProkaryotaLactobacillus RhamnosusnaDomiati cheesePogačić et al. 2016
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus BuchneriNANASquara et al. 2022
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus ParacaseiNANASquara et al. 2022
EukaryotaZygosaccharomyces RouxiiNANAPei et al. 2022
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.NANAAlmeida et al. 2022
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaCryptococcus WieringaeNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaHanseniaspora UvarumNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia KudriavzeviiNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia FermentansNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia MembranifaciensNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces ParadoxusNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaTorulaspora DelbrueckiiNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia AnomalaNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EquorumNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.NANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaBacillus VelezensisNANAToral et al. 2021
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces AnomalusNANAShi et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisNANALee et al. 2023
ProkaryotaAcetobacter IndonesiensisNANATran et al. 2022
Lentinula EdodesGeng et al. 2024
Lactiplantibacillus PlantarumChen et al. 2023
Lactobacillus PlantarumZhang et al. 2023
Bacillus ThuringiensisKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Bacillus ToyonensisKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Bacillus AcidiproducensKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Bacillus CereusKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Bacillus SafensisKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Lactobacillus PlantarumMa et al. 2023
Aspergillus FlavusKate et al. 2023
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaTSBSESI-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTSBSESI-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colihuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBacT/ALERT FASIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaNeisseria Meningitidishuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaProteus MirabilisTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosahuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureushuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTYESIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pneumoniaehuman bloodSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiBHISPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTSBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella Pneumoniaehuman bloodSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosalysogeny brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB brothSPME/GCxGC-MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus FumigatusSDA + ElastinTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiMueller–HintonTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeTryptic soya supp. factors X&VTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Aureustryptic soy brothTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeTryptic soyaTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EpidermidisTSASPME, GC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma HarzianumPDA plateSPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma VirensPDA plateSPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma Harzianumpotato dextrose agarSPME, GC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma Virenspotato dextrose agarSPME, GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB media, DYGS mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaArthrobacter NicotinovoransLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaErwinia PersicinaLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EpidermidisTSB mediaHS-SPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaMortierella Alpina/globalpinaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaMortierella AngustaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaMortierella BainieriPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaLinnemannia ExiguaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaLinnemannia GamsiiPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaMortierella GemmiferaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaPodila HorticolaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaPodila Humilis/verticilataPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaLinnemannia HyalinaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaEntomortierella ParvisporaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaMortierella PseudozygosporaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaMortierella SolitariaPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
EukaryotaMortierella ZonataPD agarPTR-ToF-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHI media, TSB mediaHS-SPME/GC×GC-TOFMSno
ProkaryotaBacillus VelezensisTSA mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colirocket lysateHS-SPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Subtilis1/2 MS mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia TropicaPotato dextrose agarHeadspace trapping/ GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaVeillonella Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacteroides Fragilisn/an/ano
EukaryotaPenicillium Aurantiogriseumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacteroides Biviusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacteroides Distasonisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacteroides Ovatusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacteroides Thetaiotaomicronn/an/ano
ProkaryotaBacteroides Vulgatusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Cadaverumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Histolyticumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Tertiumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Bifermentansn/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Fallaxn/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Butyricumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaClostridium Sporogenesn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Casein/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPediococcus Damnosusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Cremorisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Dextranicumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactococcus Lactisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/an/ano
ProkaryotaPorphyromonas Gingivalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPrevotella Loescheiin/an/ano
ProkaryotaPrevotella Intermedian/an/ano
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Nucleatumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaActinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitansn/an/ano
ProkaryotaCapnocytophaga Ochracean/an/ano
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colin/an/ano
ProkaryotaShigella Flexnerin/an/ano
ProkaryotaSalmonella Enterican/an/ano
EukaryotaCandida Tropicalisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.n/an/ano
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaen/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Excavatumn/amicroextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (SPME-GC-MS)no
EukaryotaTuber Aestivumn/an/ano
EukaryotaTuber Melanosporumn/an/ano
EukaryotaMuscodor Albusn/aHeadspace sampler/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaKlebsiella PneumoniaeVF (peptone, NaCl) and VL broth (casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, cysteine, glucose, NaCl)HS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusVF (peptone, NaCl) and VL broth (casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, cysteine, glucose, NaCl)HS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaAzospirillum BrasilenseTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaBacillus PumilusTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaAcinetobacter Baumanniipeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaActinomyces Europaeuspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaActinomyces Naeslundiipeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaBacteroides Capillosuspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaBacteroides Pyogenespeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaClostridium Difficilepeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaClostridium Perfringenspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaClostridium Ramosumpeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaClostridium Septicumpeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaEnterococcus Faecalispeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaEubacterium Lentumpeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Simiaepeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Necrophorumpeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Acidophiluspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaNocardia Sp.peptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Anaerobiuspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Asaccharolyticuspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Prevotiipeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaPropionibacterium Acnespeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaPropionibacterium Propionicumpeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaProteus Mirabilispeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Epidermidispeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Agalactiaepeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Pyogenespeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Viridanspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
EukaryotaCandida Albicanspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaStreptococcus UberisGCMS DSQno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus DysgalactiaeGCMS DSQno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus PneumoniaeBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
ProkaryotaHaemophilus InfluenzaeBlood agar/chocolate blood agaHS-SPME/GC-MS no
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaesynthetic minimal mediumGC-MS, EIyes
EukaryotaPenicillium Camembertino
EukaryotaPenicillium Caseifulvumno
ProkaryotaArthrobacter AgilisLB medium/NA mediumSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas BrassicacearumKing's B AgarSPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas SimiaeNutrient broth; King's B agarGC/MSno
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Rhamnosuscurd-based broth mediumGC/MSyes
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus Buchnerimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus Paracaseimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
EukaryotaZygosaccharomyces RouxiiYPD mediumGC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia Sp.LB broth supplemented with cryoprotectant solution (25 g L−1 gelatin, 50 g L−1 lactose, 10 g L−1 peptone, and 250 g L−1 glycerol)SPME with gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies) connected to a mass spectrometer (Pegasus® HT TOFMS, LECO Corporation)no
EukaryotaAureobasidium PullulansYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaCryptococcus WieringaeYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaHanseniaspora UvarumYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia KudriavzeviiYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia FermentansYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia MembranifaciensYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces ParadoxusYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaTorulaspora DelbrueckiiYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia AnomalaYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaMetschnikowia PulcherrimaYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EquorumMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EquorumSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus Equorumtryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus AtrophaeusSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Atrophaeustryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.MOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.Schaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.tryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus VelezensisMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus VelezensisSchaeffer’s growth (SG) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Velezensistryptic soy agar (TSA, Panreac Applichem) mediumHS-SPME-GC/MSno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces Anomalusmedium consisted of glucose (20 g/l), peptone (5 g/l), agar (20 g/l) and amoxicillin (1 g/l)SPME with GC-MSno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces Anomalussolid-state fermentation starter culture DaquSPME coupled with GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus SubtilisTryptone soy broth (TSB)HPLCno
ProkaryotaAcetobacter Indonesiensissugared green and black teaHS-SPME-GC/MSno
Lentinula EdodesJiuqu (traditional wheat Qu)GC-IMSno
Lactiplantibacillus Plantarumfermentation of ginkgo kernel juiceGC-IMSno
Lactobacillus PlantarumHabanero pepperGC–IMSno
Bacillus Thuringiensisbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Bacillus Toyonensisbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Bacillus Acidiproducensbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Bacillus Cereusbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Bacillus Safensisbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Lactobacillus Plantarumtuna cooking liquidHS-SPME-GC/MSno
Aspergillus Flavusinoculated potato samplesGC-MSno

Hexanoic Acid


Compound Details

Synonymous names
Caproic acid
n-Caproic acid
n-Hexanoic acid
Capronic acid
Butylacetic acid
Pentylformic acid
1-Hexanoic acid
Hexoic acid
n-Hexylic acid
n-Hexoic acid
Pentiformic acid
1-Pentanecarboxylic acid
Pentanecarboxylic acid
Hexacid 698
Hexylic acid
Kyselina kapronova
Hexanoic acid (natural)
FEMA No. 2559
Acid C6
NSC 8266
CCRIS 1347
HSDB 6813
EINECS 205-550-7
BRN 0773837
EC 205-550-7
4-02-00-00917 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
hexanoic acid (caproic acid)
Kyselina kapronova [Czech]
2-Butylacetic acid
EINECS 274-509-3
fatty acid 6:0
Caproic Acid,(S)
ethyl 4-butanoic acid
Hexanoic acid, 99%
methyl 5-pentanoic acid
Pentane-1-carboxylic acid
Hexanoic acid, >=99%
Hexanoic acid Caproic acid
Propyl, 3-carboxy-1-ethyl-
Hexanoic acid, analytical standard
EINECS 267-013-3
EINECS 271-676-4
FA 6:0
Hexanoic acid, >=98%, FCC, FG
Caproic acid [UN2829] [Corrosive]
Hexanoic acid, natural, >=98%, FCC
Hexanoic acid, purum, >=98.0% (GC)
Hexanoic acid 10 microg/mL in Acetonitrile
Hexanoic acid, natural, >=98%, FCC, FG
EC 271-676-4


IUPAC namehexanoic acid
PubChem ID8892
H-bond Acceptor2
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationacids carboxylic acids organic acids

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
205.8 °C peer reviewed
The pKa of hexanoic acid is 4.88(1), indicating that this compound will exist predominantly as an anion under environmental conditions. Volatilization will not occur from water and moist soils since anions do not volatilize(SRC). Hexanoic acid is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC), based upon an extrapolated vapor pressure of 0.0435 mm Hg at 25 deg C(2).
Literature: (1) Riddick, JA et al;. Techniques of Chemistry 4th ed Volume II. Organic Solvents. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, pp 372 (1985)(2) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Physical & Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals: Data Compilation, NY: Hemisphere Pub Corp (1989)
Soil Adsorption
Koc values of 26, 24 and 37 have been experimentally measured, for an acidic forest soil (pH 2.8, 4.85% organic carbon), agricultural soil (pH 6.7, 1.25% organic carbon), and a lake sediment (pH 7.1, 1.58% organic carbon), respectively(1). According to a classification scheme(2), these measured Koc values suggest that hexanoic acid is very highly mobile in soil(SRC). In addition, the pKa of hexanoic acid is 4.88(3), indicating that this compound will primarily exist as an anion in the environment, and anions generally possess high mobility in soil(4).
Literature: (1) Von Oepen B et al; Chemosphere 22: 285-304 (1991) (2) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983) (3) Riddick, JA et al;. Techniques of Chemistry 4th ed Volume II. Organic Solvents. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, pp 372 (1985) (4) Doucette WJ; pp. 141-188 in Handbook of Property Estimation Methods for Chemicals. Boethling RS, Mackay D, eds. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publ (2000)
Vapor Pressure
0.0435 mm at 25 deg C (est)Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANADixon et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNATejero Rioseras et al. 2017
EukaryotaGoffeauzyma Gilvescensinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Saxifraga cespitosa, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaCystobasidium Laryngisinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Cerasticum arcticum, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/aNAStotzky and Schenck 1976
ProkaryotaAzospirillum Brasilensepromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana Shihculture collection DSMZ 1843Amavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaBacillus Pumiluspromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana ShihNAAmavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaEscherichia Colipromotion of performance of Chlorella sorokiniana ShihNAAmavizca et al. 2017
ProkaryotaPeptococcus Nigerclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Anaerobiusclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Asaccharolyticusclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Prevotiiclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
EukaryotaCandida Albicansclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/aNASchulz and Dickschat 2007
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Casein/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaPediococcus Damnosusn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Cremorisn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Dextranicumn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactococcus Lactisn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidesn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Paramesenteroidesn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactobacillus ParacaseinaMajorero cheesePogačić et al. 2016
EukaryotaGanoderma Lucidumnasaprophytic on deciduous treesCampos Ziegenbein et al. 2006
EukaryotaSpongiporus Leucomallellusnasaprophytic mostly on wet, old pinesCampos Ziegenbein et al. 2006
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus BuchneriNANASquara et al. 2022
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus ParacaseiNANASquara et al. 2022
EukaryotaZygosaccharomyces RouxiiNANAPei et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNANAHarris et al. 2021
EukaryotaCryptococcus WieringaeNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia KudriavzeviiNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaPichia FermentansNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces ParadoxusNANAMozūraitis et al. 2022
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EquorumNANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.NANAToral et al. 2021
ProkaryotaLactobacillus PlantarumNANAZhang et al. 2022
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces AnomalusNANAShi et al. 2022
Bacillus ThuringiensisKoilybayeva et al. 2023
Saccharomyces CerevisiaeJi et al. 2024
Lactobacillus PlantarumMa et al. 2023
Pediococcus AcidilacticiMockus et al. 2024
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBTD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaeyeast nitrogen base, 2% glucoseSESI-HRMSno
EukaryotaGoffeauzyma Gilvescensartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
EukaryotaCystobasidium Laryngisartificial nectar mediaGC-MSno
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaAzospirillum BrasilenseTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaBacillus PumilusTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiTSASPME-GCno
ProkaryotaPeptococcus Nigerpeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Anaerobiuspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Asaccharolyticuspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Prevotiipeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
EukaryotaCandida Albicanspeptone/casein hydrolysate, yeast extract, beef extract, glucoseGC-FID FSOT NUKOLyes
ProkaryotaStreptomyces Sp.n/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Casein/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaPediococcus Damnosusn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Cremorisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Dextranicumn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactococcus Lactisn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidesn/an/ano
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Paramesenteroidesn/an/ano
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/an/ano
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Paracaseicurd-based broth mediumGC/MSyes
EukaryotaGanoderma LucidumnaGC/MSno
EukaryotaSpongiporus LeucomallellusnaGC/MSno
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus Buchnerimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus Paracaseimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
EukaryotaZygosaccharomyces RouxiiYPD mediumGC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaemalt extract brothHS-SPME with GC-MSno
EukaryotaCryptococcus WieringaeYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia KudriavzeviiYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaPichia FermentansYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces ParadoxusYPD-agar plates (1% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% dextrose, 2% agar)SPME-GC-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus EquorumMOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaPeribacillus Sp.MOLPHS-SPME-GC/MSno
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumchickpea milkUHPLC/MSno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces Anomalusmedium consisted of glucose (20 g/l), peptone (5 g/l), agar (20 g/l) and amoxicillin (1 g/l)SPME with GC-MSno
EukaryotaWickerhamomyces Anomalussolid-state fermentation starter culture DaquSPME coupled with GC-MSno
Bacillus Thuringiensisbacteriological agar (BA, 15 g/L), gelatin peptone (GP, 5 g/L), and meat extract (ME, 3 g/L)GC–MSno
Saccharomyces CerevisiaeSauce Meat during StorageSPME–GC–MSno
Lactobacillus Plantarumtuna cooking liquidHS-SPME-GC/MSno
Pediococcus Acidilacticilentils (Lens culinaris)SPME/ICP-MSno

Pentanoic Acid


Compound Details

Synonymous names
Valeric acid
n-Valeric acid
n-Pentanoic acid
Valerianic acid
1-Butanecarboxylic acid
Propylacetic acid
Butanecarboxylic acid
pentoic acid
Kyselina valerova
Valeric acid, normal
FEMA No. 3101
Kyselina valerova [Czech]
NSC 406833
HSDB 5390
1-pentanoic acid
EINECS 203-677-2
BRN 0969454
Pentanoic--d4 Acid
Pentanoic acid-1-13C
EC 203-677-2
4-02-00-00868 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Butane-1-carboxylic acid
Pentanoic Acid; Valproic Acid Imp. A (EP); Valeric Acid; Valproic Acid Impurity A
Valeric acid normal
Valeric acid, 99%
Valeric acid, >=99%
Pentanoic acid Valeric acid
Pentanoic Acid (Valeric Acid)
Valeric acid ( Pentanoic acid )
Valeric acid, analytical standard
FA 5:0
Valeric acid, >=99%, FCC, FG
Valeric acid, pharmaceutical impurity standard


IUPAC namepentanoic acid
PubChem ID7991
H-bond Acceptor2
H-bond Donor1
Chemical Classificationacids carboxylic acids organic acids

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
186 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for n-pentanoic acid is 4.72X10-7 atm-cu m/mole(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that n-pentanoic acid is expected to be essentially nonvolatile from water surfaces(2). Volatilization of the ionized form from water surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process(SRC). Pentanoic acid is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon an estimated vapor pressure of 1.96X10-1 mm Hg(3).
Literature: (1) Khan I et al; J Atmos Chem 22:285-302 (1995) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (3) Daubert TE, Danner RP; Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis (1989)
Soil Adsorption
The Koc of n-pentanoic acid is estimated as 140(SRC), using a log Kow of 1.39(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that n-pentanoic acid is expected to have high mobility in soil. In aqueous solution, n-pentanoic acid adsorbed 15.4 and 37.9% onto the clay minerals kaolinite and montmorillonite, respectively, after 144 hours at 22 deg C(4). The pKa of n-pentanoic acid is 4.84(5), indicating that this compound will partially exist in the anion form in the environment and anions generally do not adsorb more strongly to soils containing organic carbon and clay than their neutral counterparts(6).
Literature: (1) Hansch C et al; Exploring QSAR. Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Stearic Constants. ACS Prof Ref Book. Heller SR (consult ed) Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc p. 14 (1995) (2) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 4-9 (1990) (3) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 23 (1983) (4) Hemphill L, Swanson WS; Sorption of Organic Acids by Pure Clay Minerals in Aqueous Solution, Proc of the 18th Industrial Waste Conf, Eng Bull Purdue U, Lafayette, IN 18: 204-17 (1964) (5) Dean JA; Handbook of Organic Chemistry; New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc pp. 8-45 (1987) (6) Doucette WJ; pp. 141-188 in Handbook of Property Estimation Methods for Chemicals. Boethling RS, Mackay D, eds. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publ (2000)
Vapor Pressure
1.96X10-1 mm Hg at 25 deg C (est)Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1989.
MS-MS Spectrum 1254 - Quattro_QQQ 25V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 179390
MS-MS Spectrum 4791 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 40V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 181718
MS-MS Spectrum 4788 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 10V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 1253 - Quattro_QQQ 10V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 179388
MS-MS Spectrum 1255 - Quattro_QQQ 40V Positive delivery=Flow_Injection analyzer=Triple_Quad
MS-MS Spectrum 201714
MS-MS Spectrum 4789 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 20V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 181716
MS-MS Spectrum 181717
MS-MS Spectrum 179389
MS-MS Spectrum 4787 - EI-B (HITACHI M-80B) Positive
MS-MS Spectrum 4790 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 30V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 4792 - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 50V Negative
MS-MS Spectrum 4786 - EI-B (HITACHI RMU-6M) Positive

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNANADryahina et al. 2016
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNANADryahina et al. 2016
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNATejero Rioseras et al. 2017
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Azotoformansstimulate growth of Solanum tuberosumisolate from Irish potato soilsHeenan-Daly et al. 2021
EukaryotaDebaryomyces Hanseniiinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Silene acaulis, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaGoffeauzyma Gilvescensinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Saxifraga cespitosa, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaSporidiobolus Salmonicolorinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Saxifraga cespitosa, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaCryptococcus Sp.inhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Saxifraga cespitosa, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaVishniacozyma Victoriaeinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Dryas octopetala, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
EukaryotaCystobasidium Laryngisinhibitory and promoting effects on the growth of different microorganismsisolate from Cerasticum arcticum, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard Archipelago, Arctic); CCTCC (China Center for Type Culture Collection, Wuhan, Hubei, China)Niu et al. 2022
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Casein/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactobacillus Plantarumn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaPediococcus Damnosusn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Cremorisn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Dextranicumn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLactococcus Lactisn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Mesenteroidesn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaLeuconostoc Paramesenteroidesn/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaOenococcus Oenin/aNATracey and Britz 1989
ProkaryotaClostridium Difficileoutbreak 2006 UKRees et al. 2016
ProkaryotaClostridium Sp.n/aNAStotzky and Schenck 1976
ProkaryotaPorphyromonas GingivalisInhibition of proliferation and cytokine production in Lymphocyte cells.NAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaPrevotella LoescheiiInhibition of proliferation and cytokine production in Lymphocyte cells.NAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaFusobacterium NucleatumInhibition of proliferation and cytokine production in Lymphocyte cells.NAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaClostridium Sporogenesn/aNAWiggins et al. 1985
ProkaryotaPorphyromonas Gingivalisn/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaPrevotella Loescheiin/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Nucleatumn/aNAKurita-Ochiai et al. 1995
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Simiaeclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaFusobacterium Necrophorumclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptococcus Nigerclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Anaerobiusclinical exudatesJulak et al. 2003
ProkaryotaPeptostreptococcus Asaccharolyticusclinical exudates