Results for:
chemical Classification: aliphatics


Compound Details

Synonymous names
Heptane, 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethyl-
2,2,4,6,6-Pentamethylheptane 100 microg/mL in Acetonitrile
Permethyl 99A
PMH cpd
EINECS 236-757-0
EC 236-757-0


IUPAC name2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptane
PubChem ID26058
H-bond Acceptor0
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationaliphatics saturated

mVOC Specific Details


Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiNANAHewett et al. 2020
ProkaryotaMycobacterium TuberculosisNANAPhillips et al. 2007
EukaryotaAspergillus FlavusITEM collection of CNR-ISPA (Research National Council of Italy - Institute of Sciences of Food Production) in Bari, ItalyJosselin et al. 2021
ProkaryotaLactobacillus PlantarumZhang et al. 2023
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaEscherichia ColiLBSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaMycobacterium TuberculosisVersaTREKTD/GC-MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus FlavusSNA mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaLactobacillus PlantarumHabanero pepperGC–IMSno

Compound Details

Synonymous names
Oktanen [Dutch]
Oktan [Polish]
Ottani [Italian]
HSDB 108
NSC 9822
EINECS 203-892-1
EC 203-892-1
Heptane, methyl-
Octane, all isomers
Normal octane
Octane, analytical standard
Octane, anhydrous, >=99%
Octane, reagent grade, 98%
Octane, p.a., 99.0%
Octane; NSC 9822; n-Octane
Octane, puriss. p.a., >=99.0% (GC)
Octane, electronic grade, >=99.999% metals basis, >=99% (CP)


IUPAC nameoctane
PubChem ID356
H-bond Acceptor0
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationalkanes aliphatics aliphatic compounds saturated unsaturated hydrocarbons

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
125.62 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for n-octane is estimated as 3.2 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) derived from its vapor pressure, 14.1 mm Hg(1), and water solubility, 0.66 mg/L(2). This Henry's Law constant indicates that n-octane is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(3). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 3 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 4.2 days(SRC). Volatilization from water surfaces may be attenuated by adsorption to suspended solids and sediment in the water column(SRC). The estimated volatilization half-life from a model pond is 11 months if adsorption is considered(4). However, in a study using a jet fuel mixture and sterile freshwater controls from the Escambia River (Florida), a 99% loss of n-octane was attributed to evaporation at 25 deg C(5). n-Octane's estimated Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces may occur(SRC). The disappearance of n-octane was rapid in soil/water mixture (concentration of soil, 25 g/150 mL)(6); an initial concentration of 0.177 ug/mL n-octane disappeared completely in 5 days using a sterile sandy loam soil with an organic matter content of 5.1%(6). The potential for volatilization of n-octane from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based upon its vapor pressure(1).
Literature: (1) Yaws CL; Handbook of Vapor Pressure. Houston, TX: Gulf Pub Co. 3: 78 (1994) (2) Yalkowsky SH, He Y, eds; Handbook of aqueous solubility data. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press p. 536 (2003) (3) Lyman WJ et al; Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Washington, DC: Amer Chem Soc pp. 15-1 to 15-29 (1990) (4) US EPA; EXAMS II Computer Simulation (1987) (5) Spain JC et al; Degrad of Jet Fuel Hydrocarbons by Aquatic Microbial Communities. Tyndall AFB, FL: Air Force Eng Serv Ctr. AFESC/ESL-TR-83-26 (NTIS AD-A139791/8) p 226 (1983) (6) Dean-Ross D; Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 51: 596-99 (1993)
Soil Adsorption
The Koc of n-octane is estimated as 3.1X10+4(SRC), using a log Kow of 5.18(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that n-octane is expected to be immobile in soil. Freundlich absorption coefficients of log 4.04 and log 3.49 were measured in Oberlausitz lignite (11.1% moisture content; 53.5 wt% carbon content; 0.6 wt % nitrogen content) and Pahokee peat soil (10.2% moisture content; 46.1 wt% carbon content; 3.3 wt % nitrogen content), respectively(4). Gaseous transport of volatile n-octane in unsaturated porous media was shown to be influenced by air-water interfacial adsorption and water-partitioning(5). Sorption of n-octane from air to snow was measured, resulting in a sorption coefficient of log -4.41 cu m/sq m at -6.8 deg C(6).
Literature: (1) Miller MM et al; Environ Sci Technol 19:522-9 (1985) (2) US EPA; Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite. Ver. 4.1. Nov, 2012. Available from, as of Oct 30, 2013: (3) Swann RL et al; Res Rev 85: 17-28 (1983) (4) Endo S et al; Environ Sci Technol 42): 5897-5903 (2008) (5) Kim H et al; Environ Sci Technol 35: 4457-62 (2001) (6) Roth CM et al; Environ Sci Technol 38: 4078-84 (2004)
Vapor Pressure
14.1 mm Hg at 25 deg CYaws CL; Handbook of Vapor Pressure. Vol 3: C8-C28 Compounds. Houston, TX: Gulf Pub Co, p. 78 (1994)

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesBiological FunctionOrigin/HabitatReference
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisNANAKüntzel et al. 2018
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Aeruginosastimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.stimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.stimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaBrevibacillus Agristimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaAneurinibacillus Aneurinilyticusstimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaArthrobacter Nicotinovoransstimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaErwinia Persicinaavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaPantoea Vagansstimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
ProkaryotaSerratia Liquefaciensstimulate growth in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings depending on inoculum concentrationavocado trees (Persea americana) rhizosphereGamboa-Becerra et al. 2022
EukaryotaAspergillus FlavusITEM collection of CNR-ISPA (Research National Council of Italy - Institute of Sciences of Food Production) in Bari, ItalyJosselin et al. 2021
ProkaryotaXanthomonas Campestrisn/aNAWeise et al. 2012
ProkaryotaStreptococcus Mutans as a biomarker for a breath test for detection of cariesNAHertel et al. 2016
ProkaryotaPropionibacterium Acidifaciens as a biomarker for a breath test for detection of cariesNAHertel et al. 2016
EukaryotaLaccaria Bicolorn/aNAMueller et al. 2013
EukaryotaPaxillus Involutusn/aNAMueller et al. 2013
EukaryotaArmillaria Mellean/aNAMueller et al. 2013
EukaryotaPholiota Squarrosan/aNAMueller et al. 2013
EukaryotaVerticillium Longisporumn/aNAMueller et al. 2013
EukaryotaTrichoderma Viriden/aNAWheatley et al. 1997
EukaryotaTrichoderma Pseudokoningiin/aNAWheatley et al. 1997
EukaryotaPaecilomyces Variotiinacompost, soils, food productsSunesson et al. 1995
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus BuchneriNANASquara et al. 2022
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus ParacaseiNANASquara et al. 2022
EukaryotaSaccharomyces CerevisiaeNANAHarris et al. 2021
EukaryotaFusarium GraminearumBallot et al. 2023
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaMycobacterium BovisHEYMNTD/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas Sp.LB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBacillus Sp.LB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaBrevibacillus AgriLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaAneurinibacillus AneurinilyticusLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaArthrobacter NicotinovoransLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaErwinia PersicinaLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPantoea VagansLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaSerratia LiquefaciensLB mediaSPME/GC-MSno
EukaryotaAspergillus FlavusSNA mediaSPME/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaXanthomonas CampestrisNBIIClosed airflow-system/GC-MS and PTR-MSno
ProkaryotaStreptococcus MutansBrain-Heart-Infusion agarTenax-trap/GC-MSno
ProkaryotaPropionibacterium AcidifaciensBrain-Heart-Infusion agarTenax-trap/GC-MSno
EukaryotaLaccaria BicolorMelin-Nor krans synthetic medium (modified)Headspace trapping ( using stir bar sorptive extraction )/ GC-MSno
EukaryotaPaxillus InvolutusMelin-Nor krans synthetic medium (modified)Headspace trapping ( using stir bar sorptive extraction )/ GC-MSno
EukaryotaArmillaria MelleaMelin-Nor krans synthetic medium (modified)Headspace trapping ( using stir bar sorptive extraction )/ GC-MSno
EukaryotaPholiota SquarrosaMelin-Nor krans synthetic medium (modified)Headspace trapping ( using stir bar sorptive extraction )/ GC-MSno
EukaryotaVerticillium LongisporumMelin-Nor krans synthetic medium (modified)Headspace trapping ( using stir bar sorptive extraction )/ GC-MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma VirideMalt extract/Low mediumGC/MSno
EukaryotaTrichoderma PseudokoningiiMalt extract/Low mediumGC/MSno
EukaryotaPaecilomyces VariotiiDG18,MEAGC/MSno
ProkaryotaLentilactobacillus Buchnerimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
ProkaryotaLacticaseibacillus Paracaseimaize silageHS-SPME coupled with GC-TOF MSno
EukaryotaSaccharomyces Cerevisiaemalt extract brothHS-SPME with GC-MSno
EukaryotaFusarium Graminearumtryptone soy (TS medium; Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany)GC-QQQ-MSno


Compound Details

Synonymous names
BRN 1718732
Fire Damp
HSDB 167
Marsh gas
Methane in gaseus state
Methyl hydride
Natural gas
R 50
R 50 (refrigerant)
Nanotubes, Carbon
EINECS 200-812-7
Carbon (graphite)
Nanodiamond (particle size :
EC 200-812-7
4-01-00-00003 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
Graphene quantum dots
Graphene film, monolayer, on copper foil (1cm x 1cm)
Carbon; Charcoal activated
carbon fiber
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)
Methylidyne radical
CVD Graphene on Si 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
High Purity Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95+%
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 8-15nm
Graphitized Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 8-15nm
Hydroxy Double-Walled Crabon Nanotubes (DWNTs-OH) 2-4nm
Total Organic Carbon Standard: TOC @ 1000 mg/L in H2O
thin graphene
acetylene carbon
Carbon dots
Carbon Granules
Carbon Nanorods
Thiol Graphene
a methyl group
Carbon Fabric
Carbon Pieces
Carbon Slugs
Graphene Kit
Carbon Foam
Carbon Nanofiber
Carbon Nanohorns
GO quantum dots
Gas, natural
Carbon Electrodes
Mesoporous Carbon
monohydride carbon
Carbon NanoFibers
N-doped Graphene
N-doped Grpahene
Carbon nano fibers
Carbon quantum dot
Carbon black, CP
high purity SWNTs
Multiwall Nanotubes
Carbon rods, 5N
N-doped MWCNTs
Fullerene C-70
Carbon Nanotube Ink
Carbon Quantum Dots
Fluorinated Graphene
MWCNTs water paste
Carbon, decolorizing
Graphene oxide flake
Aqua Graphene slurry
Fullerene - C70
Flash-ignited MWNTs
Electrode pole pieces
Graphene oxide powder
Graphite oxide powder
Liquified natural gas
Synthetic natural gas
Carbon Conductive Ink
Carbon Graphite Plates
Conductive carbon black
MWNTs water suspension
Carbon Black Nanopowder
GO quantum dots powder
Nitrogen doped CMK-3
Graphene oxide, reduced
Graphene slurry in NMP
MWNTs DMSO suspension
Carbon nitride catalysts
Carboxyl Graphene powder
MWCNTs water suspension
Graphene slurry in water
GO quantum dots(Powder)
MWCNTs(long) 4-6nm
Carbon Dots Bright Green
Carbon Quantum Dots Blue
Tunable Nanoporous Carbon
Carbon Fiber Cloth Fabric
Carbon Nanorods Properties
Carboxyl Carbon Dots Blue
FluorinatedCarbon Nanotubes
MWNTs(short) 4-6 nm
NanoIntegris Dielectic ink
GrapheitizedMWNT 8-15nm
MWCNTs(long) 5-15nm
Carbon Black Nanodispersion
Disodered Mesoporous Carbon
GO quantum dots (solvent)
Carbon, 200 mesh,Powder
Grapheitized MWNTs >50nm
Graphene quantum dots green
Methane, >=99.0%
Customized MWNTs dispersion
Reduced Graphene Oxide@ Ag
Carbon Conductive Ink Paste
Carbon nanotubes DMF slurry
Carbon nanotubes NMP slurry
Double-wall carbon nanotubes
GO quantum dots(20mg/ml)
Graphene Nanoplate 1-5 nm
Graphene slurry H:3-10nm
Methane, analytical standard
MWNTs(short) 5-15 nm
MWNTs(short) 8-15 nm
Single layer graphene powder
Double-walledcarbon nanotubes
GCB graphitized carbon black
Graphene Dispersion in water
Graphene nanoplates 1-5 nm
MWCNTs(long) 20-30nm
MWCNTs(long) 8-15 nm
Carbon Nanofibers Graphitized
Graphene Oxide Carboimidazole
Industrial Graphene Nanoplate
Nano Carbon Black Dispersion
Single Wall Carbon Nanohorns
Soot Carbon Black Nanopowder
Carbon, 99.5%,30nm
Graphene Nanoplate 3-10 nm
MWNTs(short) 20-30 nm
MWNTs(short) 30-50 nm
Nanointegris ultrapure SWCNTs
UN 1971 (Salt/Mix)
UN 1972 (Salt/Mix)
Carboxyl Graphene quantum dots
Customized Graphene Dispersion
Graphene quantum dots(Powder)
Graphitized MWNTs 10-20nm
Low Purity Carboxylic SWCNTs
Multiwall Nanotubes 5-15 nm
N-doped Graphene quantum dots
GO quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
Grapheitized MWNTs 20-30nm
Grapheitized MWNTs 30-50nm
Low purity Hydroxylate SWCNTs
Megnetic Graphene Oxide powder
MWNTs ethyl acetate suspension
Reduced Graphene Oxide@ SnO2
Thin Layer Graphene Nanoplates
Carbon nanotubes aqueous slurry
Carboxylate Graphene Dispersion
Fullerene soot, (as produced)
Laser Scribed Graphene (LSG)
Multiwall Nanotubes-OH Hydroxy
MWNTs Butyl acetate suspension
Carboxyl MWCNTs(long) <8 nm
Carboxyl MWCNTs(long) 4-6nm
GO quantum dots yellow(Powder)
Industrial grade MWNTs 50 nm
MWNTs (long) 10-20 nm
Graphene electric aqueous slurry
Graphene Film(Filtering method)
Graphene powder Physical methods
Reduced Graphene Oxide@ Co3O4
Reduced Graphene Oxide@ Fe3O4
Singlewall Nanotubes-OH Hydroxy
Carbon Conductive Adhesive Tapes
Carbon Nanotube sponges XFCN01
Carbon Nanotube sponges XFCN07
Carbon Nanotube sponges XFCN08
Carboxyl MWCNTs(short) 4-6nm
Diamond Synthesized, 95% Nano
Diethyl Cyanomethyl Phosphonate
Graphene Sponges(Foams,Aerogel)
Industrial Graphene Oxide Powder
Carbon conductive cement adhesive
Conductive Flexible TPU Filament
GO quantum dots yellow(1mg/ml)
High Purified Carboxylic SWCNTS
Ultrapure SWCNTs NMP dispersion
Amino Graphene quantum dot powder
Carbon black, Super P Conductive
Graphene Sponges (Foams,Aerogel)
High Purified Hydroxylate SWCNTS
Lowpurity hydroxy SWCNTs (long)
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs70%
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs90%
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs95%
Vitamin C Reduced Graphene Oxide
Lowpurity carboxyl SWCNTs (long)
Megnetic Graphene Oxide dispersion
Carbon nanotubes isopropanol slurry
CI 77266 [INCI]
Industrial grade MWNTs 10-20nm
Industrial grade MWNTs 20-30nm
Industrial grade MWNTs 50-60nm
Industrial grade MWNTs 8-15 nm
Industrial grade MWNTs 9-16 nm
Industrial Thin Graphene Nanoplate
MWNTs isopropyl alcohol suspension
Carboxyl MWCNTs(short) 5-15 nm
Carboxyl MWCNTs(short) 8-15 nm
Graphene Powder with small diameter
Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
Industrial grade MWCNTs 8-15 nm
Isotopic 13C Graphene on Cu Foil
Large diameter graphene oxide sheet
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs 98%
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs 99%
Carbon powder, 99.999%, 5N
Graphene Oxide dispersion <500 nm
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm
Heat Dissipation Graphene Oxide Mud
HelicalMulti-walled carbon nanotubes
High purity SWNTs 0.7-2.5 nm
Highpurity carboxyl SWCNTs (short)
Industrial grade MWNTs 13-17 nm
Industrial Grade MWNTs 20-40 nm
Largeinner diameter thin-wall MWNTs
Monolayer Graphene on SiC substrate
Ultrapure SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
EINECS 232-343-9
EINECS 240-383-3
Graphene quantum dots(MC: 1mg/ml)
Graphite flake, natural, -10 mesh
Graphite ink for tantalum capacitors
High purity carboxyl SWCNTs (long)
Aligned Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Carboxyl Graphene dispersion <500nm
Carboxyl Graphene quantum dots powder
Diamond Powder (gray), 97+% Nano
Diamond Powder (gray), 98+% Nano
Grapheitized Carboxyl MWNTs >50 nm
Grapheitized Carboxyl MWNTs 8-15nm
GrapheitizedCarboxyl MWNTs 10-20nm
GrapheitizedCarboxyl MWNTs 20-30nm
GrapheitizedCarboxyl MWNTs 30-50nm
Graphite flake, median 7-10 micron
Graphite powder, <20 um, synthetic
Helical Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
NanoIntegris SWCNTs with high purity
Carbon nanotubes butyl butyrate slurry
CVD Graphene Film on Nickel 5cmx5cm
Graphene oxide dispersion 1-5 layers
Graphene quantum dots red fluorescence
Graphite flake, natural, -325 mesh
Hydroxylate MWNTs(short) 30-50 nm
Raw Plasma Nanotubes Powder RN-020
CVD Graphene on Si 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
Diamond powder, synthetic, <1 micron
Grapheitized Hydroxylate MWNT 8-15nm
GrapheitizedHydroxylate MWNTs >50 nm
Graphene Oxide Film(Filtering method)
Graphite foil, 1mm (0.04in) thick
Industrial Carboxylic SWCNTs 1-2 nm
Single Layer Graphene dispersion water
Single walled Carbon Nanotubes on PET
Amination multi-walled carbon nanotubes
CVDGraphene on SiO2 5cmx5cm(Bilayer)
GrapheitizedHydroxylate MWNTs 10-20nm
GrapheitizedHydroxylate MWNTs 30-50nm
Graphene Oxide dispersion water or NMP
Graphite rod, 5.0mm (0.20in) dia
HIPCO pure Metallic Hipco SWNTs solid
Industrial Hydroxylate SWCNTs 1-2 nm
N-doped MWCNTs (N Content2.98wt%)
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs70% solid
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs90% solid
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs95% solid
Carbon felt, 1.27cm (0.5in) thick
Carbon felt, 2.54cm (1.0in) thick
Carboxylic Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes
CarboxylicDouble walled carbon nanotubes
CVD Graphene on Si 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
Graphite plate, 2.5cm (1.0in) thick
HIPCO Semiconducting Hipco SWNTs solid
Imported Reduced Graphene Oxide@ Fe3O4
N-doped MWCNTS (N Content3.00wt%)
Nanoinnova Graphene Oxide-Carboimidazole
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 90%
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 95%
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 98%
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 99%
Ultrapure Single-walled carbon nanotubes
Aminated Graphene TEPA covalently linked
Carbon black, acetylene, 50% compressed
Carbon felt, 6.35mm (0.25in) thick
Carboxyl MWCNTs water paste (~10wt%)
CVD Graphene on Glass 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 2cmx2cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 7cmx7cm(Bilayer)
CVDGraphene on SiO2 5cmx5cm(Monolayer)
Diamond Powder (black), 52-65% Nano
Grapheitized Hydroxylate MWNTs 20-30nm
Graphite foil, 0.5mm (0.02in) thick
Graphite rod, 10.0mm (0.40in) dia
High Purified Large Surface Area SWCNTS
Industrial Few Layer Graphene Nanoplates
Multiwall Nanotubes-OH Hydroxy 5-15 nm
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs 98% solid
NanoIntegris metallic SWCNTs 99% solid
Reduced Graphene Oxide-NH-Carboimidazole
SingleWalled Carbon nanotubes NMP slurry
4H-Pyrrolo[1,2-d][1,4]oxazocine-9-carboxaldehyde,1,2,5,6-tetrahydro-6-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2-oxo-, (4R,5R,6S)-rel-
Carboxyl MWCNTs water paste (~2.7wt%)
CVD Graphene on Quartz 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
Graphite plate, 1.27cm (0.5in) thick
High-Ni Calibration series, O 38x15 mm
HIPCO pure Metallic Hipco SWNTs Aqueous
HIPCO Semiconducting Hipco SWNTs Aqueous
Methane, electronic grade, >=99.998%
Monolayer Graphene Powder Chemical method
N-doped Graphene Sponges (Foams,Aerogel)
P-doped Graphene Sponges (Foams,Aerogel)
Preservative Reduce Graphene Oxide Powder
Purified Plasma Nanotubes Powder RN-220
Short ultrapure SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
Ultrapure Short SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
Acetylene carbon black (100% compressed)
Carbon felt, 3.18mm (0.125in) thick
CarboxylDouble-wall carbon nanotubes(long)
CVD Graphene on Glass 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Plastic 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Si 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 2cmx2cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 7cmx7cm(Monolayer)
Diamond powder, synthetic, 40-60 micron
Graphite foil, 0.4mm (0.015in) thick
Graphite Oxide powder prepared by S method
Graphite Powders, 99.9% (metals basis)
High Purified Single-walled carbonnanotubes
HighPurified Single-walled carbon nanotubes
Hydroxy Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
Industrial grade carboxylation MWNTs 50nm
Methane, Messer(R) CANGas, 99.999%
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(long) >50nm
Multiwalled carbon nanotube DMF dispersion
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 99.9%
Purified Amio Single-walled carbonnanotubes
Aminated Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
B-doped Graphene Sponges (Foams, Aerogels)
Carbon Nanotubes Thermal Radiation Coatings
Carboxyl Double-wall carbon nanotubes(long)
Carboxyl Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
CVD Graphene on Quartz 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Si 2.5cmx2.5cm(Bilayer)
CVDGraphene on SiO2 5cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
CVDGraphene on SiO2 5cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
Graphene Oxide dispersion customized service
Graphite foil, 0.13mm (0.005in) thick
Graphite foil, 0.254mm (0.01in) thick
Graphite powder, nickel coated, -100 mesh
Graphite powder, synthetic, -20+100 mesh
Imported loaded nano-gold particles graphene
Multi-walled carbon nanotube DMF dispersion
Single Layer H-BN Film on SIO2 substrate
Carbon nanotubes, single-walled/double-walled
Carbon, mesoporous, hydrophilic pore surface
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Glass 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Glass 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Plastic 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 2cmx2cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 2cmx2cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 7cmx7cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on SiO2 7cmx7cm(6-8 layers)
Fluorinated Carbon Nanotubes(F48-50 wt.%)
Fluorinated Carbon Nanotubes(F48-58 wt.%)
Graphene dispersion(C:1mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Spones (foams)(Size: 2cmx2cmx2cm)
Graphene Spones (foams)(Size: 5cmx5cmx5cm)
Hydroxylation Single Nanotubes 0.7-2.5 nm
Multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs)>50 nm
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes NMP dispersion
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(short) >50 nm
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-COOH)
Aminated Graphene Amino-PEG covalently linked
Aminated Graphene Piperazine covalently linked
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled, core material
Carbon, foil, 5x5mm, thickness 2.0mm, hOpg
Carboxylic ultrapure SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
CVD Graphene on Quartz (1mm1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Quartz 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Quartz 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Si 2.5cmx2.5cm(Monolayer)
Electric Heating Reduce Graphene Oxide Powder
Graphene dispersion(C:1mg/ml solvent:ethanol)
Graphite powder, synthetic, APS 7-11 micron
Graphite, colloidal, lubricant, aerosol spray
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95%
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(short) 10-20nm
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 90% solid
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 95% solid
NiCoated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes >50nm
Carbon, foil, 5x10mm, thickness 2.0mm, hOpg
Carboxyl Graphene quantum dots(Purity: ~80%)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 2cmx2cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 5cmx5cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Plastic 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Plastic 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Quartz (1mm1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
Dispersion Carboxyl Graphene dispersion >500nm
Double-Walled Crabon Nanotubes (DWNTs) 2-4nm
EC 231-953-2
EC 231-955-3
EC 240-383-3
Glassy carbon rod, 3mm (0.1in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 3mm (0.1in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 5mm (0.2in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 5mm (0.2in) dia, type 2
Graphene dispersion(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Quantum Dot Powder(White fluorescence)
Graphene Spones (foams)(Size: D 1cm,H 1cm)
High concentration MWCNTs water paste(~14wt%)
High purity Carboxyl SWCNTs aqueous dispersion
High purity Single-walled carbonnanotubes(long)
Industrial grade carboxylation MWNTs 20-40 nm
Industrial grade hydroxylation MWCNTs 10-30nm
Industrial grade hydroxylation MWCNTs 20-40nm
IsoNanotubes-S 99.9%Pure Semiconducting SWNT
Low purity single-walled carbon nanotubes(long)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 90+%
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(short) 30-50 nm
Short-hydroxylate multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Single Layer Graphene on PET 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 2cmx2cm(Bilayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 5cmx5cm(Bilayer)
Sulfur-doped graphene sponges (S-GS,,Aerogel)
Carbon, foil, 10x10mm, thickness 2.0mm, hOpg
Carbon, foil, 15x15mm, thickness 2.0mm, hOpg
Chlorine-based Graphene quantum dots(C: 1mg/ml)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx10cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx5cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 15cmx10cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 2cmx2cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 30cmx20cm(Bilayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 5cmx5cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Si 2.5cmx2.5cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Si 2.5cmx2.5cm(6-8 layers)
Glassy carbon rod, 1mm (0.04in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 1mm (0.04in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 2mm (0.08in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 2mm (0.08in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 4mm (0.16in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 4mm (0.16in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 6mm (0.24in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 6mm (0.24in) dia, type 2
Glassy carbon rod, 7mm (0.28in) dia, type 1
Glassy carbon rod, 7mm (0.28in) dia, type 2
Graphene dispersion(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:ethanol)
High Purity Single-walled carbonnanotubes(short)
Imported loaded nano-Palladium particles graphene
Low purity single-walled carbon nanotubes(short)
Nano Au (0) particles on reduced Graphene Oxide
Nano Pd (0) particles on reduced Graphene Oxide
NanoIntegris semiconductive SWCNTs 99.9% solid
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 8-15nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes20-30nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes30-50nm
Single Layer Graphene on PET 10cmx5cm(Bilayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 2cmx2cm(Monolayer)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 5cmx5cm(Monolayer)
Super Purified Plasma Nanotubes Powder SPT-220
3D Freestanding Graphene Foam 1cmx1cm(on Nickel)
Aminated Graphene Octadecylamine covalently linked
Carboxyl Multi-walled carbonnanotubes(long) >50nm
Conductive Graphene Filament,3D Printing Materials
CVD Graphene Film on Nickel 1-7 layers ,1cmx1cm
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx10cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx5cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 15cmx10cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 2cmx2cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 2cmx2cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 30cmx20cm(Monolayer)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 5cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 5cmx5cm(6-7 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Quartz (1mm1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Quartz (1mm1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
Glassy carbon plate, 3mm (0.1in) thick, type 1
Glassy carbon plate, 3mm (0.1in) thick, type 2
Graphite powder, natural, high purity, -200 mesh
Large-Inner Diameter Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Methane-12C, 13C-depleted, 99.9 atom % 12C
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 10-20nm
Purified amio single-walled carbon nanotubes 1-2nm
Single Layer Graphene on PET 10cmx5cm(Monolayer)
Carbon Nanotube Dispersant / CNTs Water Dispersant
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled, ground core material
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
Glassy carbon plate, 1mm (0.04in) thick, type 1
Glassy carbon plate, 1mm (0.04in) thick, type 2
Glassy carbon plate, 2mm (0.08in) thick, type 1
Glassy carbon plate, 2mm (0.08in) thick, type 2
Glassy carbon plate, 4mm (0.16in) thick, type 1
Glassy carbon plate, 4mm (0.16in) thick, type 2
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes >50 nm
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 10-20nm
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 20-30nm
Graphitized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 30-50nm
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG-Grade A)
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG-Grade B)
Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG-Grade C)
IsoSol-S100 Pure SemiconductingSWNT+Dielectric ink
Single Layer Graphene on PET 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 2cmx2cm(3-5 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 2cmx2cm(6-8 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 5cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 5cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
3D Freestanding Graphene Foam 1cmx1cm(substrate-free)
Bilayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2: 1cmx1cm)
Bilayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2: 2cmx2cm)
Carbon Nanotube Dispersant / CNTs Alcohol Dispersant
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 1.5mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 100%
Carboxyl Multi-walled carbonnanotubes(long) 30-50 nm
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx10cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 10cmx10cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 15cmx10cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 15cmx10cm(6-8 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 30cmx20cm(3-5 layers)
CVD Graphene on Copper Foil 30cmx20cm(6-8 layers)
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 20-50 micron, type 1
Graphene Oxide Film Filtering method(size: 4cmX4cm )
Graphene Oxide Film Filtering method(size: 8cmX8cm )
Industrial Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes >50 nm
Monolayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2:1cmx1cm)
Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) <8nm
Single Layer Graphene on PET 10cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
Single Layer Graphene on PET 10cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(Bilayer)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(Monolayer)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 5cmx5cm(Bilayer)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 5cmx5cm(Monolayer)
Bilayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2:5cmx1.5cm)
Carbon yarn, woven from 0.076mm (0.003in) dia fibers
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 2.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 3.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 5.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 2.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 3.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 5.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 25mm, diameter 50mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 2mm, diameter 0.5mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 2.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 3.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 5.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 50mm, graphite, 99.95%
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 0.4-12 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 0.4-12 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 10-20 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 10-20 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 0.4-12 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 0.4-12 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 80-200 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon splinter powder, 80-200 micron, type 2
Graphene nanoplatelets (6-8 nm thick x 5 microns wide)
Graphene Oxide Film Filtering method(size: 15cmX15cm )
Graphite powder, natural, briquetting grade, -100 mesh
Graphite powder, natural, briquetting grade, -200 mesh
Graphite powder, synthetic, conducting grade, -200 mesh
Graphite powder, synthetic, conducting grade, -325 mesh
Graphite rod, 3.8cm (1.5in) dia x 61cm (24in) long
Graphitized Carboxyl MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes >50 nm
High concentration carboxyl MWCNTs water paste(~13wt%)
Industrial Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 10-30 nm
Industrial Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 12-15 nm
Monolayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2: 2cmx2cm)
Nanointegris SWCNTs with small diameter Fe Catalyst 35%
Nanointegris SWCNTs with small diameter Fe Catalyst 5%
Nanointegris SWCNTs with small diameter Fe Catalyst15%
Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) 10-20nm
Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) 20-30nm
Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) 30-50nm
Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) 1-2 nm
Total Organic Carbon Standard: TOC @ 100 mg/L in H2O
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(3-5 layers)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(6-8 layers)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 5cmx5cm(3-5 layers)
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 5cmx5cm(6-8 layers)
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 1 cm, W: 1 cm, H: 1 cm)
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 2 cm, W: 2 cm, H: 1 cm)
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled, as produced cathode deposit
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 1.0mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 10.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 13.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 50mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 100mm, diameter 6.35mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 10.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 13.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 50mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 150mm, diameter 6.35mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 10.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 13.0mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 25mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 300mm, diameter 6.35mm, graphite, 100%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 0.5mm, graphite, 99.95%
Carbon, rod, 50mm, diameter 1.0mm, graphite, 99.95%
Fullerene, buckytube/nanotube, single walled, > 60% SWNT
Fullerene, buckytube/nanotube, single walled, 20-35% SWNT
Funct. multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH), 95+%
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 200-400 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 200-400 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 400-630 micron, type 2
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 630-1000 micron, type 1
Glassy carbon spherical powder, 630-1000 micron, type 2
Graphene nanoplatelets (6-8 nm thick x 15 microns wide)
Graphene nanoplatelets (6-8 nm thick x 25 microns wide)
Graphene Oxide dispersion <500nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion <500nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:NMP)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:NMP)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphite plate, resin impregnated, 6.35mm (0.25in) thick
Graphite rod, 1.27cm (0.5in) dia x 61cm (24in) long
Graphite rod, 2.54cm (1.0in) dia x 61cm (24in) long
Graphite rod, 6.3mm (0.25in) dia. x 61cm (24in) long
Graphitized Carboxyl Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 10-20nm
Graphitized Carboxyl Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 20-30nm
Graphitized Carboxyl Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 8-15nm
Graphitized Carboxyl MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes 30-50nm
Graphitized Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 10-20nm
Graphitized Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes >50 nm
Graphitized Hydroxy Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes 30-50nm
Graphitized Hydroxy MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes 20-30nm
High Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNTS) 1-2nm
Industrial Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) 1-2 nm
Monolayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2:1.5cmx1.5cm)
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) >50nm
Short Multi Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs) 10-20nm
Short Purified Amio Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes 1-2nm
Short Single-walled carbon nanotubes (Short-SWNTs) 1-2 nm
Trivial Transfer Graphenetrade mark 1cmx1cm(10-15 layers)
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 10mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 3.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 5.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 100mm, diameter 7.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 10mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 3.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 5.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 200mm, diameter 7.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 50mm, diameter 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, rod, 5mm, diameter 3.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 10 cm, W: 4 cm, H: 0.5 cm)
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 2 cm, W: 2 cm, H: 0.5 cm)
Carbon Nanotube Sponges (L: 5 cm, W: 2 cm, H: 0.5 cm)
Carboxyl Multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH) 20-30nm
Graphene Oxide dispersion <500nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:NMP)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:ethanol )
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:ethanol )
Graphite powder, natural, microcrystal grade, APS 2-15 micron
Graphite rod, 13cm (5.125in) dia x 30.5cm (12in) long
Graphite rod, 3.05mm (0.12in) dia x 305mm (12in) long
Graphite rod, 6.15mm (0.242in) dia x 102mm (4in) long
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(NH3 functionalized)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade A(Size: 10x10x1.0mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade A(Size:20x20x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size::5x5x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size:10x10x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size:20x20x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size:10x10x1.0 mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size:5x5x1.0 mm)
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) <8nm
Industrial Carboxyl Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes >50nm
Industrial Hydroxy Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes >50nm
Industrial Hydroxy Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 10-30nm
Industrial Hydroxy Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 20-40nm
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95%, OD 40-60 nm
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95+%, OD 50-80 nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) 10-20 nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) 20-30nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) 30-50 nm
Ni Coated Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (Ni-MWNT) 8-15 nm
Short Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs) <8nm
Specific Graphene for Heat Dissipation and Antistatic Plastics
-COOH Functionalized Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-COOH)
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 10x10mm, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 10x10mm, thickness 2.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 10x10mm, thickness 4.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.5mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 4.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 4.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 8mm disks, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 8x8mm, thickness 0.5mm, glassy carbon
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Fullerene, nanotube, multi-walled, 20 nm OD, 5-20 micron long
Graphene film deposited on TEM grids(Carbon film, 5 pieces per box)
Graphene film deposited on TEM grids(Copper mesh, 5 pieces per box)
Graphene Oxide dispersion >500 nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:ethanol )
Graphite powder, natural, universal grade, -200 mesh, 99.9995%
Graphite, Fusion Crucible, drillpoint, unpurified, volume 7.5cc
Graphite, Fusion Crucible, drillpoint, unpurified, volume 7.88cc
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Argon functionalized)
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Carboxyl functionalized)
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Nitrogen functionalized)
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Oxygen functionalized)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size: 20x20x1.0 mm)
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) >50 nm
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) 10-20nm
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) 20-30nm
Hydroxy Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-OH) 30-50nm
Hydroxy Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-OH) 1-2 nm
Industrial Carboxyl Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 10-30nm
Industrial Carboxyl Grade Multi-walled carbon nanotubes 20-40 nm
PELCO 2 Layers Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon
PELCO 6-8 layers CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Lacey Carbon
Short High Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNTS) 1-2nm
Short Hydroxy Double-Walled Crabon Nanotubes (DWNTs-COOH) 2-4nm
Short Industrial Singlewalled carbon nanotubes (Short-SWNTs) 1-2 nm
Short Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs) >50 nm
Short Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs) 20-30nm
Short Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs) 8-15nm
-COOH Functionalized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH) <8nm
-COOH Functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH), 95%
2 layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
3-5 layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Copper grid, 5 pieces per box)
3-5 layers Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
6-8 layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Copper grid, 5 pieces per box)
6-8 layers Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
ACS Material 2 layers CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Copper grid
ACS Material 2 layers CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Lacey Carbon
ACS Material 3-5 layer CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Copper grid
ACS Material 3-5 layers CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Lacey Carbon
ACS Material 6-8 layer CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Copper grid
ACS Material single layer CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Copper grid
ACS Material Single layer CVD Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Lacey Carbon
ACS Material Single Layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on Lacey Carbon
Bilayer Graphene on SiO2/Si(Size of SiO2:Size of SiO2: 1.5cmx1.5cm)
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 2.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 6.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 10mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 200x200mm, thickness 1.0mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, foil, 25mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, glassy carbon
Carbon sputtering target, 50.8mm (2.0in) dia x 3.18mm (0.125in) thick
Carbon sputtering target, 76.2mm (3.0in) dia x 3.18mm (0.125in) thick
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 10mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 15mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 250x250mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 250x250mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 250x250mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 25mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.1mm, pyrolytic graphite, 99.99%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.5mm, pyrolytic graphite, 99.99%
Carbon, foil, 300x300mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 4mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 500x500mm, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 500x500mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 500x500mm, thickness 0.5mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 500x500mm, thickness 1.0mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.1mm, pyrolytic graphite, 99.99%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.2mm, pyrolytic graphite, 99.99%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.35mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 6mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, 8mm disks, thickness 0.2mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carboxyl Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH) >50 nm
Carboxyl Purified Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs-COOH) 10-20nm
Carboxyl Purified Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-COOH) 1-2 nm
Graphene oxide dispersion Diameter 50-200nm(C:0.5mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene oxide dispersion Diameter 50-200nm(C:1mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphene oxide dispersion Diameter 50-200nm(C:2mg/ml solvent:water)
Graphite electrode, counter-pointed tip, 3.06mm dia, 38.10 mm long
Graphite electrode, counter-spherical tip, 6.15mm dia, 38.10 mm long
Graphite plate, pyrolytic, 1.27x9.98x9.98mm (0.05x0.393x.393in)
Graphite powder, microcrystalline, -300 mesh, 75-82% C, 18-25% Ash
Graphite rod, pyrolytic coated, 2mm (0.08in) dia x 152mm (6in) long
HDPlas Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet(Fluorocarbon functionalized)
High Purified Hydroxylate Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTS-OH) 1-2nm
High Purified Large Surface Area Single-walled Carbon nanotubes 1-2nm
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade A(Size: 20x20x(1.6~2.0)mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size :20x20x(1.6-2.0) mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade B(Size:30x30x(1.6-2.0)mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size: 20x20x(1.6-2.0)mm)
Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite Grade C(Size: 30x30x(1.6-2.0)mm)
Industrial Carboxyl Single-Walled Crabon Nanotubes (SWNTS-COOH) 1-2 nm
Industrial Hydroxy Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs-OH) 1-2 nm
Methane, compressed or natural gas, compressed (with high methane content)
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95%, Outside diameter 10-20 nm
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 95%, Outside diameter 20-30 nm
Short Carboxyl single-walled CrabonNanotubes (Short-SWNTS-COOH) 1-2 nm
Short Hydroxy Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-OH) <8nm
Short Hydroxy single-walled Crabon Nanotubes (Short-SWNTs-OH) 1-2 nm
Single layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
Single layer Graphene deposited on TEM Grids(Copper grid, 5 pieces per box)
2 layers Graphene deposited on TEM Grids Cu grid(Copper grid, 5 pieces per box)
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 150x150mm, 0.05g.cmu??, porosity 96.5%, 24 pores/cm
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 275x330mm, 0.05g.cmu??, porosity 96.5%, 24 pores/cm
Carbon nanotube array, multi-walled, on quartz (diameter= 100nm, length=30 microns)
Carbon nanotube array, multi-walled, vertically aligned on copper wafer substrate
Carbon nanotube array, multi-walled, vertically aligned on silicon wafer substrate
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled (diameter= 140nm, length= 7microns)(>90%nanotubes)
Carbon, chopped fiber, 100g, nominal diameter 0.007mm, fiber length 6mm, grade 34-700
Carbon, chopped fiber, 200g, nominal diameter 0.007mm, fiber length 1mm, grade 34-700
Carbon, chopped fiber, 200g, nominal diameter 0.007mm, fiber length 6mm, grade 34-700
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 10.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 2.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 100x100mm, thickness 5.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 12.5x12.5mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 12mm disks, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 12mm disks, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 10.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 150x150mm, thickness 5.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 200x200mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.15mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 25x25mm, thickness 2.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 48x48mm, thickness 10.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.125mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.25mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 0.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.997%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 1.0mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 2.5mm, rigid graphite, fine grain size, 99.95%
Carbon, foil, 50x50mm, thickness 5.0mm, rigid graphite, medium grain size, 99.5%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 100x100mm, thickness 0.075mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 150x150mm, thickness 0.075mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 150x150mm, thickness 0.125mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 300x300mm, thickness 0.075mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, foil, not light tested, 300x300mm, thickness 0.125mm, flexible graphite, 99.8%
Carbon, mesoporous, nanopowder, <500 nm particle size (DLS), >99.95% trace metals basis
Carbon, microleaf, 24x70mm, thinness 5.0mum, specific density 1000mug/cm2, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 1.25mum, specific density 250mug/cm2, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 2.5mum, specific density 500mug/cm2, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 50x70mm, thinness 1.25mum, specific density 250mug/cm2, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 50x70mm, thinness 2.5mum, specific density 500mug/cm2, 99.997%
Charcoal briquettes, shell, screenings, wood, etc. [NA1361] [Spontaneously combustible]
Fullerene, nanotube, multi-walled, as-produced cathode deposits, core and shell
Graphene powder (1-5 layers thick x 0.5-5 microns wide, surface area 650-750 m2/g)
High Purified Carboxylic Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTS-COOH) 1-2nm
PELCO 2 Layers Graphene Oxide TEM Support Films on(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
PELCO Single Layer Graphene Oxide TEM Support Film(Carbon mesh, 5 pieces per box)
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-COOH) <8nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-COOH) 10-20nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs-COOH) >50 nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs-COOH) 20-30nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs-COOH) 30-50nm
Short Carboxyl Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(Short-MWNTs-COOH) 8-15nm
Short High Purified Carboxylic Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes(SWCNTS-COOH) 1-2nm
Short High Purified Hydroxylate Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes(SWCNTS-OH) 1-2nm
Short Hydroxy Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-OH) >50 nm
Short Hydroxy Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-OH) 20-30nm
Short Hydroxy Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Short-MWNTs-OH) 8-15nm
Total Organic Carbon (TOC), standard solution, Specpure?, 1000 microgram/ml
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 150x150mm, thickness 2.5mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 150x150mm, thickness 3.2mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 275x330mm, thickness 3.2mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 300x300mm, thickness 20mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, foam, 300x300mm, thickness 30mm, bulk density 0.05g/cm3, porosity 96.5%
Carbon - Vitreous, tube, 100mm, outside diameter 10mm, inside diameter 3mm, wall thickness 3.5mm, glassy carbon
Carbon - Vitreous, tube, 50mm, outside diameter 10mm, inside diameter 3mm, wall thickness 3.5mm, glassy carbon
Carbon nanofibers, graphitized (iron-free), composed of conical platelets, D x L 100 nm x 20-200 mum
Carbon nanofibers, graphitized, platelets (conical), >98% carbon basis, D x L 100 nm x 20-200 mum
Carbon nanofibers, pyrolitically stripped, platelets (conical), >98% carbon basis, D x L 100 nm x 20-200 mum
Carbon nanotubes, multi-walled, arc-produced (diameter = 2-50nm, length = >2 microns) (55-65Wt% nanotubes)
Carbon, fabric coil, 0.5m, 110g, thickness 0.5mm, ends x picks/10cm 130x130, plain weave
Carbon, fabric coil, 1m, 110g, thickness 0.5mm, ends x picks/10cm 130x130, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 1000x1000mm, 375g, thickness 0.4mm, ends x picks/10cm 47x47, 2/2 twill weave
Carbon, fabric, 1000x1000mm, 92g, thickness 0.15mm, ends x picks/10cm 69x69, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 150x150mm, 200g, thickness 0.3mm, ends x picks/10cm 50x50, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 150x150mm, 375g, thickness 0.4mm, ends x picks/10cm 47x47, 2/2 twill weave
Carbon, fabric, 250x250mm, 92g, thickness 0.15mm, ends x picks/10cm 69x69, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 300x300mm, 110g, thickness 0.5mm, ends x picks/10cm 130x130, plain weave
Carbon, fabric, 500x500mm, 375g, thickness 0.4mm, ends x picks/10cm 47x47, 2/2 twill weave
Carbon, fabric, 500x500mm, 92g, thickness 0.15mm, ends x picks/10cm 69x69, plain weave
Carbon, fiber, 1000m, tex number 200, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 3000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized
Carbon, fiber, 1000m, tex number 720, filament diameter 0.011mm, number of filaments 4000, grade p25, epoxy sized
Carbon, fiber, 1000m, tex number 795, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 12000, grade XaS, epoxy sized (1.6%)
Carbon, fiber, 100m, tex number 280, filament diameter 0.009mm, number of filaments 2000, grade f500, epoxy sized (1.0%)
Carbon, fiber, 100m, tex number 400, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 6000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized (1.2%)
Carbon, fiber, 100m, tex number 400, number of filaments 12000, continuous multi-filament TOW.
Carbon, fiber, 10m, tex number 200, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 3000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized
Carbon, fiber, 10m, tex number 400, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 6000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized (1.2%)
Carbon, fiber, 10m, tex number 900, filament diameter 0.008mm, number of filaments 10000, grade hm, epoxy sized (0.7%)
Carbon, fiber, 200m, tex number 280, filament diameter 0.009mm, number of filaments 2000, grade f500, epoxy sized (1.0%)
Carbon, fiber, 200m, tex number 795, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 12000, grade XaS, epoxy sized (1.6%)
Carbon, fiber, 20m, tex number 400, number of filaments 12000, continuous multi-filament TOW.
Carbon, fiber, 20m, tex number 420, filament diameter 0.01mm, number of filaments 3000, grade f180, epoxy sized (1.0%)
Carbon, fiber, 20m, tex number 900, filament diameter 0.008mm, number of filaments 10000, grade hm, epoxy sized (0.7%)
Carbon, fiber, 500m, tex number 200, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 3000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized
Carbon, fiber, 50m, tex number 280, filament diameter 0.009mm, number of filaments 2000, grade f500, epoxy sized (1.0%)
Carbon, fiber, 50m, tex number 400, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 6000, grade tenax hta, epoxy sized (1.2%)
Carbon, fiber, 50m, tex number 400, number of filaments 12000, continuous multi-filament TOW.
Carbon, fiber, 50m, tex number 795, filament diameter 0.007mm, number of filaments 12000, grade XaS, epoxy sized (1.6%)
Carbon, mesoporous, average pore diameter 100 ??+/-10 ?? (typical), >99.95% trace metals basis
Carbon, mesoporous, nanopowder, graphitized, <500 nm particle size (DLS), >99.95% trace metals basis
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.0025mum, specific density 0.5mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.025mum, specific density 5mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.050mum, specific density 10mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.25mum, specific density 50mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.50mum, specific density 100mug/cm2, temporary glass support, 99.997%
Carbon, microleaf, 25x70mm, thinness 0.50mum, specific density 100mug/cm2, temporary glass support, annealed, 99.997%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 100mm, outside diameter 12.7mm, inside diameter 9.5mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 100mm, outside diameter 3.18mm, inside diameter 1.18mm, wall thickness 1.0mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 100mm, outside diameter 6.35mm, inside diameter 3.15mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 150mm, outside diameter 12.7mm, inside diameter 9.5mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 150mm, outside diameter 3.18mm, inside diameter 1.18mm, wall thickness 1.0mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 150mm, outside diameter 6.35mm, inside diameter 3.15mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 47mm, outside diameter 6.35mm, inside diameter 3.15mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 50mm, outside diameter 12.7mm, inside diameter 9.5mm, wall thickness 1.6mm, 99.95%
Carbon, tube, graphite, 50mm, outside diameter 3.18mm, inside diameter 1.18mm, wall thickness 1.0mm, 99.95%
Graphite electrode, crater-drillpoint/undercut, 4.57mm dia, 38.10mm length, volume 0.040cc
Graphite fusion crucible lid for stock number 40794, 2.54cm (1.0in) dia, 6.35mm (0.25in) thick
Graphite plate, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 10x10x(1.6min)mm (0.394x0.394x0.079in), 0.4 +0.1 o mosaic angle
Graphite plate, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 10x10x(1.6min)mm (0.394x0.394x0.079in), 0.8 +0.2 o mosaic angle
Graphite plate, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 10x10x1mm (0.394x0.394x0.039in), 0.4 +0.1 o mosaic angle
Graphite plate, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 10x10x1mm (0.394x0.394x0.039in), 0.8 +0.2 o mosaic angle
Methane, compressed or natural gas, compressed (with high methane content) [UN1971] [Flammable gas]
Methane, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) or natural gas, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) (with high methane content)
Methane, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) or natural gas, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid) (with high methane content) [UN1972] [Flammable gas]
OH functionalized Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-OH), Purity (excluding -OH): 90% CNTs, 60% SWNTs, Content of -OH: 3.76-4.16 wt%
OH functionalized Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs-OH), Purity (excluding -OH): 95% CNTs, 90% SWNTs, Content of ?OH: 3.76-4.16 wt%


IUPAC namemethane
PubChem ID297
H-bond Acceptor0
H-bond Donor0
Chemical Classificationalkanes aliphatics unsaturated hydrocarbons aliphatic compounds

mVOC Specific Details

Boiling Point
161.5 °C peer reviewed
The Henry's Law constant for methane is estimated as 0.66 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) derived from its vapor pressure, 4.66X10+5 mm Hg(1), and water solubility, 22 mg/L(2). This Henry's Law constant indicates that methane is expected to volatilize rapidly from water surfaces(3). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 2 hours(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 2 hours(SRC). Methane's estimated Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces may occur(SRC). The potential for volatilization of methane from dry soil surfaces may exist(SRC) based upon the vapor pressure(1).
Soil Adsorption
The Koc of methane is estimated as 9(SRC), using a log Kow of 1.09(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that methane is expected to have very high mobility in soil. Methane's vapor pressure of 4.7X10+5 mm Hg(4) suggests that this compound will permeate through soil(SRC).

Species emitting the compound
KingdomSpeciesGrowth MediumApplied MethodVerification
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaBurkholderia CepaciaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaPseudomonas AeruginosaMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusMHBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStaphylococcus AureusBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaBHISIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaNBSIFT-MSno
ProkaryotaStenotrophomonas MaltophiliaMHBSIFT-MSno